6 15, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Oswego, New York, where bozo Jesse Johnson walked into a grocery store and asked the clerk if the three pies he wanted to buy would be cheaper if he used his frequent shopper discount card to purchase them. The clerk scanned the card to find out the answer. While he was scanning the card our bozo pulled out a gun and demanded the clerk hand over the cash, which he did. Our bozo escaped with about $600 but was quickly apprehended by police who obtained his name and address off the shopper’s discount card that the clerk had just scanned.

6 14, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today picked the wrong teller, at the wrong bank, at the wrong time. From Upland, California comes the story of bozo Shane Bilgers who politely waited in line with the other customers at the bank. When it came his time in line, he handed the teller a note demanding money. It just so happened that the teller’s father was next in line, right behind our bozo. Seeing what was going on and being protective of his daughter, he grabbed the bozo by the shoulders and was able to wrestle him to the ground and hold him there until police arrived.

6 11, 1999

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Bozo criminals for today violated Bozo Rule Number 6869: It’s not usually a good idea to run naked through a major metropolitian area when you have an outstanding warrant against you. From Troy, Michigan comes the story of bozos Terry Jernigan and Christi O’Connor. The two bozos decided to try to single handedly bring back one of the great fads of the seventies, streaking. The bozos ran totally nude through the streets of downtown Troy. The police, however, weren’t interested in going back to the seventies and arrested our bozos. Terry was released but Christi was jailed when it was discovered there was a warrant out for her. And to add insult to injury, when she was bailed out she discovered that someone had stolen her clothes from where she had left them. Police allowed her one phone call to relatives to bring her some fresh clothes.

6 10, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Florida where bozo Ronnie Majors held up a bank and was making a speedy getaway when he pulled up to the guardhouse at the entrance to Homestead Air Force Base. Our bozo was a little confused. Thinking he had pulled up to a highway toll booth, he reached into his sack and tried to give the guard some of the cash he’d just stolen. The guard, who had been alerted to be on the lookout for our bozo, motioned him onto the base where he was promptly arrested.

6 9, 1999

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Bozo criminals for today come from Seattle, Washington, where three bozos were arrested for vandalizing the roof of Safeco Field, the city’s new downtown baseball stadium. The bozos wrote the names"Will, Sal and Jeff" on the roof of the stadium. The police didn’t have any trouble tracking them down, though. They contacted the company that had installed the roof and sure enough they had three employees named Will, Sal and Jeff who had worked on the project. They were charged with criminal mischief.

6 8, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Tallahassee, Florida where bozo Frank Brown was upset with local lawmakers and decided to throw a Molotov cocktail at the local courthouse as a means of protest. He gathered together his ingredients, a bottle, some gasoline and a rag, positioned himself in front of the courthouse, lit it and gave it a throw. The bomb was a dud, sputtering and only slightly singeing the outside of the building. The bozo did, however, succeed in doing some damage to his own foot. When, the threw the cocktail, some of the gas poured onto his sandals which promptly caught fire, burning his feet. Our bozo hopped around for a few moments before spotting a nearby fountain, where he was cooling his feet when police arrived.

6 7, 1999

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Today, the Bozo Criminal report bows to the pressure of many e-mails and phone calls pointing out a bozo story in a recent Ann Landers column. While we reported this crime to you a few months back, due to popular demand we will feature it again today. Bozo for today walks into a Colorado Springs, Colorado store, shotgun in hand and demands all the cash in the drawer. As the cashier was putting the money in the bag the bozo spotted something else he wanted–an expensive bottle of Scotch on a shelf behind the counter. He told the cashier to put the booze in the bag along with the money. "Can’t do that," the cashier said, "Because I don’t believe you’re over 21." "Am too over 21. Am too!" said our bozo. When the cashier still refused to believe our bozo’s age, he reached into his wallet and pulled out his ID, which he handed to the cashier. Sure enough, the bozo was of legal age, so the clerk handed over the money and the booze. The bozo then ran out the door with his loot. The cashier called the cops, giving them the name and address of the bozo who was quickly arrested.

