Well, We Import Everything Else From China…

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Bozo criminal for today come from Des Moines, Washington, where the cops were called to a local Safeway with a report of a woman attempting to pass counterfeit bills. Upon arrival, they found her trying to buy a $5000 prepaid Visa card using some rather strange $100’s. While the bills initially looked good, further inspection found some errors. All the serial numbers were the same. Strike one. Some of the characters on the bill were printed in a bright pink color. Strike Two. And those characters were Chinese letters. Strike Three. She’s busted!

Honest, Casper Must Have Left It Here

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Bozo criminal for today comes from West Monroe, Louisiana, where the cops received a 911 call from bozo Michael Atwood, who claimed that he had been “stabbed on the head by an axe” by an intruder. Upon arrival, our bozo cursed at the cops and at first was hesitant to let them in. Once inside, they found no evidence of an intruder nor any axe wounds on his head. They did find in plain sight 1 gram of suspected methamphetamine and another gram of the stuff in a pill bottle. When asked about the meth, he offered up the Bozo Excuse of the Week. He told the cops that a “ghost” must have planted the stuff there. That one’s not gonna work. He’s busted!

That’s One Wedding We Would Like To Have Attended

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s Bozo from the Wedded Bliss Division. Our bozo-ette, who shall remain unidentified, was the maid of honor at a wedding in Florida. Things were going well, bride and groom were married, had a bite of cake and were enjoying their first dance when our bozo picked up that bottle of Fireball. She chugged almost a whole bottle and then got a little ornery. She went up to the best man, grabbed the car keys out of his pocket, and jumped into his car. As she was backing out, she almost ran down the best man, then the groom’s brother grabbed the door and was drug a short distance before he stopped the car with the emergency brake. Guests wrestled our bozo out of the car, but she still wasn’t done. She went inside, picked up a bottle of Captain Morgan rum and guzzled it. She then started throwing punches, hitting one guest in the face before she was finally subdued. She faces charges of larceny, battery, grand theft of a motor vehicle, and violation of probation. Not surprisingly, the bride says they are no longer best friends.

You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Rock

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Prince George County, Maryland, where our bozo used a large rock to shatter the window of a business. OK, now you’re inside, so what do you do? Security camera footage shows him picking up the same rock and attempting to use it to break the glass on a counter. No luck. It bounces off. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. And he did. This time the rock bounced off the glass and hit him in the face, knocking him to the ground. The footage shows him on the ground for several minutes before he came to and decided to give up on the whole operation. Police hope to make an ID soon, but in the meantime are looking for a bozo with a knot on his head.

And This Knocks Them Out of Any Hope For a Supreme Court Nomination, Too

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Bozo criminals for today come from Colorado Springs, Colorado, where there are numerous stores selling marijuana, many with elaborate displays. And the temptation was simply too much for a group of teenagers, who smashed their van through the storefront of the Native Roots shop. They then ran inside and grabbed all the pot they could find and ran to a waiting getaway car, leaving the van running inside the store. Bad idea on a number of fronts. First the cops hope to use the van to track down the thieves. Second, the store doesn’t use real pot in the displays. What our bozos got away with was a bunch of oregano.

Be Especially Careful With That Weed Wacker

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Stuart, Florida, where our unidentified bozo is drawing the ire of his neighbors. Apparently he likes to do work outside in the nude. One of his neighbors reports he had been working on his car while naked but recently has taken to mowing the yard sans clothes. At this point police have not filed charges as he is on private property and has not touched himself improperly. It seems one errant move with a hedge trimmer could solve the whole problem.


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The Bozo Criminal Report is on vacation. We’ll return the first week of October!

The First Clue Was the Weight Gain

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Lawrence Township, Ohio, where the cops were called to the Giant Eagle grocery store with a report of a rather unusual theft. The store’s loss prevention manager received a tip about theft in the cold-cuts department of the deli. Further investigation revealed that an employee had a serious ham and salami addiction. It seems the deli worker had been eating up the store’s profits, to the tune of $9200 worth of stolen deli meat over the last eight years. At a cost of $10 per pound, that’s over 900 pounds of meat, or a third of a pound of meat every single day for eight years. Burp. Police are still trying to decide how to proceed in prosecuting the case.

And Although the Holes Were Rather Small, He Had To Swerve To Miss Them All

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Attica Township, Michigan, where the cops were called to a report of a man driving erratically. Upon arrival, they noted him swerving all over the road and when he was pulled over he offered up the Bozo Excuse of the Week. He said he was merely swerving to avoid potholes in the road. After observing that there weren’t that many holes in the road, the officers administered a sobriety test and our bozo was found to be driving under the influence of drugs and a baggie containing opioids was found in his possession. He’s busted!

You’ve Heard of Dress For Success, This Is Dress For Arrest

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Wareham, Massachusetts, where the cops were called to a report of a shoplifting at the local Walmart. Upon arrival the cops found our two unidentified bozos. Female bozo number one admitted stealing some items and showed them to to officer stuffed inside her purse. Her male companion also had stolen some things which were stuffed in his pants. It was their excuse for the theft that landed them in the Bozo Hall of Shame. They told the police they needed some nice things to wear for an upcoming court appearance. Well. Guess they’ll just have to look sloppy.

