September 13, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today wins our Bozo Excuse of the Week competition. From Washington, DC comes the story of bozo Fred Barrito who was arrested for possession of drugs with intent to sell after police pulled him over on a routine traffic stop. While the cop was talking to him, our bozo started acting a little strangely, leading the officer to take a look inside the car, where he found 13 bags of crack cocaine. Our bozo then told the cops that the bags had simply flown into the open window of his car just before he was pulled over and he was merely inspecting them to see what they were. He’ll have plenty of time in jail to come up with a better story.

September 10, 1999

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Now, we’ve all heard this sort of bozo story before but it’s his excuse that makes David Smyth our Bozo of the Day. From Deerfield Beach, Florida comes the story of Bozo David Smyth who climbed up a palm tree, jumped over to the roof of a pizza restaurant and then shimmied down the exhaust vent. He got about three quarters of the way down before you can guess what happened. Right. He got stuck. Our bozo stayed stuck all night and was still in the vent in the morning when the pizza crew arrived for work. Hearing his calls for help, they called the cops who then called the fire department rescue squad. After failing in an attempt to pull the bozo out of the bottom of the vent, the rescue workers finally wound up pouring a couple of gallons of pizza restaruant grease (cool, thank goodness) down the vent. It loosened the bozo up enough that they were able to tie a rope around him and pull him out. To add insult to injury, our bozo was so greasy that he not only slipped out of the vent, he also slipped out of his pants on the way out. But, it was his excuse for being in the vent in the first place that earned him his place on the Bozo Honor Roll. Bozo David told the cops that he climbed up a palm tree, jumped over to the roof of the pizza restaurant and shimmied down the exhaust vent because he was looking for a quiet place to sleep.

September 09, 1999

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Ladies and gentlemen, we present for you today the first ever bozo criminal from our own industry (which has been known to have quite a few bozos in it over the years). From the Radio Division of the Bozo criminal files comes the story of the bozos who run the college radio station at Oxford University in England. It seems that the student run station at Oxford was in danger of losing its license because the station played a lot of music and not much of the science and arts programming that it was supposed to carry. So, the government agency charged with overseeing college radio in England asked the station for a tape of its March 1st programming. The bozos at the station knew they were in violation of the rules on that date so instead of sending them the actual tape, they decided to fabricate an entire day of programming. On March 8th, the station dropped the music programming and aired talk, news and education shows, all the while giving the date as March 1st. They then shipped those tapes off to the authorities. Only one problem—while acting as if it were March 1st, the bozos were reading news stories from the day they made the fake broadcast, March 8th, a week later. Needless to say the station was fined and all the bozo staffers lost their jobs.

September 08, 1999

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Thanks to many Bozo News Hawks who pointed out this story in a recent Ann Landers’ column. From Ottawa County, Michigan comes the story of a bozo who set the new Bozo World’s Land Speed Record for quickest return to jail. Twenty one year old bozo Reginald Phillips was released from the Ottawa County Jail Saturday morning at 12:01 AM. At 12:09 AM our bozo was spotted climbing over a chain link fence, back onto the jail grounds, and attempting to pass a cigarette to an inmate through a steel grate covering a window. At 12:10 AM our bozo was back in custody, charged with illegal entry into a prison facility and disorderly conduct. That’s nine minutes flat, bettering the previous record of 45 minutes held by a bozo who got busted for drinking beer to celebrate his release as he was driving home from jail.

September 07, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Lynnwood, Washington where bozos Jacob Scott and Timothy Weems held up a bank and then made quick getaway. Unfortunately for our bozos their getaway path took them right by the local mall and, since they had a lot of cash on their hands, the bozos decided they might as well go shopping. The cops noticed the getaway car in the parking lot and arrested our bozos as they came out of the mall with their purchases.

