Probably Left It Running, Too

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Troy House for sending in today’s report from Wilmington, Delaware. Our bozo seemed to have the perfect plan. He drove to the bank he had targeted, parked his getaway car nearby, grabbed his gun, and entered the building. Pointing the gun at a teller, he demanded cash, which she gave to him. He then turned and walked out of the bank. So far so good. He sprinted to his getaway car, no doubt already planning what he was going to do with all that cash. He then pulled the handle on the car door. Wouldn’t open. Locked. Quick, try the passenger door. Locked. Check pocket of jeans. No keys anywhere. Panic. Run. He didn’t get very far before being corralled by a New Castle County police officer. He’s busted!

Next Time Could He Say, “Everyone Leave Work Early”…

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No real criminal for today in our report from Newburgh, New York, but it is a humorous situation that deserves mention. Office workers in Newburgh called the cops after hearing a loud voice in their building threatening people with a gun. The workers looked for shelter while SWAT teams converged, traffic was blocked and surrounding buildings evacuated. Finally the source of all the commotion was found. The building houses an audio production company that was recording voiceovers of a man threatening people with a gun. Oops. After advising audio engineers to turn it down a bit, everyone returned to work.

That’ll Buy a Lot of Bananas

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Guntur, India, where our bozo thief threw a guava thru the open door of a jewelry store to distract the owner. While the owner’s back was turned, our bozo entered and ransacked the place, going from one counter to the other before finally stopping at the store’s cash drawer. He then reached inside, grabbed $144 and made a clean getaway. The cops were called and, while the store owner was able to give a good description of the thief, police say they have little hope of catching the criminal and getting the money back. The reason? It seems our bozo has many relatives in the neighborhood that look just like him. Did we forget to mention the thief was a monkey? The chimp-hunt continues…

Ahhhh….Those Massaging Jets!

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Anaheim, California, where the cops pulled over a black Ford Mustang on a vehicle code violation. The car slowed long enough for the passenger to get out before speeding away. The police detained the passenger and a high-speed chase ensued down the 91 Freeway, with speeds exceeding 100 MPH. Eventually, the car was involved in an accident and our bozo fled on foot. The cops lost track of him long enough for our bozo to take refuge in a hot tub in the backyard of one of the nearby residences. Guess he didn’t take into account the relaxing qualities of the 104 degree water, as he soon fell sound asleep. The homeowner found our bozo and called the cops. He’s been charged with possession of methamphetamine, stolen property, drug paraphernalia, possession of a sawed-off shotgun, and evading an officer. He’s under arrest.

But, Technically I Only “Borrowed” It

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There are a couple of unusual aspects to our bozo story for today from Manchester, New Hampshire. First, his choice of weapon. Bozo Carlos Herrera entered a convenience store armed with a rock and demanded cash. Yep, he using a rock as his weapon. It worked, and he got away with an undetermined amount of cash. The next thing he did was even stranger. A few hours later he returned to the scene of the crime to give back the money and apologize. Good intentions or no, the cops were called and our bozo was charged with robbery.

One More For the Road

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Bozo criminal for today from Anchorage, Alaska, wanted to get some booze, but it was late and all the liquor stores were closed. So, he came up with a bozo plan. He headed down to a construction site and stole a front-end loader. He then drove the heavy piece of equipment to the liquor store where he crashed it through the front door. After grabbing a few bottles of liquor, he jumped back into the front-end loader and made a not so speedy getaway. A witness called the cops and a slow speed chase ensued. He was finally captured when the cops blocked the exit to an RV park. He’s been charged with criminal mischief, failure to stop at the direction of an officer, theft, criminal trespassing, burglary, felony DUI and felony refusal to submit.

I’m Just Going To Take a Short Nap….ZZZZ

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Fred McKinney for sending in today’s report from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Bozo Neil Boyd broke into a residence through a back window. He then went to work, ransacking the house and stacking items he intended to steal by the back door. His next stop was the medicine cabinet where he found some opiate medications, which he also placed at the back door, right? Wrong. Instead, he took some of the pills and before long he was looking for a place to take a nap. He crawled into the bedroom closet and fell sound asleep. He was still there when the homeowner’s daughter came by to check on the home. The cops were called, sleeping beauty was awakened and placed under arrest.

But the Sign Says “Loans For Any Purpose”!

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Bozo criminal for today from Spartanburg, South Carolina, needed some cash, so he headed to a nearby title loans office. Things were going well until he got to the line on the application for “reason for loan.” Thinking honesty was the best policy, he told the truth and filled out “to purchase meth” on the form. Bad idea. The clerk faxed a message to her manager, who was at another office, who called the cops. Our bozo was still waiting for the loan to be processed when the police arrived. The officers found our bozo to be in possession of a glass container with a white rock like substance inside. He told the cops it was cocaine, but he was not going to smoke it because he “did meth.” Not for a while. He’s under arrest.

Just Put That Baggie In My Safe Deposit Box

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Wichita Falls, Texas, where Louis Martin headed down to the local bank drive-thru to make a deposit. He placed his items in the tube and sent them over to the teller. She opened the tube and found cash, checks, and a folded piece of paper. Not, the paper wasn’t a note to the teller. Instead inside the paper she found a blue plastic baggie filled with a crystal-like substance. A manager was called over and the cops were called. It seems our bozo had somehow sent .91 grams of methamphetamine along with his money for depositing. Sorry this is a bank, not a hiding place for your stash. He’s busted!

Hamming It Up

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Avon, New York. Deputies attempted to pull over bozo John Parker on a traffic violation. Instead, our bozo led them on a chase down Interstate 390, then through several lawns before finally coming to a stop at the local fire hall. But he wasn’t giving up that easily. Our bozo sought refuge inside the hall, but found it to be packed with people who were attending a fund-raising ham raffle. An off-duty deputy who’s also a volunteer firefighter grabbed our bozo and held him until the offices arrived. He’s been charged with DUI and fleeing from police.

