I Really Like Your Store…I Could Work At a Place Like This!

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Gillette, Wyoming, where bozo Steve Duncan walked into the Sportsman’s Warehouse store and bought some items with a rewards card but didn’t pay for the sunglasses and ammunition he also walked out with. Guess maybe he thought this place was easy pickin’s as he returned a short time later. This time he shoplifted two more pair of sunglasses. And asked for a job application to fill out. He should have quit while he was ahead. Employees recognized him the second time and the cops were called. No word on the status of his job application.

Sounds Like Another Case For Dr. Phil

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Montgomery, Alabama, where bozo Amber Wilson thought her husband was cheating on her. So, they went to counseling, right? Nope. Maybe she just packed up her things and left? Nah? Call the cops to report a burglary. Huh? Yep. For reasons known only to the bozo mind, she called the police to report a burglary in progress, only there was no burglar. We’re not sure if she thought the sight of the police would scare her husband into fessing up or what, but her plan backfired. The cops found no robbery suspect, but they did find marijuana and cocaine all around the house, including in her 5-year-old child’s bedroom. Uh-oh. She’s been charged with drug possession and endangerment of a child.

Well, When He Gets Out, He Can Apply For a Job At the Wrecker Service Company

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in this gem from Waterboro, Maine. Police were on patrol when they noticed a large pickup towing another vehicle down route 202. After noticing there were no tail lights on either car, the cops pulled our bozo over. And that’s when things got strange. When they asked him if he knew there were no lights on the vehicle he was towing, he responded “What vehicle?”. After he initially denied that he was towing another car, the cops decided to investigate further. Apparently he had backed into the second car in a parking lot and the trailer hitch on his truck had become ensnared in the bumper of the car. He had then pulled away with the car attached, not knowing he was “towing” the car down the road. Fortunately, there was no one in the second vehicle and no one was injured. He was, however, charged with DUI.

Arrest the Stool Pigeon, er, Parrot!

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from the International File in Vila Irma Dulce, Brazil where the cops were executing a raid targeting drug dealers. As they swooped in to a drug den run by a local couple, a lookout alerted their presence, “Mum, the police!”, enabling the dealers to flee. The informant was taken into custody, but further attempts to interrogate him have proved fruitless, as he has maintained his silence. And the reason this has made the Bozo Report? The lookout in question was a parrot, trained for just this task. The bird has been released to a local zoo for rehabilitation.

Maybe If She Was a Better Shoplifter, She Wouldn’t Need a Lookout

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Bozo criminals for today come from Phoenix, Arizona, where the Gomez family had a plan. Grandma, her daughter and her grandson would head to the local Walmart and grandson would keep lookout while grandma shoplifted. The family that robs together, stays together, right? Wrong. Apparently grandson got distracted and wasn’t performing his lookout duties to the satisfaction of his mom. So, she grabbed him up, took him outside and began hitting him. This attracted the attention of the cops, and when they asked him what was going on, he spilled the beans. He said his mom was hitting him because he “didn’t watch out for grandma good enough” while she was shoplifting. Oops. They’re busted! The boy is in protective custody.

That First TV Was So Nice, She Wanted Another For the Bedroom

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We all have heard that a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime. Apparently, it’s true for Bozos, too. From Grand Blanc Township, Michigan, comes the story of Bozo Christina Harris who stole a television from a local store on April 5. Employees had been on the lookout for her, and when she returned and attempted to steal yet another TV, the cops were called. She got away before the police arrived, but surveillance cameras caught her license plate number, which led to a quick arrest.

Maybe the Items He Needed From Lowes Wouldn’t Fit In His Car

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Flowood, Mississippi, where a woman took her Ram truck into the local dealership for service. While the truck was supposedly being worked on, the woman happened to notice a truck that looked a lot like hers being driven down a busy street. Maybe they were just taking it for a test drive? Nope. She decided to follow it and was surprised when the driver pulled into Lowe’s, got out and went inside to do some shopping. Yep, one of the dealership employees had decided to “borrow” her truck for a trip to the home center. When he didn’t come back after 20 minutes, the woman took matters into her own hands. She found her spare key in her purse, unlocked the truck and drove away, leaving our bozo stranded with he finally came back out of the store. The general manager of the dealership had no real explanation for why the technician, who has been fired, took the truck out for his shopping trip.

