12 18, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 5353: Regardless of what you may have heard, it’s not a good idea to return to the scene of the crime. From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania comes the story of Bozo Patrick McCrew who pulled his beat up cowboy hat down almost over his eyes and held up a bank, getting away with a few hundred dollars. Things were going fine for our bozo until he decided he needed someplace to put the money. He returned to the same bank a few days later, walked up to the same teller and, wearing the same beat up cowboy hat, asked her to open a new account for him. The teller, recognizing the bozo, set off a silent alarm. Police arrived before the bozo could finish filling out the new account paperwork.

12 17, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Detroit, Michigan where bozo Sandra Jean Gaines was on the run from the law after being convicted of armed robbery. She had been quite successful at avoiding the law, as the cops had been looking for her since she escaped in 1975. She’d probably still be a free woman today except she decided to apply for a new job. At a juvenile detention center in Virginia. She was caught because the detention center job requires applicants to submit their fingerprints.

12 16, 1998

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The Thanks to several Bozo News Hawks who pointed out this doozy of a story in a recent Ann Landers column. From Chicago, Illinois comes the story of a bozo crook who made several mistakes in his attempt to rob his former boss. The bozo walked into his former place of employment, gun in hand, and demanded money. After getting his cash, the bozo removed his ski mask and his former boss immediately recognized him. Then, for reasons known only to the bozo, he told the man to remove all his clothes and wait in the restroom while he made his getaway. As the bozo was in his car counting his cash, the other man, totally naked, came running out looking for him. Witnesses, alarmed to see a naked man running around the parking lot, called the cops. Police arrived, questioned our nude victim, and had no trouble tracking down the bozo as his ex-boss still had his name and address from his job application.

12 15, 1998

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The Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Kathleen Flick who passed along today’s story via the internet. From Edwardsville, Illinois comes the story of bozo Ewel Gregory who stopped by the county courthouse with his fiancee and infant son, ready to be married by the judge. Unfortunately, before entering the courtroom, the bozo had to pass through a metal detector where a deputy found a metal marijuana pipe and a few grams of pot in the groom’s pocket. Rather than set a future court date for our bozo, the judge decided to kill two birds with one stone. First, the judge married our bozo and his fiancee, then he sentenced him to a year’s probation and $100 fine. As the judge put it, he runs a "full service courthouse."

12 14, 1998

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The Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Miller Duncan who passed along today’s report. From Sioux Falls, South Dakota comes the story of Bozo Justin Cain who fled the scene of an attempted robbery, leading the police on a high speed chase which ended when the bozo ran his car into a tree. Unhurt, our bozo jumped out, running through a residential neighborhood in which several homeowners were out in their yards. As the bozo ran by the homes, he shouted out to the residents that he was running from the police and would any of them like to help him. Several of the residents decided to lend a hand–to the cops. They tackled the bozo and held him down until police arrived.

12 11, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from our Internal Affairs Department. From Scotch Plains, New Jersey comes the story of bozo Police Chief Thomas Flanigan who fined himself for this bozo incident. The chief was in a department store trying on some clothes and when he left the dressing room, he left his gun behind. The chief was in another part of the store when he heard a gunshot and realized what he had done. Another shopper had found the gun and was playing with it when it went off, firing a shot through the dressing room wall. Fortunately, the only thing hurt was the chief’s pride.

12 10, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Oakdale, California where bozo Scott Sheridan was arrested for stealing 800 copies of the Oakdale Leader Newspaper. And the reason he stole those newspapers? The edition in question contained a report of Smith’s earlier arrest on drug charges and he stole the papers in an effort to keep his family from learning of the prior arrest.

12 9, 1998

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It was three strikes and you’re out for our bozo criminal for today. From Portland, Oregon comes the story of Bozo Blue Evans who was a city bus driver. Our bozo’s problems began when Blue tried to beat a yellow light while driving her big city bus. Bad idea. Strike one. Her next problem was that she was involved in a traffic accident as a result of running that light. Strike two. Her biggest problem was who she ran into when she sped thru that light. The Portland Chief of Police. Strike three.

12 8, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Lindenwold, New Jersey where Bozo Joseph Carter burglarized a home, getting away with a cell phone. The bozo, frustrated that the cell phone had been disconnected, returned to the vicitim’s home a couple of days later to ask the former owner if he could call the cell phone company and re-activate the service. The home owner slammed the door in the bozo’s face and contacted police who spotted the bozo a short time later. In the ensuing chase, the bozo dropped 15 bags of crack cocaine and led police to a drug house where his brother and two friends were inside dealing. All four were then arrested.

12 07, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Kensington, Pennsylvania where Bozo Jacquette Warner was arrested for robbery. Our bozo held up a convenience store, shooting the clerk in the foot in the incident. As the bozo was rushing out the door, he stuffed his gun in his hip pocket, causing it to discharge and shooting himself in the rear end. When the bozo sought treatment for this rather painful injury, doctors removed the bullet and turned it over to police who were able to match the ballistics on the one in the clerk’s foot with the one taken from the bozo’s behind.

