7 14, 1999

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We’ve searched all existing laws and can’t find any law that our bozo for today violated. But, there was just no way we could avoid honoring him. From Little Rock, Arkansas comes the story of bozo Joseph Tindell who was taking a look inside a gasoline can at the mobile home where he lived, trying to determine if there was any gas left in the container. The light was not very good in his living room, so our bozo took out his trusty Zippo lighter, lit it and held it over the can to get a better look. As you might have guessed, gasoline and an open flame are not a good combination and before you knew it the fumes ignited. Our bozo compounded the problem by slinging the burning gas can across the room, further spreading the flames. Our bozo and his girlfriend escaped unharmed. The trailer was a total loss.

7 13, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Lawrence, Massachusetts where bozo Robert Clark works as a nurse at a nursing home. To supplement his income, our bozo had a bad habit of stealing drugs from the nursing home pharmacy and then selling them on the street. Our bozo got into trouble when he stole some morphine from the pharmacy and then paged a customer who had bought drugs from him before. Or at least he thought he was calling an old customer. He misdialed and instead paged a Lawrence police officer. When the officer returned the call, our bozo asked him how he’d liked the morphine that he sold him before. The quick thinking cop played along and arranged to meet our bozo to purchase the drugs. The bozo was arrested when he arrived to make the deal, drugs in hand.

7 12, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Newport, Delaware where bozo Robert Harrigan was wanted by the cops for leaving the scene of an automobile accident. Police didn’t have any trouble tracking our bozo down, however. The impact of the crash ruptured several paint cans in the bed of our bozo’s pickup, leaving a paint trail four miles long into the parking lot of the bozo’s apartment complex.

7 9, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today just couldn’t get anything right. From Salt Lake City, Utah comes the story of bozo Robbie Davis who walked into a convenience store and purchased a soda. When the clerk opened the cash register, our bozo tried to reach in and grab some cash, but the employee slammed the drawer shut before he could grab any. Our bozo then lunged for the register, knocking it to the floor. The bozo again attempted to grab some cash but was stopped this time by a customer. Deciding that things just weren’t working out, our bozo tried to make a run for it. But when he got outside, he discovered that he had lost one of his sandals in the scuffle with the customer. So, he came back into the store, picked up his sandal and then fled on foot, leaving behind his getaway vehicle, a bicycle. Residents who saw the whole thing pointed officers in the right direction, ending with the man’s arrest in the stairwell of a nearby apartment complex.

7 8, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today took a little too much of a good thing. From the International File in The Netherlands comes the story of a bozo criminal known only as "Albert B." Albert B was known as the "dinner pirate" for his habit of ordering expensive meals and fine wines at the best restaurants and then telling the waiter, "You have a problem" when the check was presented. He would then claim he didn’t have enough money to pay the tab and would sneak out of the restaurant while the confused waiter tried to figure out what to do. Bozo Albert was captured when he found a restaurant he really enjoyed. He was recognized and arrested when he made the mistake of hitting the same restaurant two weeks in a row.

7 7, 1999

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Bozo criminals for today come from St. Paul, Minnesota where three bozos broke into a house and used a shotgun to threaten a man that they said owed them money, firing a warning shot over the man’s head in an attempt to scare him into paying up. On their way out, the shotgun discharged again, this time hitting one of the bozos in the rear end. All three were arrested a few minutes later when a police officer saw the wounded man limpling down the street and stopped to investigate.

7 6, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Richmond, Virginia where a German "tourist", supposedly on a golf holiday, shows up at customs with his golf bag. While making idle chatter about golf, the customs official realizes that the tourist doesn’t know a thing about the sport. He asks him to demonstrate his swing, which the bozo does–something that comes out looking like a cross between a bowling and a baseball swing. The customs official then decided to check the bozo’s golf bag, and found it filled not with golf equipment but with narcotics. Our bozo smuggler was arrested.

7 5, 1999

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A Best of Bozo. From the Archive… Bozo criminal for today comes from Bloomington, Indiana where bozo Reggie Chiles thought he had found the ideal situation for an "expert" safecracker like himself. A small local business that kept several thousand dollars in their safe. Our bozo got into the building and was in the process of opening the safe when he noticed a small blinking red light up near the ceiling. Sure enough, it was a video surveillance camera. Instead of trying to hide his face from the camera, our bozo climbed up on a chair and stuck his face right into the camera as he took a screwdriver to the mounting brackets. He got away with the camera and some cash, but unfortunately for the bozo the recording equipment was in another room and he left behind a tape containing an excellent picture of his ugly bozo mug. He was quicklly recognized by the cops and arrested.

7 1, 1999

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The Bozo criminals for today come from San Diego, California where bozos Julian Carson and Juan Ortega were chased out of a convenience store by a clerk who caught them shoplifting. After pursuing them a short distance down the street, the clerk gave up and went back into the store and called police. A few minutes later, the clerk couldn’t believe his eyes when the bozos walked back into the store to ask for an empty bag to carry their shoplifted loot home in. Their return trip to the store coincided with the arrival of the police who placed the two bozos under arrest.