6 4, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. Our bozo from Ipswich, Australia was either incredibly nervy or incredibly stupid. We suspect it was probably the latter. Bozo Howard Fitch was called down to the police station to give the cops some information in an ongoing investigation. After talking to the police, the bozo was told he was free to go. He walked straight out of the station house, noticed a car parked in front still had its keys in the ignition and decided to take it for a little joy ride around the block. Two problems for our bozo: Number one, he had attempted to steal a car literally from right under the noses of the police and number two, the car he took for a joy ride was a police squad car. Needless to say, he was arrested.

6 3, 1999

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Tim Stewart who sent in this report from the International File. From Rotherham, England comes the story of bozo Barry Smith who held up a jewelry store, parking his getaway car in the front of the store in plain view. It was bad enough that everyone inside the store saw the bozo hop in the car for his getaway, but it was the car itself that really got him in trouble. Our bozo’s getaway vehicle was a Volkswagen Beetle painted to look like a ladybug, complete with red and black spots. One of the investigating officers recalled seeing a car fitting that description around town. Sure enough, when the cops cruised by the bozo’s house, there it was sitting right out front. Our bozo answered the door and was promptly arrested.

6 2, 1999

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Bozo criminals for today come from Calgary, Canada where a couple of bozos held up a bank and sped off the with the police in hot pursuit. The bozos rounded a corner and skidded to a halt, slamming into a police van. Suddenly everywhere the bozos looked there seemed to be cops. They were absolutely surrounded by police so the bozos crawled out of their car and surrendered. Not to a bunch of police but to a bunch of Hollywood actors. They had accidently run up on the filming of Chevy Chase’s new movie, "Snow Day." The police van they had crashed into was a fake and the cops that were all over the street were all actors. The real cops, however, arrived in a moment and arrested our bozos.

6 1, 1999

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Miller Duncan for passing along today’s story via the internet. Bozo criminals for today come from Deerfield Beach, Florida where bozo Debra Davis felt her boyfriend had been working way too many hours driving a trolley car at Century Village. So, in an attempt to get him off early for the weekend, she did what any bozo girlfriend would do-she called in a bomb threat to his workplace. Didn’t work. Police traced the call back to her apartment. Cops also arrested her boyfriend when he returned home to his apartment where marijuana was found by the arresting officer

5 27, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Malmesbury, South Africa, where bozo John Williams broke into a medium security jail with the intention of freeing his friend, Jacob Manley. Our bozo first cut the outer fence, then used two hydraulic jacks to pry open the cell bars. Everything’s going good so far. Then it came time for our bozo to squeeze through the bars and make his escape. And that’s where we have a problem. It seems bozo Jacob had been enjoying a little too much of that good prison food because he got sturck tight between the bars. Seeing that the situation was hopeless, our bozo rescuer fled the scene. The guards came by a while later and freed the bozo, finding something his friend had left behind. His keys and drivers license. He has now joined his portly friend behind bars.

5 26, 1999

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Bozo criminals for today come from West Valley City, Utah, where bozos Jerry Day and Jolene Hathaway knocked at the door of an apartment, forcing their way inside when the occupant answered. Once inside, the bozos flashed a knife and proceeded to tie up their victims. They then ransacked the house, looking for cash, jewelry or anything of value. While they were going through the house, Bozo Jerry asked Bozo Jolene for her phone number. Why he did this we’ll never know. We’ll also never know why she gave the number to him, speaking in a voice loud enough for the victims to hear. After the thieves had gathered up their loot and fled the apartmen, the victims untied themselves and called the cops, giving them the Bozo Jolene’s phone number. Sure enough, it was the right number and our hapless bozos were arrested.