We’ve Got a Future Cop Right Here

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Bozo criminals for today come from New Scotland, New York, where the cops pulled over a bozo and his female companion for driving erratically. The driver was asked to step out of the vehicle while another officer took a look at a three-year-old girl who was improperly restrained in the back seat. It was at this point that the toddler reached under the front seat, pulled out a baggie, opened it and handed it to the officer. Inside the baggie, marijuana, a pipe and a grinder. Oops. Our two bozos were busted and the child taken into protective custody.

Well, Maybe It Was the Jagermeister

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Bozo criminal for today from the International File in Birmingham, England, violated Bozo Rule Number @121256: Limit yourself to drinking ONE case of beer before pulling off a burglary. Our bozo, who had recently been released from prison, told the cops he was “bored” when he drank 24 bottles of Budweiser and a bottle of Jagermeister. He then staggered out with the intent of pulling off a heist. He rode his bike to a residence where he stole a flat screen TV. Police were called and followed our wobbly bozo for a mile as he made a couple of U-turns before finally crashing into a police car. He’s busted and charged with burglary and DUI.

Wail Until They Find Out They Can’t Smoke It

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Bozo criminals for today from San Diego, California, stole some grass. No, not marijuana. Grass. A contractor dropped off a 650 pound spool of turf at a residence with plans to come back later and use it to landscape the lawn. But our bozos had other ideas. Security cameras caught them trying to stuff the 16 feet of turf into a trunk 2 feet deep. The video shows them driving off with most of the grass dragging on the ground. They left a trail of turf behind them as they exited the neighborhood. Police expect to make an arrest soon.

And I Was Afraid Next It Would Be a Noogie

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Bozo criminal for today comes from St. Lucie County, Florida, where the cops were called to a report of a disturbance at a residence. Upon arrival, a woman there told the cops that she had returned home to find her boyfriend, our bozo, drunk and belligerent. During a confrontation, our bozo gave the woman a “wet willie” by sticking his finger in her ear. Thinking this kind of behavior needed to be nipped in the bud, the cops placed our bozo under arrest, charged with battery.

When Nose Hair Trimmers Are Banned, Only Criminals Will Have Nose Hair Trimmers

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from the International File in Tokyo, Japan. It was the early morning hours when our bozo walked into a Family Mart convenience store, reached into his pocket, pulled out his weapon and demanded the clerk empty the register. The clerk, taken aback, took a look at the weapon he was being threatened with, and decided to ignore the request, instead running into the back of the store. In the meantime, an officer on patrol nearby was alerted to the situation and our bozo was taken into custody without further custody. Oh, did we fail to mention his choice of weapon? A pair round tip nose hair trimmers. Our no doubt well groomed bozo is under arrest.

This Whole Thing Smells

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Bozo criminal for today from Hawick, Minnesota violated Bozo Rule Number 223332: Always have a clear getaway path planned. It seems our bozo stole some lumber and other items from a farmer’s shed and loaded them into his pickup. He then planned a quick getaway. Guess he didn’t see that large manure pile straight ahead. The farmer noticed the theft the next morning and called the cops, informing them that the thief was still on the property. When police arrived, they found our bozo covered head to toe in manure, still trying to free his truck without much success. He offered up the Bozo Excuse that a “friend” had bought the lumber and he was helping him. Sorry, that story won’t fly. He was hosed off and arrested.

Try That Keto Diet…

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Los Angeles, California, where a homeowner checking his security camera around 11:30 pm spotted a suspicious man on the property. For whatever reason, he didn’t notify the cops but instead decided to take a look around the next morning. And that’s when he spotted our bozo, wedged between a wall and the home’s garage. When it became obvious he wasn’t going anywhere, the cops and the fire department were called. After more than an hour, our bozo was extracted and charged with trespassing.

Um…Maybe He Knows Several People With Two Right Feet?

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Roanoke, Virginia, where our unidentified bozo broke into the Clean Soles shoe store and made off with a big haul of shoes from the displays around the store. Guess he didn’t notice that all the display shoes were for the right foot only. Oops. Police ask that if you see anyone wearing what appears to be two right shoes to please contact them.

But Officer, I Know My Way Home, So I Don’t Really Need To See Out the Windshield

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Our bozo for today comes from Abilene, Texas, where our unidentified perp purchased a new washing machine. OK. Step one, purchase washer. Step two, load it into Jeep Liberty SUV. So maybe place it inside the back cargo area of the SUV? Nope. Well, the Liberty has a roof rack, maybe put it up there? No way. Strap it to the hood of the car so that it effectively blocks the driver’s view of the highway? Sure, why not? And that’s exactly what our bozo did, strap the big front loader on the hood of the jeep. He didn’t go very far before he was pulled over and ticketed by the cops. No word on whether or not the washer ever made it to his house.

This is NOT What Teddy Roosevelt Meant

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Fred McKinney for sending in today’s report from Reidsville, North Carolina. Bozo Kendrick Haynes walked into the local credit union carrying a large stick and announced that this was a robbery. He then jumped over a counter and grabbed an undisclosed amount of cash. Apparently the stick caused everyone to keep their distance, as he left without encountering any resistance. But that stick also made him rather easy to identify. The cops arrested him less than five minutes later, following a report of a “man with a big stick” in a grocery store parking lot. He’s busted!