But I Do Have a Shirt Just Like That…

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No criminal here, but there’s not denying there’s a bozo involved. The well respected publication MIT Technology Review recently ran an article on millennial “hipsters” and how they all seemed to look alike, with their plaid shirts and beanie caps, even including a picture as an example. And that’s when our bozo millennial sprang into action. He was infuriated that the publication would use a picture of him without his permission, even threatening to sue for slander for implying that he was a slacker. An investigation ensued, and, guess what, the picture was of a professional model, not our bozo. Yep, the guy who was so upset about an article saying all millennials look alike couldn’t even recognize himself. Duh. Case dismissed.

Just a Typical Night at Walmart

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Bozo criminals for today come from Eau Claire, Wisconsin, where the cops were called to a report of a disturbance at Walmart. Upon arrival, they found bozo Lisa Thompson, her son Benny and their dog Bo. Bozo Lisa had walked in, let Bo off the leash, and began pulling items off a display and putting them in her cart. Meanwhile, Bo was running amok and son Benny was stripping off his clothes and exposing himself to customers. As the cops tried to corral Lisa, she showed off her karate moves and attempted to kick out the rear window of the police car. Bozo Benny, still naked inside the store, hopped on a scooter and tried to run down the officers. After he was taken into custody, Bozo Dog Bo appears with a box of Jiffy Cornbread Muffin Mix in his mouth. All were taken to jail except Bo who was released to the local animal shelter with a stern warning.

Maybe Old Spice Would Have Worked

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Spartanberg, South Carolina, where the cops pulled over bozo Efren Gonzalez for reckless driving. Knowing that he was in big trouble, with an almost empty 12 pack of beer on the floor and another one between his legs on the seat, our bozo took action. He grabbed a can of Axe body spray that he just happened to have in his car and sprayed the product directly into his mouth. Yuck. Even though Axe is supposed to help a man smell his best, it didn’t work with the cops. He still flunked his DUI test and was placed under arrest.

If It Meows Like a Cat, It Must Be a Cat. Not

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Brookfield, Wisconsin, where the cops were called to a report of a body lying under a tree near the tennis courts in a city park. When they took a look at the body, our bozo woke up and began meowing like a cat. When asked what he was doing, our bozo gave the simple explanation that he was a kitty. Noticing a strong smell of alcohol coming from him, cops continued to try to talk to our bozo, asking him if he was going to cooperate. His reply, “I don’t know. Am I going to get arrested.” He then threatened to “Knock you the f*** out” when being checked by a firefighter. That was enough. Puss n boots was taken to jail

OK…Roll ‘er Off…No, Wait!!!

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Bozo criminals for today come from the International File in Munich, Germany. Our bozos thought they had come up with the ultimate plan for stealing cars…take them directly off the automobile carrier on a freight train. They even built a homemade ramp for getting the vehicles off the train car. Sounds like a pretty good idea, huh? Well, they forgot one very important thing: Wait until the train is stopped to try to get the car off. Yep, our bozos tried to remove the car while the train was moving. Cops found the car wedged between two guardrails that ran alongside the train tracks. At this point our bozo thieves are still on the loose.

That Walmart Coffee Just Won’t Do

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Crossville, Tennessee, where bozo Sally Simpson went shopping at the local Walmart. Sometime during her visit she got a hankering for a cup of coffee. And, as everyone knows, there’s just no coffee like Waffle House coffee. So she drove her Walmart motorized scooter right out the front door, through the parking lot and onto Highway 127 in the direction of the nearest Waffle House. She never made it. Police were alerted to a report of someone driving a scooter in the slow lane of the highway. She’s under arrest and the scooter is safely home at Walmart.