12 4, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Bullskin Township, Pennsylvania where bozo Christopher Burgess wanted to visit a friend in the hospital. He had no money for cab fare nor any transportation, so he called 911 and requested an ambulance. When the emergency crew arrived, our bozo pretended to be sick and demanded to be taken to the hospital. When he arrived, the bozo jumped out of the ambulance and ran to the elevator to visit his girlfriend, a patient. The ambulance crew called the cops who arrested the bozo when he came back down and charged him with failure to pay the ambulance bill of $300.

12 3, 1998

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Greg Denman of Lufkin, Texas who passed along today’s story via the internet. It seems a Lufkin police officer pulled a bozo over for a minor traffic violation and asked to see his drivers license. The man said he didn’t have it with him. The officer then asked the driver for his name and the date of his birth so he could run a check on him in the computer. The man replied that his name was "Sam Johnson." The police officer took a good luck at the bozo and said, "Hey, I remember you. We went to high school together, but I seem to remember your name as being Sam Jackson." The bozo thought for a moment and replied, "Yeah, but I got married." He was ticketed for having no drivers license.

12 2, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 5347: It’s not usually a good idea to take along your kids when you’re planning on committing a crime. From Monclair, New Jersey comes the story of Bozo John Clifford and his 5 year old son Mike. Police officers responding to a call of a suspicious man in a parking garage found our bozo and his son. The bozo told officers he was just passing through the garage and hadn’t seen anything unusual. His 5 year old son then said, "My daddy was trying to break a window on a car." The boy then led officers to the car, showing them the scratches the bozo had made while trying to break in. When his daddy denied doing anything wrong, the little boy said, "Yes you did, daddy. Don’t lie to the police." The bozo was taken into custody on attempted robbery charges.

12 1, 1998

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk John Cooper who passed along today’s bozo report via the internet. Bozo Scott Nelson had been served a few too many drinks at the local bar and as he was weaving his way home he saw the dreaded red and blue police lights in his rear view mirror. The bozo quickly ditched his car and made a run for it. Police officers caught up with him a few blocks away, but our bozo said he was just out for a stroll and had not been driving that evening. So, the officers took him for a little ride back to the spot where he had ditched his car. One of the officers then asked the bozo why his car was parked there. The not so quick thinking bozo replied, "Oh, I just parked it there because I thought someone was chasing me."

11 30, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today is from the International File. From Perth, Australia comes the story of bozo Mark Hanson who really liked those 900 phone services. He loved them so much that when the phone company disconnected his phone for non-payment of his huge phone bill, he simply broke into his neighbor’s house and began using his phone. Police, responding to a report of a prowler, found our bozo still inside the house and still on the phone.

11 27, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today is from Minneapolis, Minnesota where bozo Florence Williams walked into a bar with a parrot in a box. She then began asking patrons of the bar if they would like to buy the bird. One of the men in the bar took a look at the parrot and said, "That’s a good looking bird. In fact, I’ve got one just like it at home." The man then left the bar and returned to his home to find it had been broken into and the bird stolen. He called the cops who stopped by the bar and found the woman still there, still trying to sell the bird.

11 25, 1998

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The Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Miller Duncan who passed along today’s report. From Sylmar, California comes the story of Bozo Shawn Jefferson who escaped from a juvenile detention facility. He had kicked out a window in the infirmary and had been on the run for about seven hours when his appetite got the better of him. He was noticed standing in line at McDonalds while still wearing his bright orange prison jumpsuit with the words "Juvenile Hall" on the back. No word on whether he got his Big Mac before the cops arrived.

11 24, 1998

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The Bozo News Hawk award for today goes to Sergeant Hardin of the Gregg County Sheriff’s department who passed along today’s story. From Liberty City, Texas comes the story of a bozo who had been hitting convenience stores, going in and grabbing expensive caps and t-shirts and quickly running out, making his getaway in his car. Saturday night the bozo’s luck ran out. He hit a convenience store earlier in the evening, getting away with several nice caps and shirts. He must have liked the store’s selection, because he returned later that same night, looking for more. One of the clerks recognized him as he was exiting his car and was able to quickly lock the door before he could get in. While she was locking the door, the other clerk called 911. The bozo was still shaking the door, cursing the clerk and demanding to be let in when Officer Hardin arrived. He arrested the bozo and recovered about $1000 worth of stolen merchandise from his car.

11 23, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Atlanta, Georgia where Bozo David Ferguson held up a bank and got away with some cash. He didn’t get far before the dye pack in the money exploded, nearly blowing his pants off in the process. Our bozo then ditched his pants in a nearby dumpster and covered himself by tieing his coat around his waist. He then headed for a movie theatre where he bought a ticket and some popcorn using two heavily stained fifty dollar bills. The theater manager got suspicious and called the cops who came by and hauled the bozo to jail.

11 20, 1998

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The Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 1013: It is not usually a good idea to use a taxi as your getaway vehicle. From Kansas City, Missouri comes the story of Bozo Mary Brewster who hailed a cab and told the cabbie to take her to the nearest NationsBank. When they got to the bank, our bozo told the cabbie to wait since she wouldn’t be long. She ran inside, handed the teller a holdup note and quickly got away with a small amount of cash. She returned to the cab and told the cabbie to take her to the nearest liquor store. In the meantime, bank employees were calling the cab company who then called the cops who arrested the bozo before she was able to pay for her beer.