September 06, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Spokane, Washington where the police were having a community "Meet the Police" night. Residents were invited to stop by a neighborhood park, get to know the police and see some of the force’s newest technology. At one booth, the police were showing off their new drivers license computer that was connected directly to the state’s main computer. The police could "run" your drivers license and check to see if you had any outstanding tickets. To show how it worked, the police asked for a volunteer to come up and give them his license number. For reasons known only to a bozo, Sammy Smith walked up and volunteered. To the cops disbelief, when they ran Bozo Sammy’s license, they found he was a wanted man, with several outstanding warrants. He was arrested on the spot.

September 03, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Hermiston, Oregon where bozo Lucas White had a plan. He would rob the U.S. Bank branch there while wearing a bright red shirt and white hat, something that would be easy to identify. Then he would quickly run from the bank, jump in the trunk of his getaway car and change clothes, thereby making himself more difficult to recognize. Things started out OK, our bozo got his money, jumped in the trunk and started to change clothes. Then he heard a click. Yep, he had locked himself in the trunk of his car. He began pounding on the trunk and screaming for help and who should answer his cries but one of the police officers who was looking for him. The officer was kind enough to free our bozo from the trunk before arresting him.

September 01, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 3329: It’s usually not a good idea to use your mom as your getaway car driver. From Columbus, Ohio comes the story of bozo Darren Wallace who decided to hold up the local bank. Only problem-our bozo had no transportation. So he asked his mother if she would give him a lift to the bank. Since mom didn’t know what his plans were she was glad to oblige. What our bozo didn’t know was that mom also needed to make a quick trip to the grocery store a couple of blocks away. So she dropped him off at the bank and headed for the store to take care of her shopping. When our bozo ran out of the bank his getaway car was nowhere to be found. He was arrested before mom ever returned with her groceries.

August 27, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From La Ronge, Saskatchewan comes the story of James Fennigan, who walked into a hotel with his fingers cocked in the shape of a handgun and stuck inside his jacket pocket it looked pretty real. Pointing his "gun" at the clerk, he shouted, "This is a stickup. I’m not fooling around." When the clerk did not seem to be frightened by his weapon the bozo got more and more excited and more and more agitated until finally, he pulled his "hand gun" out of his pocket and gestured for the clerk to hurry up. Seeing he had no weapon, the clerk called for security who rushed over and quickly disarmed and arrested our bozo.

August 26, 1999

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Bozo News Hawk award for today goes to Ed Pennell who passed along this story via the internet. From Cardiff, New South Wales comes the story of bozo Mark Cason who walked into the local post office, flashed a gun-replica cigarette lighter and demanded all the money in the safe. The postmaster produced $15,000, most of it in coins. This was a very large and heavy package, so our bozo asked two children standing in the post office to get the door for him. They did, and in the process wrote down the license number of his getaway car. He managed to make it to a nearby hotel, stashing his loot in the hotel’s safe. He checked in under an assumed name and told the receptionist that if the police came by looking for Mark Cason, to tell them he wasn’t there. They did, she gave them his room number and he was arrested.

August 25, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today wins our Bozo Worst Excuse of the Month Award. From the International File in Liege, Belgium comes the story of a bozo who was brought in by police for questioning regarding the robbery of a jewelry store. The bozo told police that there was no way he could have robbed the jewelry store because he was busy breaking into a school across town at the same time. Police checked their records and sure enough a school had been robbed that same evening. Our bozo was arrested.

August 24, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Nashville, Tennessee where bozo Jonathan Parker thought he had it all figured out. He really wanted the leather jacket at the expensive department store but there was no way he could afford it. So he thought he’d just shoplift it. Only problem, the jacket had one of those little electronic tags–the kind that set off an alarm if you walk out the door with them still on the clothing. So our bozo goes into a changing room and peels off the little tag, throws it on the floor and walks out wearing his jacket. As soon as he gets to the door, the alarm goes off. A security guard who had been keeping an eye on him anyway stops him and retrieves the jacket. So, why did the alarm go off? Remember the little tag the bozo peeled off and threw on the floor? He stepped on it and it stuck to his shoe.

August 23, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Sunnyvale, California. Jack Wright was a petty thief who specialized in breaking into homes while the owner was away at work. Our bozo apparently used a method to get into this particular house that is familiar to many of us. He used a credit card to jimmy the lock on the back door. He got in, grabbed a few items and made a clean getaway. Or so he thought. He used his own Sears card to jimmy the lock and left the card laying on the floor.

