Smile, You’re On Bozo Camera

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Bozo criminals for today come from Anne Arundel County, Maryland, where police received a call from a woman who said she had lost her credit card while shopping near a local movie theatre. Police reviewed the card’s transactions and discovered the card had been used to purchase movie tickets. Reviewing surveillance footage, they found that the thieves, a group of teenagers, had also used the card to take pictures of themselves in a photo booth in the theatre lobby. One of the pictures even showed them proudly holding up the stolen card. After releasing the photos to the public, our bozo teen thieves were quickly identified. They’re busted!

A Better Idea Would Have Been To Use the Horn

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Lakeland, Florida, where police received a complaint about a man in an unmarked car using flashing blue lights and impersonating an officer. One woman who complained got a picture of the car including the license plate number, which helped the cops quickly track down our bozo. It was when they asked him what he was doing that he came up with the Bozo Excuse of the Month. He said he installed the flashing blue lights on his car to get the “stupid people” to move out of his way. He got a free ride in a real police car to the station house.

At Least Keep the Windows Rolled Up

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Bozo criminals for today come from Totowa, New Jersey, where one bozo asked a couple of his bozo friends to take him down to the police station to pick up the paperwork for an impounded car. While he was inside, his bozo friends became bored, and, to pass the time, decided to light up. Unfortunately, what they lit was a marijuana cigarette. And even more unfortunately, they didn’t take into account that, since it was a police parking lot, cops might be walking by. They caught a whiff of the stuff and our bozos were busted!

A Toe Jamb

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Fort Pierce, Florida, where bozo Martin Lopez was arrested on an aggravated battery charge. When the cops were booking him into the County Jail, they asked him if he had any weapons or drugs on him, he said no, but one of the officers noticed something strange sticking out from between his toes. It was a small baggie containing a white powder. When asked about it, out bozo admitted it was cocaine, but was adamant that the drugs were not his. When he was unable to explain how the drugs that were not his ended up between his toes, he was charged with possession of drugs and smuggling contraband into a detention facility.

Product May Not Be Exactly As Pictured

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from the International File in West Midlands, England. It seems our bozo was in need of a little feminine companionship, so, after reading an advertisement in the local newspaper, gave the lady a call. He asked her to describe herself and what she described was just what he was looking for, so he set up an appointment to meet her. Unfortunately, what she described and what our bozo saw upon her arrival were two completely different things. So, he did what any bozo would do, he called the cops to complain, complaining that she “breached the Sale of Goods Act.” The police listened carefully and then politely pointed out that soliciting for sex was illegal. Even then, our bozo would not take no for an answer, demanding to come down to the station house to debate the matter. Ever polite, the British cop declined the officer and instead sent out bozo a warning letter about the dangers of soliciting prostitutes.

Only a Phone Call Away

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Bozo criminals for today come from Fresno, California, where the 911 operator received an unusual call. She heard one voice ask if he had the hammer ready followed by the sound of breaking glass. Shortly thereafter she heard them talking about finding a bottle of prescription medication. By this time, the operator had figured out what was going on. One of our bozo burglars had butt-dialed 911 as a burglary was in progress. Our bozos even stayed on the line congratulating themselves on a successful break-in after it was over. Not as successful as they thought. They’re under arrest.

If She Had Only Stolen Some WD-40

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Bozo criminal for today from Chelsea, Massachusetts, violated Bozo Rule Number 222098: Make sure your escape route actually leads to an escape. Bozo Laura Brown walked into the Market Basket store and proceeded to shoplift a number of items, stuffing them into her purse. When she was confronted by the manager, she threatened him with a knife and then attempted to escape by climbing into the ceiling. Her getaway went terribly wrong as she quickly became stuck. Stuck so tight in fact that firefighters had to called to free her before she could be placed under arrest.

Have a Cup of Coffee and a No-Doz

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Our bozo for today is not a criminal, but we couldn’t let his bozo achievement go unrecognized. From the International File in Afp, Germany, comes the story of a sleepy bank employee, who shall remain nameless. He was in the process of performing a minor transfer into the account of a retiree when he nodded off. This resulted in his pushing the number 2 key on the keyboard numerous times instead of the one he was supposed to enter. As a result, instead of 62 euros being transferred into the account, 222 million were actually transferred. Oops. The bank caught the error and the correct amount was credited to the account. As far as we know, Sleepy still has his job.

Put Down Your Teeth and Step Away From the Car

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Bozo criminal for today comes from North Strabane Township, Pennsylvania, where police were called to the scene of a multi-vehicle crash. Several good samaritans stopped to help, including one woman who parked in front of the driveway of our bozo, 71-year-old William Munson. This did not sit well with our bozo who was heading out to dinner with his wife and found himself boxed in. So, he did what any angry bozo would do, he started arguing with the cops, eventually shoving a couple of officers. When they tried to arrest him, he resisted, then faked a heart attack. As they were trying to restrain him, he took out his false teeth and hurled them at one of the cops. That was the last straw. He’s under arrest, facing several charges, including aggravated assault and making terroristic threats.

