9 21, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Granite City, Illinois where Bozo James Lang walked into the Magna Bank and cashed a payroll check for $12.19. After getting his money, he flashed a gun and demanded more cash. He got away with about $4500 in cash. He didn’t get very far, though. You remember that payroll check he cashed? He left it behind along with his ID.

9 18, 1998

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Ron Lustek who passed along today’s bozo criminal report via the internet. From Tuscon, Arizona comes the story of Bozos Carlos Lopez and Benito Herrera who walked up to the Bank of America branch without noticing a marked sheriff’s department car out front. Determined to rob the bank, the bozos headed to the front door just as the two uniformed officers were walking out. One of the officers even held the door for our two bozos to enter. This would be enough to deter an ordinary robber, but not our bozos. They walked on up to the teller, handed her a holdup note and quickly ran out the door with their cash. They were calmly walking to their car when the bank manager ran out, noticed the officers still out front and pointed out the robbers. The bozos were arrested before they could even get to their vehicle.

9 17, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Oakland, California where Bozo Rob Hamilton was pulled over for a minor traffic violation. The officer found the bozo was using a suspended license and called for a tow truck to impound the car. Following police procedure, the officer searched the car. In the glove compartment, the cop found a note which read, "This is a robbery. Give me the stacks of 50s and 60s." The note was matched to one used in an earlier bank robbery and our bozo was arrested.

9 16, 1998

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Today the Bozo Criminal Report is proud to present our Bozo Excuse of the Month. Thanks to Alfred McBride of Longview, Texas who passed along this story. It seems Bozo Charles Johnson was pulled over by the highway patrol for speeding and driving erratically. After talking to the bozo for a minute, it became obvious to the officer that the man was intoxicated. The policeman then asked our bozo why he was drinking. The bozo replied, "I was celebrating getting off on the marijuana charge." He didn’t get off so easy on this one.

9 15, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 8422: When committing a crime, it’s not usually a good idea to carry along your ID. From Salt Lake City, Utah comes the story of bozo Harry Phelan who walked into a restaurant, asked for a glass of water and then grabbed a handful of cash from the register while the waitress was getting it. A couple of other waiters saw what was going on and tried to block the doorway as the bozo attempted his getaway. The bozo was able to flee but in the struggle his wallet fell out of his pants. That wallet contained the bozo’s drivers license, passport and business cards.

9 14, 1998

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The Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Charles Gallo of New York City who passed along this Bozo Report via the internet. From Rochester, New York comes the story of Bozo Byron Shaw who strolled into the Marine Midland Bank and handed a note to the teller demanding cash. He got away with $1200 but didn’t hang on to it very long. You see, our bozo had just left court on a criminal mischief charge. He wrote his hold up note on the back of a letter he had received from his lawyer.

9 11, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 9043: If you’re going to steal a vehicle, try to steal one that does not draw a lot of attention to you. From the International File in Setermoen, Norway comes the story of an unidentified bozo who stole a military vehicle and took it on a joyride around town. Our bozo, who prepared for the ride by dressing in an army sergeant’s uniform, broke into the local army base in the middle of the night and drove off. He didn’t get very far, however. You see the vehicle he stole was not one you normally encounter on the highway, even in Norway. Our bozo drove away in a 40 foot long 25 ton rocket launcher. He was arrested when he got his new toy stuck while attempting a U-turn.

9 10, 1998

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The Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Alfred McBride who passed along today’s Bozo Criminal Report via the internet. From Stamford, Connecticut comes the story of Bozo Alexander Owens who applied for a job on the local police force. He would probably have gotten the job, too, except for one thing. Our bozo was a wanted fugitive from Nevada. Police discovered this little problem when they collected his fingerprints as part of his job application. He got a job, all right. Making license plates.

9 9, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Albuquerue, New Mexico where Bozo Richard Farrell walked up to a woman at an ATM machine. He demanded her money, pointing to a bulge under his shirt and saying he would shoot her if she didn’t comply. Terrified, the woman handed over the cash. The bozo then ordered her into the car, but she told him that’s why she was at the ATM machine in the first place–her car was out of gas and she had no money on her. By now the woman was crying hysterically and the bozo decided to take pity on her. He handed her the money back and said, "No hard feelings?" He then walked away. He didn’t get very far, though. The woman called the cops from her cell phone and they found and arrested the bozo in a nearby bar.

9 8, 1998

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The Bozo criminals for today come from the International File. From New Delhi, India comes the story of a bozo counterfeiting ring that was printing up and attempting to sell one million dollar bills. Bozos were caught when potential buyers became suspicious because (1) the million dollar bills were being sold at a very steep discount; (2) they felt the need to offer them with a "certificate of authenticity" and (3) the bills had Bill Clinton’s picture on the front.