Honest Guys, It Was So Easy, I Came Back For You

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Bozo criminal for today from Fairbanks, Alaska, forgot basic Bozo Rule Number 110874: In the Bozo World, if at first you succeed, don’t try again. Bozo Joshua Warren made his escape from a minimum security halfway house by riding away on a bicycle. But he just couldn’t leave well enough alone. He stole an SUV and returned to the place to pick up some of his friends. Didn’t work this time. The cops caught up with him at a nearby residence. He’s now been moved to a more secure facility.

But, Look, It Says Right Here “Not Guilty”

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Russell Fox for sending in today’s report from Boston, Massachusetts. Bozo David Simpson was charged and convicted for stealing a laptop from Suffolk University Law School, where he had been a student. He was given a 90-day prison sentence, but the judge decided to go easy on him, placing him on probation for two years. Apparently that still wasn’t good enough, as our bozo has been charged with returning to the clerk’s office and demanding to see his verdict slip, which is public record. He then allegedly swapped the “guilty” verdict slip with one he had forged and checked the “not guilty” box. Not surprisingly, the cops caught the forgery and now our bozo faces 20 years in prison instead of the 90 days with probation. Oops.

You Really Can Get Anything On Craigslist

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Bozo criminal for today comes from York County, South Carolina, where bozo James Clayton had some marijuana for sale. So he did what any bozo would do. He placed an ad on Craigslist. The ad got straight to the point, saying, “Pot…I SELL WEED-$200.” He also included his photo and phone number. This was simply too much for the cops to pass up. An officer texted the number and asked if it was real. Our bozo called back, asked what the agent wanted, and set up a location to meet. Bad, bad idea. He’s busted!

She Must Still Be Counting To 100

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Carroll, Iowa, where the owner of a recycling business briefly thought his shop was haunted when he heard someone whisper “get out of here.” Turned out not to be a ghost, but a naked bozo in the chimney. The cops were called, along with the fire department, and our bozo was extricated. It was his excuse for being in the chimney that landed the 29-year-old in the Bozo Hall of Fame. He told the cops he was “playing hide and seek with my cousin” and got stuck. He had no explanation for why he was naked. He’s under arrest.

Maybe He Was Just Waiting For Someone To Clean the Windshield and Check the Oil

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There could be a couple of potential bozos involved in our story today from Lancaster, California. We’ll leave it up to you to make the call on who the real bozo is. Cellphone video footage from the Valero gas station in Lancaster shows a woman, apparently an employee of the station, taking a baseball bat to a truck that is parked next to one of the station’s gas pumps. She is heard saying, “I told you to move!” The owner of the truck says he had filled up with gas and then lost track of time while making calls on his phone. He admits that he may have been sitting in front of the pump for more than an hour. The cops were called and the woman was arrested on charges of vandalism. No word on the fate of the truck.

Yes, We Have No Bananas

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Bozo criminals for today from the International File in Algeciras, Spain, violated Bozo Rule Number 333876: If you are smuggling contraband, it’s not a good idea to mark your shipment. Spanish National Police at the Port of Algeciras were checking in a shipment when they noticed one of the offloaded pallets had a large red “X” on it. This was enough to make them suspicious, so they brought the pallet over for further inspection. It contained 19 boxes, each holding 88 green plastic bananas. And inside the bananas…376 pounds of cocaine. Busted!

And You Have No Money For a Tip, Either?

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Troy House for sending in today’s report from Mount Healthy, Ohio, where bozo Destiny Wilkins ran up a $20.30 bill at the Gold Star Chili restaurant. Only problem, she didn’t have the 20 bucks to pay the bill. So, she did what any bozo would do. She dialed 911 to report a robber with a gun inside the restaurant. Fourteen officers from three law enforcement agencies responded and found the restaurant empty except for the employees and our bozo. After determining that no robbery had occurred, the cops determined that Ms. Wilkins had been in the restaurant for three hours and had no money to pay the bill. A quick check of her cell phone showed the 911 call. Oops. She’s been charged with disrupting public service, making false alarms and theft.

Fill the Bag Or It’ll Shoot!

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Rohnert Park, California, where bozo Robert Hart walked into a car wash and dropped an empty potato chip bag on the counter. He then told the attendant to fill the bag with cash, warning that he had a gun. When the clerk indicated he didn’t see a gun, our bozo gestured toward the potato chip bag, indicating that the gun was in the bag. Unfortunately, the bag was turned toward the clerk and he could easily see that all that was in the bag was a gun shaped piece of cardboard. Oops. Our bozo fled empty-handed. Cops are looking for a criminal with the scent of sour cream and onion on his breath.

I Don’t Have Anything On Me, and I Can Prove It

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Blackman, Township, Michigan, where security guards at the local Walmart noticed bozo Angela Hoffman acting strangely. She checked out with a shopping cart full of items, and then stopped in the foyer, past theft-detecting sensors. She then left the cart behind to go back in and grab a few more items. Without paying, of course. When the loss prevention staff confronted her, she said she had nothing to hide, and proceeded to pull her top up and her pants down. In addition, she bit the staff member on his arm. Bad idea. Cops were called and she was charged with indecent exposure, destruction of property, assault and unarmed robbery.

She Was Looking For a Place That Sells Cream Cheese

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Orlando, Florida, where the police responded to a theft of a Bagel King delivery truck from a gas station at 2:18 a.m. An officer spotted the truck a short time later, but our bozo refused to pull over. Several other cruisers joined in the chase which continued through three counties before the cops were able to block the truck’s path. Our bozo was taken into custody and charged with grand theft auto. No bagels were harmed in the incident.