August 11, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Huntington, West Virginia where bozo Shawn Sloan was living with his wife. Bozo Shawn was wanted back in Marietta, Ohio for bank robbery and he started wondering if they knew about him in West Virginia. So, he had his wife call the local 911 operator and ask if there are any outstanding warrants against her husband. The operator checks and, of course, there is a warrant out for bozo Shawn. She puts the wife on hold long enough for the cops to trace the call. Bozo Shawn was arrested.

August 10, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Polson, Montana where bozo Guy Williams stole a 30,000 pound road scraper from a construction site. Don’t know why he stole it, but he drove it straight through town, running several redlights. He then headed down to the city lake, onto a boat ramp at full speed and directly off the end of the ramp, sinking the road scraper in 20 feet of water. The bozo could drive the thing…he just couldn’t find the brake pedal.

August 09, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Charlotte, North Carolina where bozo Lawrence Evans carjacked a Mercedes, holding a gun to the owner’s head and forcing him out of the car. Our bozo didn’t make a speedy getaway, however, since the car was a standard transmission and bozo Lawrence didn’t know how to drive stick. In his effort to get the car into gear our bozo hit a shopping cart, a retaining wall and another car. Finally, after about ten minutes of gear grinding, our bozo got out and tried again, this time carjacking a sport utility vehicle with an automatic transmission. As he sped away, he promptly ran into another car, this one driven by an off duty police officer. He’s been charged with attempted robbery, first degree kidnapping, robbery with a dangerous weapon and hit and run.

August 06, 1999

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You could definitely say our bozo for today was having a bad day. From Anaheim, California comes the story of bozo Myner Miller who broke into a house around 3 AM only to be confronted by the home’s gun-toting owner. Seeing that this was not the place to be, our bozo made a break for it, sprinting across the back yard and stumbling head first into a rather large bed of cactus. Still, our intrepid bozo managed to free himself and make it to the yard’s wrought iron fence, which he jumped over….almost. He wound up impaling himself on the top of the fence but somehow managed to again free himself and limp off into the night. He was arrested when he checked himself into a hospital for treatment of cactus thorns and a puncture wound to the groin. Ouch!

August 05, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Washington, Pennsylvania where bozo Marlon Lyons was driving down Interstate 70 with a big load of cocaine in his trunk when he made his first mistake. A cop pulled him over for exceeding the speed limit. As the officer was talking to him he noticed he was acting rather antsy so he asked him to step out of the car. Once outside, the officer asked our bozo if he had drugs, guns or anything illegal in the car. This question made our bozo really antsy and he became very pale, his eyes rolled back into his head and he fainted dead away, falling right over the guardrail. He wasn’t injured but as you might imagine this made the officer more than a little suspicious. A quick check of the trunk turned up ten kilograms of cocaine. Our bozo was awakened and arrested.

August 04, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule #7009: If you’re gonna rob a bank, it’s usually a good idea to take along a sack. From Duvall, Washington comes the story of bozo Thomas Krauss who held up the Seafirst Bank on Main Street, getting away with a significant amount of cash which he stuffed in his pants pockets. Instead of heading home, our bozo ducked into a restaurant just down the street and took a seat at the bar. He then proceeded to offer a female patron cash to drive him out of town. It was at this moment that a sheriff’s deputy in the restaurant noticed the twenty and fifty dollar bills jammed into, and sticking out of, our bozo’s pockets. When the officer asked our bozo for an ID, he reached into his pocket and pulled out wads of twenties as he searched for it. Unable to find an ID, our bozo decided to make a run for it, but was quickly apprehended in the restaurant parking lot as he tried to hide between two parked cars.

August 03, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Carrizozo, New Mexico where bozo Allen Whitson broke into an office and worked up quite an appetite while going about his business. So, he took a look in the office freezer and spotted a frozen turkey breast which he popped into the microwave. He didn’t have much time to waste so he took the turkey breast out before it was done and ate it anyway. Soon, our bozo wasn’t feeling so good. He made a dash to the bathroom and in his haste accidently locked the door behind him. He was too sick to break out before the police arrived.

August 02, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Beckley, West Virginia where you have to give Kevin Parker points for being consistent. The cops in Beckley had received several complaints about someone breaking into cars in a local hotel parking lot. So, the cops decided to set a little trap by planting unclaimed merchandise from previous thefts in pickup trucks parked at the hotel. Bozo Kevin was caught when he attempted to steal the same set of tools that had been used to convict him in a robbery case that occured two years ago.

July 30, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Elgin, Illinois where bozo Jason Martin showed up at the police station one night to take part in the "ride along" program, which allows citizens to accompany officers on patrol. A detective in the station house thought our bozo looked a little familiar so while he was out riding with an officer, the detective ran a computer check on the bozo and found an outstanding warrant. Bozo Jason got an extra ride in the squad car–straight to the county jail.

July 29, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From Quebec, Canada comes the story of bozo Sylvain Boucher who was spotted by prison guards standing between the prison’s stone wall and an outer fence. Thinking he was trying to escape, the guards quickly apprehended him. Upon his capture, it was discovered that he was not an inmate and was carrying a large amount of illegal drugs. After further questioning, the bozo admitted that he was trying to break into the prison, thinking there would be a good market for his drugs there. He’ll get to find out, he’s looking at 14 years.