August 20, 1999

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A special thanks to International Bozo News Hawk Matt Grimsey of the UK who passed along today’s report. From Seville, Spain comes the story of a bozo who picked the wrong people to rob. A bozo in the Seville airport grabbed the carry on luggage from a couple of men and made a mad dash for the nearest exit. Much to his surprise, the two men gave chase and almost immediately caught up with him. You see, our unfortunate bozo had picked the arriving plane of USA athetes who were in town for the World Championships. And the two guys he tried to outrun? Champion hurdler Larry Wade and "world’s fastest man", 100 meter world record holder Maurice Greene.

August 19, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from New Britain, Pennsylvania where bozo Abdullah Muhammad walked into a convenience store, purchased a pack of gum and when the clerk opened the drawer, gave him a shove and grabbed the money from the register. Only one problem, he had taken out his wallet when he paid for his gum and still had it in his hand when he made a grab for the cash. As you might expect, the wallet fell to the floor in the scuffle and the bozo left it behind when he fled. The cops checked the wallet and sure enough it contained all the identification needed to make a quick arrest of our bozo.

August 18, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Hagerstown, Maryland where firefighter Andrew Evans was returning home from fighting a blaze when a pickup zoomed up behind him. The driver, bozo Kenneth Ramsey, fired a couple of shotgun blasts at Evans’ truck, hitting his tailgate. Evans pulled his truck over and was immediately confronted by our bozo. "Oops, sorry," the bozo said, "I thought you were someone else." And to show he was serious, our bozo gave Mr. Evans his business card and sped off. A little later, Mr. Evans was giving his story to the highway patrol, when our bozo sped by again, going the other way. The cops caught up with him and sure enough, it was the guy whose name was on the business card. Upon further investigation, the police discovered that our bozo had driven to a liquor store ten miles away and shot the man he was actually looking for in the leg. The bozo was arrested and charged with with drunken driving and assault.

August 17, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today wins our Bozo Award for World’s Worst Timing. From Columbus, Ohio coes the story of Bozo Ricky Lynn Cain who walked into a bank one branch, handed a holdup note to the teller and headed for the door with a wad of cash. Bozo Ricky didn’t get very far, however. It just so happened that at the exact time he was robbing the bank, Officer Duane Ward was there, conducting a seminar for bank employees on what to do in case of a holdup. After handing our bozo the cash, the teller shouted to Officer Ward, "Go get him, he just robbed us!" Officer Ward gave chase and caught up with the bozo in the parking lot.

August 16, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Oakland, California where an unidentified bozo was trying to get into the United States with a forged passport. Our bozo had stolen another person’s identity and was trying to use his personal information to pass through customs. All of this might have worked out fine had our bozo chosen someone else’s identity to steal. You see, he selected a wanted felon to impersonate. When the customs officer checked the man’s identity, he discovered the name on the passport belonged to a man wanted for felony burglary and concealed weapons charges. After our bozo convinced authorities he was not that person, he was arrested anyway, for trying to enter the country under false pretenses.

August 13, 1999

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Cheril Vernon of Palestine, Texas who was first to bring this story to our attention. From Barnstable, Massachusetts comes the story of a couple of bozo car thieves who stole a car and promptlly became lost. Then they did what guys usually never do…they asked for directions. It was who they asked that caused all the trouble. Our two bozos, in their stolen car, pulled up alongside a police cruiser, rolled down their windows and asked the officer for directions out of town. The officer told them, but noticed they were acting rather strangely. So as they pulled away he ran a check on their license plate…and was able to catch up with them before they even made the city limits.

August 12, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Orkville, Illinois where bozo Joshua Haynes carjacked a vehicle, drove around for a while and then became tired, so he broke into what he thought was an unoccupied home to spend the night. Our bozo was surprised a little later in the evening when the home’s owner came home. He was even more surprised when the owner of the home slapped a pair of handcuffs on him. You see, the home was owned by a deputy sheriff.