I Knew I Should Have Completed Driver’s ED

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Bensalem, Pennsylvania, where police security cameras showed our bozo taking a good look at a pickup truck that had been left unlocked with the keys inside. Easy pickins, right? Well, not exactly. It seemed the truck was in a tight parallel parking space and as our bozo attempted to get the car out, he backed into the car behind him. OK, pull forward a little and try again. Bam! He hit the car again. Surveillance footage showed our bozo repeatedly trying to get the car out of the space and, time after time, hitting the car behind him. Finally deciding he didn’t need a truck after all, our bozo is shown simply giving up and walking away.

The Sandwich, Like His Excuse, Was Full of Bologna

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Crawford County, Michigan, where an officer on patrol noticed a pickup stopped in the middle of an intersection. As he approached, the vehicle drove away only to quickly fail to stop at at stop sign. He pulled our bozo over and could immediately notice the smell of alcohol coming from inside the truck. A check found he was wanted on multiple warrants and, after failing a field sobriety test, he was placed under arrest. And his excuse for stopping in the middle of the intersection in the first place? He was making a sandwich for his dog, Lucky. Lucky’s been placed in the care of a family member. No word on whether he got his sandwich.

He Must Have REALLY Wanted That Air Conditioner

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Jacksonville, Florida, where bozo Kim Ellis was in the middle of a painful divorce, which quickly got even more painful, especially for her husband. It seems soon to be ex-husband and his brother showed up at our bozo’s residence and began trying to remove an air conditioner. Not so fast, said our bozo, who first attempted to taze her husband. After that didn’t work, she grabbed a handgun and shot him right where it really hurts…in the privates. Needless to say, her ex and his brother quickly forgot about the AC unit and headed to the hospital. He’ll recover. Her excuse, “I was only trying to scare him.” No word on the fate of the air conditioner.

Yet Another Reason Selfies Should Be Illegal

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No criminal activity here, but this one from the International File in Sahebbari, West Bengal, definitely merits a mention. Forest rangers were called to a school in the small Indian village after it was reported that a large python had swallowed a goat whole. A ranger was able to apprehend the snake but instead of safely securing it in a bag, for reasons known only to the Bozo Mind, he decided to pose for a few selfies with the reptile. Unfortunately, he didn’t get the snake’s permission first and, while the pictures were being taken, the snake began to wrap himself, tighter and tighter, around the man’s neck. Obviously panicked, the man began to struggle and, with a little help, was able to get the snake off his neck before he became the next casualty. No word on the fate of the snake.

Drop the Gold Chain…and Pull Up Your Pants!

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in this one from the International File in Kingston, Jamaica. Bozo Martin McIntyre spotted a nice looking gold chain being worn by a man in a parked car. So, he did what any jewelry-loving bozo would do…he walked up to the car window, reached in and snatched it. Unfortunately for him, the victim quickly notified officers who were on patrol in the area and they gave chase. It was then our bozo put up the most unusual defense we’ve ever seen. He dropped his pants and proceeded to, um, take a dump in front of the officers. We can only assume he hoped this rather smelly situation would deter the police from investigating further. He was wrong. He’s been cleaned up and arrested.

It’d Just Be a Darn Shame To Let This Cold Beer Go To Waste

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Big Coppitt Key, Florida, where a police officer pulled over bozo Daryl Reeves on suspicion of drunken driving. After a short chase, our bozo got out of his pickup, beer can in hand and chugged it as the officer approached. Bad, bad idea. He’s facing felony DUI charges, along with fleeing from a deputy, driving with a suspended license and failure to submit a breath test.

I Wonder What It Looks Like In Here!

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No criminal activity here, but we couldn’t let this one go by without taking note. From Winsted, Minnesota, comes the story of a teenage bozo who shall remain anonymous. Our girl was attending the Winstock Music Festival and really enjoying herself when, for reasons known only to the bozo mind, she decided to stick her head in the oversized exhaust pipe of a diesel pickup truck. And you know the old rule…what goes in doesn’t necessarily have to come out and she quickly became stuck. Yep, she’s sitting on the ground with her head stuck in a tailpipe underneath a big pickup truck. Emergency crews were called and she remained stuck for 45 minutes until firefighters were able to cut off a section of the tailpipe and free her head. Her parents must be so proud.

