Didn’t Cheech and Chong Try This?
Our bozo for today from Lakeland, Florida must have been a fan of the old Cheech and Chong “Dave’s not here, man” bit. It seems bozo Johnny Yates was wanted by the cops on aggravated battery, false imprisonment and tampering charges. The cops got a lead on where he was holed up and when they arrived, they found a whiteboard sign on the front door saying “Johnny Yates does NOT live here.” Not taking the word of a dry erase board, the cops knocked on the door and asked Johnny to come out. When there was no response, some “surrender smoke” was sent it to speed things along. Our bozo was finally found inside, holed up in a modified chest of drawers. Busted! And for those of you who don’t remember, this ruse didn’t work for Cheech and Chong either, as the Dave who wasn’t there actually was Dave, seen through a cloud of smoke.