July 28, 1999

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Vince Colvin of Mineola, Texas for passing along today’s bozo. From San Diego, California comes the story of bozo Rondell McDaniel who stopped by the offices of a soft drink distributing firm, under the premise of looking for a job. He was given a job application form to fill out, which he did. The bozo then waited for just the right moment to take it back to the front desk. When he thought no one was looking he turned in the form and snatched a $375 business check from the top of the desk. It didn’t take long for someone to notice that the check was missing and the only likely suspect was our bozo. Fortunately, he had left behind the completed job application, complete with his correct home phone number. The bozo was called and asked to please come back for a "follow-up interview." He showed up, but the only interview he had was with the police.

July 27, 1999

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Bozo criminals for today come from the International File. From Bogota, Columbia comes the story of a group of bozo crooks who broke into a shoe store and stole over $16,000 worth of shoes. Exactly 756 shoes to be exact. And they got away with it, too. The cops are still looking for them. So what exactly makes them bozos? Well, you see all the shoes the bozos stole were display models. And in this store, to save space only the right shoe is put on display–the left one is kept in the back of the store and is brought out only if a customer wants to try a pair on. So our bozos got away with 756 shoes, all of them for the right foot only.

July 26, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the Cyberspace File. Bozo Alexander Jarvis was the district sales manager for Harvard Neckware in suburban Miami, a necktie company. As sales manager, it was easy for our bozo to steal a few ties. Quite a few, actually, about $100,000 worth. And what would a bozo do with $100,000 worth of neckties stolen from his employer? Set up a website to sell them, of course. Now, the owner of the company knew someone was stealing from him but would never have suspected his trusted sales manager until he stumbled upon his website while surfing the net. What caught his eye was that the bozo had used his own home address and cell phone number for the company. And to top it off, the bozo never even bothered to remove the identifying company name tags from the back of the ties. Needless to say, he’s been arrested.

7 23, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From London, England comes the story of bozo Lee Harper who broke into a car an found a camera in the glove compartment. He let his girlfriend take a picture of him as he searched the car and then proudly posed outside his home, showing off the car and the screwdriver he used to break into it. A short time later, he dumped the vehicle, leaving the camera, with the film still in it, in the car. The car was returned to the owner who had the film developed. Upon seeing our bozo’s smiling face in the photos he turned them over to the cops, who immediately recognized and arrested our bozo. The whole situation was summed up in typical British fashion by the police spokesman who said, "We are very grateful to this man for making his own arrest so easy. He quite literally put himself in the frame for his own crime."

7 22, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From Cordoba Province, Argentina comes the story of Bozo Hector Bedelia who robbed a woman as she sat in her car at a resort on San Roque Lake. Alerted by the victim’s screams, the cops quickly arrived and began chasing our bozo thief. Hemmed in by his pursuers, our bozo jumped into the lake to escape. Bad idea. You see, our bozo could not swim. The officers had to first save him before they could arrest him.

7 21, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From Salta, Argentina comes the story of an unidentified bozo who stole some clothes from the monastery there. He might have gotten away with it if he hadn’t returned to the church the following week and taken communion from the priest wearing the very clothes he had stolen. The priest concluded mass and then called the cops who arrested the bozo parishoner.

7 20, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Stamford, Connecticut where nothing went right for bozo Carlos Perez who tried to rob a Staples office supply store. Our bozo hid in the store until it closed for the evening, then donned a rubber mask similar to the one worn in the movie "Scream" and, brandishing a pistol, confronted a warehouse worker. The worker called his supervisor who came over and, thinking the whole thing was a prank, simply ripped our bozo’s mask off. This so surprised the bozo that he dropped his pistol, which was promptly picked up by the supervisor who took it and ran to his office to call the cops. Meanwhile our bozo pulled out yet another gun, which the warehouse worker immediately took away from him. The bozo then decided it might be time to get out of there and made a break for the door where he was met by the police.

7 19, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Baltimore, Maryland where bozo Dorothy Jackson was running for mayor. Bozo Dorothy showed up at the local TV station to take part in a live interview on the "Newsmaker" segment of the 6 o’clock news and left the station in handcuffs after a police officer watching the show recognized her as a wanted fugitive. To top it off the bozo had just spent much of her interview talking about how the city police needed better training. Sounds like they were trained well enough to catch her!

7 16, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Chicago, Illinois where the landscapers at O’Hare International Airport were working on a beautification campaign. They had announced plans to plant wild flowers along the airport runways and in preparation had brought in several loads of compost and topsoil, dumping it on land adjacent to the runways. A bozo gardner, however, spotted the stuff and had what he considered a better idea. Bozo Alan Harrell had somehow been able to sneak onto the airport property and plant several marijuana plants in the rich topsoil. The plants took off and were growing rapidly when one of the airport landscapers noticed them. The cops were called and wouldn’t you know it, our bozo gardner showed up to tend his plants at about the same time the cops did.

7 15, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 0888: If you’re gonna steal from your neighbors, at least keep the stolen loot out of sight. From Gifford, Florida comes the story of bozo Barbara Mitchell who stole a number of items from her next door neighbor, including a television, shoes, hair care products and a Harley-Davidson bath towel. It was that Harley bath towel that sealed our bozo’s fate. The neighbor spotted it when our bozo hung it out to dry on the clothesline in her backyard. The cops were called, and after a little investigative work, bozo Barbara was arrested.