It Says, “To Protect and Serve”, Not “Protect and Test”

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Bozo criminal for today obviously forgot Bozo Rule Number 110298: There is a limit to services provided by local police. Our bozo from Putnam County, Florida, had purchased drugs from his local dealer. However, after smoking the stuff, he became ill. Thinking he had been snookered, he did what any bozo would do. He called the cops to ask if they could test his illegal drugs and see if it contained what it was supposed to contain. Sure, said the cops, just bring it down to the station house. He did. It was real methamphetamine. He’s busted!

Guess This Place Doesn’t Have the 15 Minutes Or It’s Free Guarantee

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Elgin, Ontario, Canada. Police received a 911 call from a pizza restaurant. Maybe a robbery in progress? Nope. Perhaps a diner in distress and choking? Nah. A woman upset because it’s taking too long to prepare her pizza? Yep. The cops explained the proper use of 911 to the woman who, surprisingly, did not appear to have been drinking. No word on whether she ever got her pizza.

Couldn’t He Just Use Aluminum Foil Like Everyone Else?

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Howard Rost for sending in today’s report from western Pennsylvania, where bozo Raymond Jaques was caught stealing American flags from several American Legion halls. Now, this in itself is a particularly upsetting crime, but it was his excuse for the theft that earned him permanent entry in the Bozo Hall of Shame. When confronted by the cops, he told them that his curtain rod broke at home and he needed something to cover his windows. Hopefully, he’ll get a cell with no windows!

Gator Just Doing What Gators Do

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Ocoee, Florida where an arresting officer learned the hard way that you should never count an angry alligator out. Police were called to a Florida neighborhood on a report of a large gator roaming around. The cops found him and, with the help of a gator wrangler, got him all tied up, front and hind legs and snout bound with duct tape. The next step, load him in the back of a pickup and take him out in the swamp and set him free, right? Well, not exactly. The gator wrangler, for reasons known only to the bozo mind, decided to do a little drum solo on his snout. Yep, he treated the critters head like it was a big conga. Well, even a gator can only take so much. As they were loading him into the truck, our gator took careful aim and executed a perfect head butt directly under the chin of his tormenter. Our bozo went flying, and was down for a ten count. The gator, who is now somewhat of a folk hero, was booked and released.

Assault With a, Um, Very Personal Weapon

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Birmingham, Alabama, where the cops were called to a report of a bank robbery in progress. When they arrived, the found our bozo, still at the teller’s window, trying to get $6000 in cash. It was her note and her choice of “weapon” that merited its place in the Bozo Report. Our female bozo had passed a note demanding the cash and promising a sexual favor for the bank manager if he delivered. The note went on to say if he did not deliver, she would accuse him of sexually assaulting her. Well, that’s an interesting approach. She’s under arrest.

Game Over

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Grant Pass, Oregon, where bozo Anthony Denton stole a Toyota SUV right in front of sheriff’s deputies who were waiting to have the vehicle towed after an unrelated DUI arrest. He then led cops on a high speed 40-mile chase through several towns. During the chase, he managed to crash through a fence, run over spike stops twice and drive down several roads the wrong way. He then rammed a police cruiser, jumped out of the car, ran into a nearby mobile home and tried to steal another vehicle before finally being taken into custody. His Bozo Excuse of the Week? He was high on LSD and thought he was playing Grand Theft Auto. OK. He’s been charged with recklessly endangering another person, reckless driving, first-degree criminal mischief, attempting to elude an officer in a vehicle, second-degree criminal trespass and unlawful entry into a vehicle.

