Well, Maybe His Name Is Tito
Bozo criminal for today comes from Wexford County, Michigan, where officers were called to a report of a motorist attempting to flag down passersby for help. When they arrived, they found our stranded bozo, along with two civilians who were helping pour gas into his fuel tank. The cops routinely asked our bozo for his ID and he went to car to retrieve it. When he returned, instead of handing the officer his drivers license he instead gave him…wait for it…a half empty bottle of vodka. Oops. His problems were compounded when a .22 caliber handgun was found in the back seat. Busted! Charged with Operating While Intoxicated, Operating While Intoxicated with a High BAC, Possession of Firearm While Under the Influence, Carrying a Concealed Weapon, and Open Alcohol in Vehicle.