5 25, 1999

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Miller Duncan for passing along today’s report. From the International File in Bydgoszcz, Poland comes the story of a 17 year old bozo who walked outside his apartment and began threatening his neighbors with a gun, firing off several shots. He hit one man in the shoulder and as he was making his getaway, he tried to stuff his gun in his pocket, causing it to go off and shooting himself in the foot. Yes, our bozo literally shot himself in the foot. This slowed him down enough for bystanders to tackle him and hold him down until the police arrived.

5 24, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Florence, North Carolina where bozos James Cox and Johnny Andrews had plans to rob the pizza delivery guy. So, the first thing they did was call up and order a pizza. A few minutes later, the pizza shop called and said their delivery man was having trouble finding the address. The bozos said no problem and arranged to meet the pizza guy elsewhere. The delivery man met the bozos at the designated location and was confronted by our bozos who pointed a gun in his face. The delivery person threw the pizzas at them, got back in his car and sped off. The bozos then picked up the pizzas and headed back home. Only one problem. Remember their home address that the delivery guy couldn’t find? The cops had no trouble at all finding it and the bozos were arrested before they could finish their pizza.

5 21, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Manchester Township, Pennsylvania, where bozo Donald Pierce had quite the reputation among his co-workers as a prankster. Our bozo thought it would be just hilarious to set off a little bomb in one of the porta potties on the construction site where he worked. Not really big enough to cause serious harm, just enough to cause quite a mess, if you know what I mean. So, our bozo set up his little bomb and then found himself a convenient hiding place to watch the fun. Much to our bozo’s disappointment, an hour passed with several workers visiting the facilities, but no explosions. So, the bozo decided he’d better check the porta potty himself to see what was wrong. Apparently there was nothing wrong, as the booby trapped john blew up as our bozo was trying to check it out. He received minor burns and major embarassment and was charged with criminal mischief.

5 20, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today wins our "Excuse of the Month" award. From St. Peters, Missouri comes the story of bozo Todd Westbrook who was arrested for attempting to burglarize Vette’s restaurant, where he was employed. Our bozo had tried to re-enter the restaurant after hours by snaking his way down an air duct. Of course, he got stuck. He was still there the next day when the manager arrived and called the cops. And our bozo’s award winning excuse? He told the cops he crawled into the air duct looking for a good place to sleep.

5 19, 1999

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In honor of the new Star Wars movie, we proudly present our first ever bozo from the Intergalactic File. From Toronto, Canada comes the story of bozo Rene Joly who brought a lawsuit against the Canadian Minister of Defense, Citibank, and several doctors, dentists, hospitals and drug store chains, claiming they are all part of a plot hatched by the United States Government to murder him. And why does the government want to murder him? Because he’s from Mars. He says he was cloned from Martian genetic material recovered by NASA in the ’60’s. He can’t prove it, though, because records of DNA tests performed on him have been falsified. (Do you get the idea this guy’s been watching way to many episodes of the X-Files?) The judge in the case was on the ball, though. He dismissed the suit by reasoning that since our bozo was not human, he had no status before the court, which is exclusively for earthlings.

5 18, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Calexico, California where Michael Hamilton violated Bozo Rule Number 4389: When you’re a bozo, it’s always a good idea to check your car’s trunk before taking it into the shop. Bozo Michael took his car into the local Pep Boys to have the brakes worked on. When the mechanics had to open the trunk to replace a brake light, they found two bags of pot. Two very large bags of pot…136 pounds of the stuff to be exact. Our bozo then offered up a lame excuse that it wasn’t even his car, that he had borrowed it from a friend, whose name he just couldn’t seem to remember. The cops didn’t buy the story either and he was arrested.

5 17, 1999

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Nashville, Tennessee where bozo Quentin Wilson was hitch-hiking when he was picked up by Derry Baldwin. To show his gratitude for being given a ride, our bozo offered the driver a small complimentary bag of crack cocaine. The driver accepted, and then drove our bozo directly to jail. You see, the bozo had been offered a ride by an off duty police officer.