Should Have Taken Them “To Go”

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Syracuse, New York, where bozo Moses Willis broke into a vacant rental home to steal copper piping. As you can imagine, this is hard work and our bozo was thrilled when he discovered an unopened case of beer in the basement. And, even though it was not cold, it still looked too good to resist. So, he helped himself to a couple of brewskis and drank them right there on the spot, leaving the cans behind. He should have taken them for recycling, too. The cops were able to identify him by the DNA left on the cans. He’s under arrest.

Next Time Try

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Bozo criminal for today from the International File in Novokuznetsk, Russia is a certified member of the Bozo Lonely Hearts Club. Our unidentified Siberian man broke into a residence and asked to see a certain young lady. When he could not find her, he took out an air gun and a bundle of green wire shaped to look like a hand grenade and threatened her younger sister. The man said he would blow up the house if she didn’t call the young lady. Instead she called the cops and our lovelorn bozo was placed under arrest.

What Really Needs Fixing Are Those “Walk” Buttons

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Our bozo criminal for today actually did something many of us have only thought about. From Vallejo, California comes the story of frustrated pedestrian Anthony Carson who thought a new crosswalk was needed at an intersection, so he took matters into his own hands and painted one. And while he was at it, he crossed out three other crosswalks nearby that he thought weren’t needed. Our amateur traffic control officer is under arrest, facing vandalism charges.

Is That a Pill In Your Pocket or Are You Just Glad To See Me?

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Delray Beach, Florida, where the cops pulled over bozo Tiana Hernandez for a traffic violation. While speaking to another applicant of the car, the officer heard our bozo say she was “in Delray Beach to buy narcotics.” Turning his attention to her, the officer asked her about a bulge in her chest pocket. And that was when she came up with the Bozo Excuse of the Week. She told him the bulge was her nipple. The officer advised her he knew what a nipple looked like and that wasn’t a nipple. At that point our bozo took a round white tablet from her pocket and swallowed it. She then admitted the pill was Dilaudid, a prescription narcotic. She’s been charged with possession of a controlled substance and tampering with evidence.

A List In Need of Revision

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Bozo criminals for today come from Ocala, Florida, where bozos Andrea Martin and Jennifer Moore stole bathing suits and beef jerky from a local Wal-Mart. And why would they steal these items? Apparently, they had put together a “bucket list” and one of the items on the list was “steal something from a retail store.” Wonder if “go to jail” was also on that list?

This Trick Was No Treat

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Bozo criminal for today comes from West Haven, Connecticut, where our unidentified bozo hooker was being harassed by her pimp, so she decided to do the right thing and turn him in to the cops, which she did by dialing 911. When the police officers arrived they found her to be “busy”. She told the police, “I thought it would take a while for them to show up, so I figured I would turn a trick” while waiting. Bad idea. She’s been charged with prostitution.

No Place To Run To, No Place To Hide

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Fred McKinney for sending in today’s report from Clayton, Missouri, where police pulled over bozo Joseph Moore for a traffic violation. When the officer asked our bozo to step out of his vehicle, he instead took off running, down an alley and then entering a nearby building. Once inside, he ran through a set of double-doors and down a hallway that dead ended in front of an office. Our bozo dropped to the floor and curled up into a ball. All in all, a bad situation, made worse by the fact that the building he entered was the St. Louis County police headquarters. And that office that the hallway dead-ended in front of? That was the Police Department Intelligence Unit. Not much intelligence on our bozo’s part. He’s busted!

Next Time Take Along a Water Bottle

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Lighthouse Point, Florida, where police were called to a report of a burglary in progress. When they arrived, our bozo fled on foot, leading the officers on a chase across several blocks, and ending when he ran into another residence. The cops were shocked when he reemerged a few moments later, carrying two bottles of beer. Our no longer thirsty bozo was quickly placed under arrest.

Lock It and Pocket the Key

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glenn Winkey for sending in today’s story from Stockton, California where two bozos pulled up to the local Burger King, went inside and robbed the place, leaving their getaway car unattended outside. A quick thinking employee noticed they had left the keys in the car, jumped inside and drove it around the corner. When our bozos exited the restaurant, they were shocked to discover their getaway car was missing. So shocked, in fact, that they were still standing around arguing about what to do when the police arrived. They’re busted.

You Mean This Is a Transmitter?

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Akron, Ohio, where bozo James Kennedy broke into several residences, ransacking the houses and getting away with numerous items. He didn’t get very far, however, as the cops arrested him in the parking lot of a nearby Walmart. And exactly how did they catch up with our bozo? It seems he was out on parole for another burglary and he was wearing an ankle monitor during the break-ins. Oops.

Next Time Pack a Lunch

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Kennewick, Washington, where bozo Katherine Walker stole an SUV from an apartment complex. Guess this must be the kind of work that can cause you to work up quite an appetite, because shortly thereafter she headed for the local McDonalds. And, as luck would have it, who should work at that particular McDonalds but the owner of the stolen vehicle. She spotted the car and called the cops who arrested our bozo before she got out of the drive-thru lane.