Something Fishy Is Going On Here
Bozo for today comes from the Don’t Steal More Than You Can Carry file. Our bozos stole a large aquarium from the PetSmart in Niles, Ohio. The cops were called and an officer spotted two bozos fleeing on a motorcycle with bozo number two trying to balance the big fish tank on his lap. Seeing that things weren’t going as planned, bozo number two jumped off the bike, shattering the aquarium in the process. He was placed under arrest. Meanwhile, bozo number one escaped on the bike, which was found abandoned a short time later behind a Chinese restaurant. Officers searching the area spotted a “nervous looking” man who immediately began to try to prune a small tree with his bare hands, telling the officer he was there to do “yard work.” Closer inspection of the security cameras ID’ed our yard man as bozo number one, who is now also under arrest.