6 30, 1999

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Bozo criminals for today come from Boulder City, Nevada where the local police department uses "Lt. Dan", a plastic dummy "officer" in an empty squad car to fool drivers into slowing down. A couple of teenaged bozos decided it might be fun to steal Lt. Dan, so they busted out the patrol car window, grabbed the dummy and stuffed him in the back of their pickup truck. When they tried to make their getaway, the wheels of their vehicle got stuck in the dirt. And wouldn’t you know it, just as they were trying to get unstuck, who should come driving by but a squad car with a couple of real officers inside. They stopped to help, noticed Lt. Dan in the back and arrested the bozos for damage to a police vehicle, theft and burglary.

6 29, 1999

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Dick Coleman who passed along today’s story via the internet. From the International File in Reykjavik, Iceland comes the story of two bozos who stole a trailer-tent from a car park in a Reykjavik suburb. The bozos drove to a nearby campsite and tried to set up their new tent, only to discover that it was broken. In trying to get it set up they made so much noise that they attracted the attention of a man in a nearby tent, who looked out and thought, "Hey, that looks familiar!" The bozos had set up camp right next to the man they had stolen the tent from. He called the cops and they were arrested.

6 28, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Columbia, South Carolina where bozo Wesley Sloan held up a convenience store and fled on foot. He then was unfortunate enough to flag down a passing motorist who just happened to be an off duty policeman. Our bozo asked the cop how much it would cost to get him to a nearby donut shop. At this point the driver identified himself as a policeman and our bozo took off running. He was caught moments later and charged with armed robbery.

6 25, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Albuquerque, New Mexico where bozo Roger Harrigan had what seemed to be a good idea, but very bad timing. Our bozo was employeed by a construction crew that was building a new bank in town. Sometime prior to the bank’s grand opening, our bozo positioned himself in a ceiling panel and when the bank opened for business the first day, he dropped from the ceiling and demanded cash from the teller. But since it was the bank’s first day, there was only a small amount of cash on hand. And since it was the bank’s first day, there was a large amount of security on hand. The bozo was shaking his head counting his small take whan a security guard nabbed him.

6 24, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From Germany comes the story of a 31 year old bozo who tried to hold up a bank at a city just outside of Berlin. The bozo pulled out a pistol and demanded cash. The teller calmly informed him that before she could give him any cash, he would have to show his bank ID card. It is common practice in German banks to show the ID cards for even the smallest transactions. So, the bozo reached into his pocket and pulled out his ID card, handing it to the teller. He then fled with a small amount of money, leaving his ID card behind. He was captured a short time later.

6 23, 1999

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. With Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein hogging the headlines as Bozo Criminal World Leaders, it looks like Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi has had to take extreme measures to get back into the spotlight. Recently, Libyan TV broadcast a video purporting to show an assassination attempt against General Gadhafi. However, the Associated Press reports that upon frame by frame inspection of the video, you can see that the "grenade" in the footage has been hand drawn into the scene. Not surprisingly, the "grenade" did not explode and Gadhafi miraculously escaped unhurt. Probably the same can’t be said for the poor special effects people who worked on the tape.

6 22, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Salem, Oregon where bozo Gail Lynch was scheduled to appear in court on charges of drunk driving, driving with a suspended license, driving without insurance and violating probation for a previous drunk driving arrest. So, how did she get to court? She drove. And not only did she drive herself, she also had a couple of drinks before heading to court. She won’t be driving anywhere for a while. The judge ordered her to be held without bond.

6 21, 1999

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The Bozo criminal for today comes from Perth, New York where bozo Larry Swain proved the old adage that some bozos just never learn. Bozo Larry was arrested and charged with discharging a firearm across a public highway after he shot at what he thought was a deer, but was actually a mechanical decoy used to catch poachers. It must have been a really lifelike decoy, too, because our bozo was arrested last year at the same location, shooting at the same decoy.

6 18, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From Kiev, Russia comes the story of a bozo fisherman who came up with a rather unique, illlegal and dangerous way of catching fish. He connected a long extension cord to the main power supply at his home and then ran the wire down to a nearby river. His idea was to toss the cord into the water, shocking the fish which would then float to the surface whereupon they could be scooped up. Everything worked fine until he got to the scooping up part. Our bozo forgot to unplug the extension cord before wading into the river to retrieve the fish. Needless to say, he won’t be shocking any more fish.

6 17, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Ridgefield, Connecticut where bozo James Lynch apparently partied a little too heartily. Our bozo, who’s 18 years old, returned home last Sunday night from a rock concert buck naked and driving an unfamiliar car. Now, our bozo thought he could slip into the house like nothing was out of the ordinary, but his father had some questions for him and stopped him in the hallway. When our bozo couldn’t come up with an explanation either for his nakedness or his new car, dad called the cops. After investigating our bozo’s activities, the cops charged him with burglary, larceny and criminal mischief.

6 16, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Lexington, South Carolina where bozo Gregory Schafer walked up to two youths sitting outside a house and showed them a business card identifying himself as an FBI agent. He then asked to use the phone inside the home. One of the youths said OK, but his mother, who was an actual FBI employee, immediately recognized our bozo as an imposter and called police who arrested him for impersonating a federal agent.