9 4, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From Montreal, Quebec comes the story of bozo Hank Miller who was attempting to steal a little gasoline from a van by siphoning from the gas tank. After filling his gas can, the bozo stuck his finger in the van’s gas tank opening to free the siphon hose and ended up getting it stuck. Stuck tight. The bozo’s accomplices, after being unable to free his finger, panicked and called 911. Police came by and they were also unable to free the bozo’s finger. So, they sawed off part of the fuel tank line and took it and the bozo to jail.

9 3, 1998

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Scott Froese who passed along this report via the internet. From the International File in Ashkelon, Israel comes the story of an unidentified 22 year old bozo who had good intentions but went about things in the wrong way. Our bozo entered a store in the Israeli town wearing extremely baggy trousers. The security guards stopped him when they noticed our bozo heading toward the door and "walking very strangely". The bozo had attempted to shoplift 32 bottles of deodorant which he had stuffed into his pants. And why did he need 32 bottles of deodorant? His answer, "I wanted to send some gifts to my family in the old country."

9 2, 1998

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Sgt. Bob Tortora of the Golden, Colorado Police Department who passes along this bozo report. It seems a couple of bozos decided to break into the Banks Insurance Company in Golden and proceeded to move out the company’s computer equipment, about $30,000 worth. This was hot and sweaty work so one of the bozos took a break and removed his jacket. While he was resting, his bozo partner decided to make a long distance call to his ex-wife in New Jersey. The bozos then left, thinking they had made a clean getaway. Wrong. Bozo number one was arrested the following day. He had left behind his jacket with his pay stub in the front pocket. Bozo number two’s troubles began a few days later after the company received a phone bill with a call to New Jersey at 2:45 in the morning. Police contacted the ex-wife who co-operated and told them where they could find bozo number two.

9 1, 1998

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Thanks to several Bozo News Hawks who pointed out this story from veteran Bozo News Hawk Ann Landers. From Memphis, Tennessee comes the story of Bozo Freddie Cowan who burglarized a flower shop, getting away with about 40 dollars. The bozo then returned home and called Crimestoppers, confessing to the crime and asking when he could come by and pick up his $1000 reward. He was picked up all right and awarded with a trip to jail.

8 31, 1998

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Our Bozo criminal for today learned the hard way that if you’re a wanted bozo it’s best to keep a low profile. From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania comes the story of bozo Alan Rogers who was picked as one of the participants in a field goal kicking contest during the halftime of the Steelers-Ravens game. A policeman in the stands recognized our bozo as being wanted for jumping bail and was waiting for him when he came off the field.

8 28, 1998

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The Bozo criminals for today should have perhaps considered buying a larger vehicle before going on their crime spree. Bozo burglars in Sioux Falls, South Dakota broke into a store and found a rather large safe which they were sure was full of cash. Being only bozo burglars and not safe crackers, they decided to steal the safe, take it with them and figure out what to do with it after they got home. Only problem, the bozos’ getaway car was a very small Honda Civic. Bozos were pulled over when they passed a police car with the safe hanging half way out of their trunk.

8 27, 1998

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The Bozo criminals for today come from the International File. From London, England comes the story of the bozo gang who thought they had a foolproof plan to rob an armored car. One of the bozos dressed up as a woman and was walking up to an armored car while pushing a stroller. His disguise was so good that some nearby construction workers started whistling at him. The bozo got so mad that he grabbed the shotgun hidden in the baby carriage and threatened the construction workers with it. The security guards saw the shotgun and fled the scene in the armored car.

8 26, 1998

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The Bozo criminals for today come from Larch Barrens, Maryland where police interrupted a robbery in progress at a local grocery store. The bozos had broken in and were hard at work trying to get into the safe when police arrived. It would have been a long time before the bozos got into the safe with the tool they were using. They had stolen a lazer tag gun from a local amusement center and thinking the gun was an actual laser, they were shining the light on the safe, waiting for the laser to cut thru the metal and open the safe.

8 25, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Key West, Florida where Bozo Lenny Whittaker learned the hard way that you can’t always believe everything the police tell you. It seems Key West Police were called to the Ocean Key Marina early Sunday morning with a report of a prowler among the large boats docked there. Police spotted a suspicious man, our bozo, on the bridge of one of the vessels and when the bozo saw the cops he dove into the water. Thinking quickly, one of the cops, instead of yelling "Freeze" or "Halt" instead yelled "Shark". Taking the cop at his word, the bozo turned around and swam to the shore in a panic and into the custody of the cops. Buy the way, there were no sharks in the area.

8 24, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today was maybe just a little too honest. From Los Angeles, California comes the story of Bozo Walter Russell who was a suspect in a robbery of a convenience store. The police brought the clerk in to see if he could pick the bozo out of a lineup. When detectives asked each man in the lineup to say the words, "Give me all your money or I’ll shoot," the bozo shouted, "But that’s not what I said!"