3 18, 1999

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From Athens, Ohio comes a bozo story that proves dog may not be man’s best friend–if you’re a Bozo. Bozo Shawn Slater took his dog with him as he went downtown to browse thru a record store. The store had a no pets policy, so the bozo tied the dog to a parking meter in front of the store. The bozo must have found a lot to look at inside, because he stayed there long enough that someone became concerned about the dog tied to the parking meter. An employee from a neighboring business came out to check on the dog and noticed he had a "fanny pack" around his neck. Inside the pack there was no identification but there were four ounces of marijuana and $720. The police were called and the dog was taken downtown for safe keeping. Our bozo was arrested a short time later when he went down to the police station to report his dog had been stolen.

3 17, 1999

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Hunger got the best of our Bozo Criminal from Knoxville, Tennessee this morning. Bozo Ed Lambert walked into a hamburger joint at closing time, flashed a pistol and told the guy working up front to give him all his cash, and while he was at it, make him a dozen hamburgers to go. The attendant told him since it was closing time, the grill had already been turned off and it would take about ten minutes to warm back up. Fine, said the bozo, he’d be glad to wait. In the meantime, a passerby with a cell phone in the car noticed a bozo with a gun in the burger joint and decided to call the cops. The bozo was patiently waiting for his burgers when the police arrived.

3 16, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Phoenix, Arizona where bozo Randy Raines decided to hold up a convenience store in what he thought was a terrific disguise…full drag. Randy decked himself out in a long blonde wig, false eyelashes, lots of makeup and a skin tight red miniskirt with high heels. The cashier snickered a little at him, but gave him a small amount of cash and Randy dashed out the door. Well, dashed is not exactly the right word. Never having worn a skin tight miniskirt with high heels before, the bozo did not know it’s rather difficult to run in such a getup. He took off down the street but could only run a few steps before falling down. He pulled off his shoes but still couldn’t run very well because of the tight dress. He was struggling, trying to pull the dress over his head when the cops arrived.

3 15, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today come from Chicago Illinois where bozo Gary Michaels had big plans to rob a jewelry store. His idea, smash the display window, grab as many goodies as he could and run. One problem, the display window was very thick so it would take a heavy object to smash it. Looking around, our bozo found just the object. A manhole cover just a few steps away. So, our bozo pried the nanhole cover up and with all his strength heaved it thru the window. Sure enough, it worked. The window was smashed. The bozo reached inside, grabbed his loot and took off down the sidewalk. Suddenly our bozo disappeared from sight…down the open manhole. He was trying to pull himself out when the cops arrived.

3 12, 1999

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From the International File…. From Stettler, Canada comes the story of bozo David Yates who was stopped by the police after the car he was driving was seen weaving down the highway. Believing the suspect to be intoxicated, police placed our bozo in the back of the patrol car. While sitting in the back of the car, Mr. Yates ripped off his underwear and began to try to eat it. Yes, he was actually eating his own shorts. His idea was that the cotton fabric would absorb the alcohol before he had to take the breathalyzer test. Don’t know how he did on that test, but he just scored the first perfect 100 on the Bozo exam.

3 11, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Gaithersburg, Maryland where there had been a number of appliances stolen from new town homes that were being built. Last Monday morning police were investigating the theft of a refrigerator from one of the homes over the weekend. It was at this time that one of the cops noticed bozo Freddie Simon. Freddie worked on the construction crew and he was backing his pickup up to the dumpster on the site. And what was he throwing into the dumpster? The cardboard box that the refrigerator he had stolen had come in. After a quick check of serial numbers, he was arrested.

3 10, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Sioux Falls, South Dakota where bozo Tony Faulks was arrested and charged with bank robbery. It seems our bozo was pulled over for speeding and when police asked him to get out of the car they noticed his pants looked rather strange. Kinda lumpy. The cops found $1300 in marked bills from a bank holdup stuffed in his shorts. The bozo also wins our award for Bozo Excuse of the Day. He told the cops that he didn’t trust banks and he always kept his money in his shorts. He was arrested.

3 9, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Winston-Salem, North Carolina where bozo Bobby Burnett called a cab to take him to a local bank. He had the cabbie wait for him while he went inside and pulled off a holdup, getting away with a significant amount of cash. He then had the cabbie take him back to his home. Everything seems to be going pretty smoothly for our bozo, so why was he caught? The cabbie became suspicious when the bozo handed him a $50 bill for a nine dollar fare and told him to keep the change. When the cabbie heard about the robbery later he called the cops and directed them to the bozo’s house.

3 8, 1999

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Swansea, Massachusetts where bozo Robert Hughes walked into a bank and handed the teller a note demanding money. The teller looked at it and told the bozo, sorry, she just didn’t have any cash she could give to him. Our bozo, totally confused, turned very red in the face and promptly fainted. Police had to first revive him before they could arrest him.

