1 5, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Branford, Connecticut where bozo George Foster walked into a Wal-Mart and pointed an object concealed in a paper sack at a worker and demanded money. The employee refused. The bozo then whipped his weapon out of the sack and demanded money again. Once more, the employee refused and this time called over store security who detained the bozo. Perhaps the reason the bozo had difficulty getting anyone to take him seriously was his choice of weapon. He was threatening everyone with a dustbuster.

1 2, 1998

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From Benton, Illinois, comes a bozo report of police being called to a burglary scene. The citizen reported that someone had broken into the barn where his large motor home was stored and had attempted to siphon gas out of it. When the officers investigated, they noticed a large five gallon gas can sitting right by the motor home. Next to the can was a piece of siphoning hose. It also appeared that our bozo had become ill while trying to siphon the gas out of the motor home, as their was vomit at the scene. Upon further investigation, it was obvious why the bozo became ill. Being unfamiliar with this type of vehicle, the bozo had removed the gas cap, or so he thought, stuck in the hose, and began to suck on the other end of the hose to get the gas flowing. Only problem, what began flowing wasn’t gas. The bozo had not stuck the hose in the gas tank. He had stuck it in the motor home’s portable sewage container.

1 1, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from San Francisco, California. Bozo Bobby Wells went into the downtown branch of the Bank of America with the intention of robbing it. He grabbed a deposit slip and wrote, "This iz a stikkup. Put all your muny in this bag." Then while waiting in line, he got scared and thought someone might have seen him write the note. So, he leaves and goes down the street to the Wells Fargo bank. After waiting in line there, he handed the teller the note. Seeing the spelling mistakes on the note, the teller realized she had a bozo on her hands. She told him she could not accept the note because it was on a Bank of America slip and he would either have to write a note on Wells Fargo paper or go back to the Bank of America. The bozo reluctantly said OK and left the bank. He was arrested minutes later, back in line at the Bank of America.

12 31, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Jacob Lake, Arizona where bozo drug dealer Germain Berrella was in a bind after his car broke down on the highway. Luckily for him a truck driver stopped and offered to take him into town. The bozo accepted the offer and insisted on taking some personal items with him inside the truck. Some of the items were understandable, clothes, a shaving kit and….his spare tire. Yes, he insisted that he sit in the truck with the spare tire on his lap. The truck driver thought this a little strange and after dropping the bozo off at a local motel, he called the cops. The police stopped by and found 11 pounds of marijuana inside the spare tire.

12 30, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Jacob Lake, Arizona where bozo drug dealer Germain Berrella was in a bind after his car broke down on the highway. Luckily for him a truck driver stopped and offered to take him into town. The bozo accepted the offer and insisted on taking some personal items with him inside the truck. Some of the items were understandable, clothes, a shaving kit and….his spare tire. Yes, he insisted that he sit in the truck with the spare tire on his lap. The truck driver thought this a little strange and after dropping the bozo off at a local motel, he called the cops. The police stopped by and found 11 pounds of marijuana inside the spare tire.

12 29, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for this morning comes from Charlotte, North Carolina. This bozo had obviously not yet perfected his craft. Bozo Richard Reeves planned on robbing a bank in Charlotte. To conceal his identity, the bozo put a paper bag over his head, but he put it on several blocks away from the bank. Alert drivers in nearby cars called the police from their car phones to alert them of a suspicious man driving a car with a bag over his head and pulling into a bank parking lot. Once inside, our bozo criminal could not be understood because he forgot to cut a mouth hole in the bag. After repeating himself several times, he finally got a handful of money and ran out of the bank and right into the waiting arms of a dozen police officers.

12 26, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Nashville, Tennessee where bozo Ray Talley was sentenced to six months in jail for committing one of the stupidest crimes in bozo history. Ray was arrested for placing a 20 foot ladder across some railroad tracks, intending for the train to hit it. Railroad officers saw him place the ladder on the track and were able to remove it before a tragedy occurred. What really makes Talley a bozo is his reason for placing the ladder on the tracks. He said he had stolen the 20 foot ladder, but it was too long for him to use, so he placed it on the track hoping the train would cut it into two ten foot sections.

12 24, 1997

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Thanks to several bozo News Hawks who pointed out this bozo story to us in the local papers. From Longview, Texas comes the story of three bozos who were arrested on charges of using stolen credit cards. The three took the stolen cards on a shopping spree at the mall and were caught when a department store cashier noticed that one of the bozos had misspelled the name on the card when signing the receipt.