Well, At Least the Bathroom Was Clean

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Washington County, Oregon, where police received a report of a burglary in progress at a residence. When they arrived, they found the homeowner to be very upset, saying that there was someone in her bathroom behind a locked door. She reported that she could see shadows moving behind the door. The cops investigated and confirmed a rustling noise coming from the bathroom. Deputies quickly surrounded the home and a K-9 team was called in for backup. After using a loudspeaker to call for the suspect to surrender and receiving no response, deputies entered the home with guns drawn. Asking one last time for the perp go give himself up, the cops burst down the door to find…a robotic vacuum cleaner whirring around on the bathroom floor. Yep, the intruder was a Roomba. No charges were filed.

Next Time Steal Some Bungee Cords, Too

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Bozo criminal for today comes from North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania where the cops received a report of a suspicious truck in a housing development where there had been numerous thefts recently. On their way to the scene, they received another report, this time of a stove falling from the back of a truck on Route 30. Witnesses said the driver tried unsuccessfully to get the stove back into the truck bed and ended up leaving it behind when he drove away. Using a license plate given them by one of the witnesses, the cops tracked down our stove thief, who gave them a story that he was simply retrieving the stove for a friend. Investigators determined the stove had been taken from a home that was under construction. He’s busted!

Those Pants Must Have Been a Size 60 At Least

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Fresno, California, where security cameras caught our bozo inspecting the chainsaws in a local hardware store. It was what the cameras caught next that no one was expecting. He picked up a chainsaw and shoved it down his pants. He then pulled his jacket over to help cover it up and walked very carefully out of the store. Witnesses say he climbed into a pickup truck and made his getaway. So far, one man has showed up at the police station just to deny that he was the bozo in question on the video. The investigation is continuing.

They Hoped To Get a “Load” of Cash

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Bozo criminals for today from the International File in Oaxtepec, Mexico came up with an elaborate plan for robbing a bank. Step 1: Steal a front end loader and drive it to the local bank. Step 2: Using a jackhammer, along with the loader, break down the wall of the bank. Step 3: Chain the safe to the front end loader and drive away. So far, so good. It was the getaway that didn’t work so well. Obviously, this was a noisy operation which prompted calls to police. And, a front end loader isn’t the fastest getaway vehicle. They were pulled over and arrested.

The Naked Gun

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Bozo criminal for today from the International File in Stockholm, Sweden, violated Bozo Rule Number 0003343: When you’re a wanted man, it’s best not to be in public places naked. A Stockholm police officer was taking a break from his regular duties by visiting a relaxing sauna. He was just getting accustomed to the heat and steam when he noticed the guy next to him looked awfully familiar. It took him a minute to focus, but when he did, he recognized our bozo as a drugs offender who had gone on the run after being sentenced to prison. Even though the officer left his weapon outside, he was able to place our bozo under arrest without incident.

But You Don’t Understand…My Boss Gets Really Mad When I’m Late

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Cleveland, Ohio, where the cops tried to pull bozo Imani Foster over on charges of illegal window tint and a fake vehicle registration. Instead of stopping, our bozo sped up and led the officers on a chase down I-77, crashing into several police cruisers. At one point, the cops surrounded the car, demanding that she exit the vehicle. Instead, she floored it, running into other cars in the process and barely missing an officer. She was finally apprehended when she hit a curb and then crashed into a light pole. Shaken up, but not harmed, she then offered up the Bozo Excuse of the Week. She was speeding and refused to stop because she was “on my way to work.” She’s going to be late today. She’s been charged with felonious assault and failure to comply.

He Just Really, Really Didn’t Want to Flip Burgers Today

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Dundee, Florida, where bozo Brian Alexander was scheduled to show up for his regular shift at Hardees. Bottom line is, he just really didn’t want to go to work, so he did what any bozo would do. He called 911 to report a fake robbery, saying two gun-carrying men took his necklace, money and his phone before jumping into a car and driving away. Unfortunately, he had no evidence to prove it and the cops quickly determined he was lying. He’s been charged with abuse of the 911 system and giving false information to law enforcement. But at least he didn’t have to go to work!