3 5, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From London, England comes the story of Roger Chapman who was arrested and charged with robbing a service station. It was our bozo’s choice of disguise, or lack of, that got him in trouble. He wore a stocking over his head and nothing else. Totally naked. He said he didn’t want anyone to be able to identify him by the clothes he wore. Guess he didn’t count on a customer using his cell phone to call the cops when he saw a naked bozo with a stocking over his head walk into a gas station.

3 4, 1999

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Miller Duncan for passing along today’s story. From Oxford, Ohio comes the story of four teenagers who were charged with criminal mischief for egging the houses of city officials. They were identified when police took a look at the surveillance camera tape from the town’s only grocery store and noticed the four kids purchasing a shopping cart full of eggs.

3 3, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Detroit, Michigan where bozo Hank Collins broke into the basement of a bank by breaking a street level window and squeezing through. Unfortunately for our bozo, once he was in the basement he could find no way to get into the bank itself. Also unfortunately for the bozo the window was too high for him to climb back up and escape and besides he had cut himself rather badly on the broken glass as he had climbed through. So, what did he do? He found a phone in the basement and called 911 for help.

3 2, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today picked the wrong place to hide from the cops. From the International File in Johannesburg, South Africa comes the story of Isaac Moohad who was surprised by the police as he was attempting to break into a house. Fleeing down the street, our bozo made a quick turn and ran into the local zoo, leaping over a wall and directly into the gorilla cage. He found himself face to face with Max the Gorilla, who wasn’t in the mood for visitors. Max the Gorillia tore the bozo’s jeans, bit him on the behind, grabbed his leg, swung him around and threw him against the wall, where he kept him pinned until police and zookeepers arrived.

3 1, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from New Rochelle, New York where bozo Lucy Amador was arrested for bank robbery. Bozo Lucy held up the Marine Midland Bank, getting away with $10,000. Police had no difficulty in tracking her down, however. Before pulling a knife on the bank manager, our bozo sat down and filled out a complete loan application, including her correct name and address.

2 26, 1999

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Thanks to several Bozo News Hawks who directed us to this story uncovered by Paul Harvey. From Charlotte, North Carolina comes the story of Bozo John Haynes who took part in an armored car robbery. He got away with a significant amount of loot, too. He was caught when he reported the stolen cash on his income tax return.

2 25, 1999

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Bozo criminals for today come from Richmond, Virginia where bozos Randy Stevens and Bobby Parker went to a new home site and removed a refrigerator from one of the not yet completed homes. The bozos, after much struggling, got the refrigerator out of the house and into the back of their pickup. However, the extra weight caused the back of the pickup to sink into the mud. So, our bozos decided to drag the refrigerator back into the house and then try to get the truck out of the mud. One problem, when they returned from the house they discovered they’d locked their keys in the truck. They were trying to break into the truck when they were arrested.

2 24, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today should perhaps do a little more research the next time he tries to steal a car. From Albuquerque, New Mexico comes the story of Bozo John Evans who was arrested for attempted automobile theft. He made a number of basic mistakes in his attempt at crime. He tried to steal a car in broad daylight, from the federal court parking lot, directly in front of the window of the U.S. Magistrate’s office. The judge took one look out the window, saw what was going on and called the cops.

2 23, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the "Lost in Love" department. From Levittown, New York comes the story of 22 year old bozo Michael Ferguson. Our bozo drove to the store where his 17 year old girlfriend worked the other evening to pick her up. When she wouldn’t leave with him, our bozo told her to stay away from the front window and proceeded to drive his car into the store. After breaking thru the window, he climbed on the hood of the car and began dancing and proclaiming his love for the woman. (Gee, how could she resist?) The cops were called and he was arrested for criminal mischief and reckless endangerment.

2 22, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Centerton, Arkansas where bozo Milton Haynes came home to discover the electric company had turned off the power at his home due to non-payment of his bill. No problem, thought our bozo, I’ll just reconnect it myself. So, after downing four or five cold beers, he hauled out his aluminum ladder, leaned it up against the utility pole and attempted to re-connect the power line to the house service head, using his bear hands. According to the local power company, he was zapped with 7,620 volts of electricity and should consider himself lucky to have escaped with severe burns on his hands and wrists. When he recovers, he’ll be charged with theft and criminal trespass.

2 18, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Columbia, Tennessee where newlywed Linda Simpson was charged with arson. It seems our bozo was upset because her new husband had fallen asleep the night before while smoking and the cigarette had burned a small hole in the bed. So our bozo decided she would show her husband a thing or two. She lit a cigarette, tossed it on the bed and walked out of the house. By the time she and her husband returned, the home was completely engulfed in flames and almost totally gutted.