12 24, 1997

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The Bozo criminals for today come from Baltimore, Maryland, where bozos Robert Quarry and Mike Steiner broke into an auto supply store and stole several car batteries, loading them into the back of their pickup truck. The bozos were unable to make a clean getaway with their haul of batteries, however. The reason? Their own car would not start–the battery was dead.

12 23, 1997

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Thanks to several bozo News Hawks who pointed out this bozo story to us in the local papers. From Longview, Texas comes the story of three bozos who were arrested on charges of using stolen credit cards. The three took the stolen cards on a shopping spree at the mall and were caught when a department store cashier noticed that one of the bozos had misspelled the name on the card when signing the receipt.

12 22, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Oxnard, California where bozo Keith Wallace had taught his three year old son that even though dad smoked pot, it was bad and he shouldn’t ever touch it. Last week our bozo was pulled over by the cops for speeding. While the police officer was checking the bozo’s license, the bozo’s son reached under the seat and pulled out a bag of marijuana, holding it up to the police officer and saying, "Bad. Bad. Bad." The cop checked the bag and arrested the bozo.

12 21, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Portland, Oregon where bozo Duane Babcock robbed a bank and made a clean getaway by hailing a cab outside the branch of the Bank of America he had just held up. The driver, who knew nothing about the robbery, took the bozo to his residence. Later, when the FBI questioned the cabbie, he told them he not only recoginzed the robber, he knew right where he lived. To compound his problems, the bozo still had the holdup note in his pocket when the police arrived.

12 18, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Lee’s Summit, Missouri, where Bozo Gary Aicard wins our excuse of the week. Our bozo was arrested after he was spotted running naked thru the building where he was employed as a security guard. There had been several reports of a streaker in the building in previous days. When confronted by police, the bozo said he had stripped naked in an effort to befriend the real streaker so he could catch him.

12 17, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for to day probably shouldn’t have gone hunting. From Bowling Green, Ohio comes the story of Bozo Doug Vestal who got his name and picture in the local paper after bagging a trophy buck. Only problem, our bozo is on probation and is not allowed to own or carry any weapons. His probation officer spotted his picture in the paper and called the cops who searched his house and found two rifles and 200 rounds of ammo. He’s now back in jail.

12 16, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Los Angeles, California where a couple came home to find their house had been broken into. Police were called and were investigating the crime scene when a sharp-eared officer heard a beeping sound coming from a closet. He opened the door, and sure enough our bozo thief was hiding there, given away by his beeping alarm wristwatch.

12 15, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From La Ronge, Saskatchewan, Canada comes the story of James Fennigan, who walked into a hotel with his fingers cocked in the shape of a handgun. Pointing his fingers at the clerk, he shouted, "This is a stickup. I’m not fooling around." Amazingly, the clerk was not frightened by the bozo’s weapon. Instead of handing over the cash, the clerk called for security who rushed over and quickly disarmed and arrested our bozo.

12 12, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Knoxville, Tennessee where bozo Jamaal Wallace was pulled over at a routine traffic checkpoint. Police officers were taken aback by the scent of air freshener when the bozo rolled down his window. Looking inside, the cops noticed that our bozo had hung 20 of the "pine tree" type air fresheners insided the car. Thinking the bozo might be trying to cover up the aroma of something, the police checked the bozo’s trunk and sure enough they found 300

12 11, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Anaheim, California where Bozo Clyde Hampton robbed a bank, and then made his getaway on foot. Or so he thought. You see, what he was wearing made him rather easy to spot. His attire–a dark blue business suit with a pair of pink fuzzy slippers. Police quickly spotted and apprehended the guy, who could offer no logical explanation as to why he robbed a bank in a suit and

12 10, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Medford, Oregon where Robert Finney was arrested for growing marijuana. When he came before the judge, his excuse was that he didn’t know the four foot tall plant was marijuana. He claimed that someone had sold it to him as a "living christmas tree."

12 09, 1997

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The Bozo criminal for today is from the International File. From Aelta, Sweden comes the story of a bozo who was arrested after police received complaints of a naked guy riding down the street on his motorcycle. The bozo’s excuse? He said he was a member of a motorcycle gang and he was going to pay a visit to a rival gang and he felt the best way to demonstrate that he was unarmed was to strip naked. That’s also the best way to demonstrate that you’re a bozo.