This Whole Thing Could Have Been Prevented By a Pair of Suspenders

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Chattanooga, Tennessee. Bozo Michael Lester had been sentenced to three days in jail for contempt of court, but the judge decided to show mercy and release him after only one night. It was when he appeared before the judge that his problems began. Apparently his pants were rather droopy and when the judge repeatedly asked him to pull them up, he did just the opposite. He dropped his drawers, turned around and mooned the judge. Bad idea. Back to jail for 10 days this time.

That’s One Breathalyzer We’re Not Going To Check

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Port St. Lucie, Florida, where the cops pulled over bozo Darrell Jones for driving erratically. No way the cop was prepared for what he saw when he walked up to the vehicle. Inside, our bozo was only wearing underwear. OK, maybe that’s not so unusual, but written on the boxer shorts were the words “Breathalyzer” and “Blow here.” When the cop asked if he would take a field sobriety test, our bozo replied that he had gout and couldn’t do it. After failing a blood test, he was charged with DUI.

That Was a Real Hot Shot

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Our bozo for today may not have done anything criminal but his bozo status is unquestioned. His kids were coming over to visit and he didn’t want them to have access to his revolver, so he did what any bozo would do…he put it in the oven for safekeeping. Good idea? Not. He failed to tell his girlfriend and when she started preheating the oven for dinner the gun quickly overheated and…Bang! One gunshot quickly followed by several others. Fortunately no one was injured but the oven was declared a total loss. The cops were called and our bozo was advised to buy a gun safe.

I Don’t Have a Trailer…I Thought YOU Were Bringing the Trailer!

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Bozo criminals for today come from Lebanon, Maine, where the cops received a report of a 25-foot shed being dragged along the road by a pickup truck. When the officers arrived on the scene, that’s exactly what they found…a large shed that had apparently been removed from a foreclosed property being pulled by a pickup. Did we mention that the shed was not on a trailer and that it was simply being drug along the road? And that most of the road was blocked by the shed? Yep. They were found to be in possession of crystal meth and various prescription drugs that had not been prescribed to them. In addition to the drug charges, they’ve been charged with unauthorized taking or transfer and criminal mischief.

From This Point Forward, There Will Be No More Burrito Fridays

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No criminal activity here, but we just couldn’t let this story pass by without taking note. Police were called to a report of trouble at a Mecklenburg County, North Carolina high school. Students were falling ill, complaining of teary eyes and burning throats. In today’s world, you can’t be too cautious, so obviously both police and school officials took the matter very seriously. Police and fire department units arrived and the whole school was evacuated without incident. But, still, there was the question of why the kids were feeling sick, some of them even throwing up. The investigation was underway when a school maintenance man approached, carrying one of the tools of his trade. A plunger. Apparently one of the school’s toilets had become stopped up, allowing sewer gases to enter the building. The pipes were cleared and some students were treated by medics and things got back to normal.

And As Soon As the Tub Is Full, I’m Going To Jump In and Mash ‘Em

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International file in Eastleigh, England, where the cops were called to the local Travelodge after the staff reported the smell of marijuana coming from a room. But what the cops found was much more strange than that. Upon entering, they saw bozo James Long wearing a woman’s bra and filling a bathtub with potatoes. Yes, filling the bathtub with potatoes. They also found large amounts or ecstasy and other drugs. Later, when the judge asked him why he would do such a thing, he came up with the Bozo Excuse of the Week. He said, “It felt like the right thing to do at the time.” OK. He’s been sent to rehab.

But Look How Many Likes I Got!

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report which once again proves that bozos and social media don’t mix. From Moses Lake, Washington, comes the story of bozo Kayla Gomez who was a passenger in a car that was pulled over by the cops. The driver was arrested for driving with a suspended license, but the cops had no reason to hold our bozo so she was released. Later, while searching the car, the cops found a purse containing our bozo’s ID, heroin, a pistol, and paperwork for the last time she was released from jail. But, still, there was no way to absolutely prove that the purse belonged to her, so case closed, right? Wrong. Our bozo went straight to her Facebook account and proceed to brag about how she had escaped arrest. The cops saw the post and set up a meeting on social media. And of course she showed up. She’s busted!