January 10, 2000

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Bozo criminals for today may have watched the movie "Weekend at Bernie’s" one time too many. From Johannesberg, South Africa comes the story of three bozos who tried to defraud the government by bringing a recently deceased man to the welfare office to apply for pension benefits. They propped up the dead fellow at the window and held his hand out to be fingerprinted, saying he was ill and had passed out while waiting in line. The suspicious clerk called the cops and the bozos were arrested.

January 07, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Salt Lake City, Utah where bozo Johnny Lee Morgan held up the First Utah Bank on New Year’s Eve. Once inside the bank, our bozo pulled a pistol out of a large envelope, pointed it at the teller and demanded to be allowed into the vault. The teller led him in and our bozo loaded up on cash, getting away with almost $35,000 worth. In his haste to get away, our bozo left behind the envelope that he had the gun in. And that envelope is what got him into trouble. Inside it was our bozo’s personalized diploma from an anger management course administered by the Utah State Department of Corrections. Looks like he’ll have the opportunity to take the course again.

January 06, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Marlborough, Massachusetts where bozo Dave Norris was walking through a parking lot checking car doors, looking for any that were unlocked. Our bozo then checked precisely the wrong car at exactly the wrong time. He had the misfortune of walking up to a police officer’s car just as the officer was approaching the vehicle. When the officer asked him what he was doing in the car, prowling through the console, the bozo offered up the excuse of the week, saying, "It’s my wife’s car…honest." He was quickly taken over to "the city’s car" and given a little ride to jail.

January 05, 2000

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The bozo criminal report for today features the first reported Y2K-bozo related incident. From Kansas City, Missouri comes the story of a couple who prepared for the year 2000 by drawing all their money, and their stocks and bonds, out of the bank and placing it all inside a five foot high vault they had purchased for their home. A couple of days later they came home and the vault, with all their valuables inside, was missing. A bozo had brought in his dolly and simply wheeled the vault out and onto his truck. Unfortunately, our bozo only had a plan for stealing the vault, not one for getting into it. The cops found the valult a couple of days later in a nearby field, somewhat the worse for wear. The bozo had attempted to saw the hinges off, and failed. He had tried to knock the combination tumblers off, and failed. And he had tried to pry open the door, and failed. He did succeed in getting arrested, however, after the bozo thief, who was the couple’s next door neighbor, blabbed to a couple of friends about his problems.

January 04, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Brattleboro, Vermont where bozo Norman Hastings was arrested and charged with selling crack cocaine. Our bozo admitted to having the crack in his possession, but denied he intended to sell it. Since he couldn’t afford an attorney, he was given the standard forms to fill out to obtain a public defender. In typical bozo fashion, when filling in the line on the form asking for his occupation, our bozo wrote in, "Selling drugs." He’s being held while his new public defender figures out what to do with him.

January 03, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Astoria, Oregon where bozo Roberto Garcia was pulled over by the cops for erratic driving. The investigating officer noticed our bozo was rather fidgity and after a few minutes the bozo was literally squirming in his seat. When the cop asked him what was wrong, the bozo blurted out, "I’ve got a bag of cocaine in my pants and it’s burning me!" He then asked the officer if he could please help him get it out. Don’t know if the cop actually helped, but a bag of cocaine was recovered from the bozo’s shorts and he was sent to jail.

December 24, 1999

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Bozo criminals for today picked the absolute worst place to try to rob. From Las Vegas, Nevada comes the story of a group of bozos who burst into Mr. D’s bar and proceeded to inform everyone there that this was a holdup. What they didn’t know was that the house band, named Pigs in a Blanket, was made up of off-duty police officers. Not surprisingly, the officers quickly put down their guitars and proceeded to arrest the bozos.

December 23, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Columbus, Ohio where bozo Drtangyn Sewell walked into a drug store, grabbed the cash register off the counter and ran. Our bozo was in such a hurry to get away that he didn’t even notice that he had torn off only the top part of the register, leaving the money drawers behind. The police said he was not hard to spot. He was the bozo running down the street carrying an armload of machinery with dangling wires and cables.

December 22, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Columbia, Tennessee where bozo Michael Powers pulled up to the First American Bank, left the motor running in his car for a quick getaway, and handed the teller a holdup note. His proud smile quickly turned to a frown when he exited the bank with a handful of cash only to find he had locked the car door with the keys inside.

December 21, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from San Francisco, California where bozos Audie Brown and James Fletcher held up the video arcade where bozo Audie had recently been employed. The two wore ski masks and disguised their voices in an attempt to avoid being recognized and got away with a small amount of cash. The cops quickly caught up with them when the store manager was able to positively identify bozo Audie after his accomplice slipped up and called him by name during the robbery.

December 20, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today probably should have just used his weapon for lunch. From Nashville, Tennessee comes the story of bozo Leonard Feldman who walked into a bank, pointed a small silver object at the teller and told her to hand over all the cash. If she didn’t, our bozo told her, he would set off the bomb he was carrying. While he got away with a small amount of cash, the police quickly caught up with him and his bomb. That silver object he called a bomb turned out to be a hot dog wrapped in aluminum foil.

December 17, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today wins the Bozo Weapon of the Week award. From Oklahoma City, Oklahoma comes the story of bozo Lyle Burton who walked into a convenience store carrying a small snake. Threatening the clerk with the snake, which he said was a dangerous copperhead, our bozo demanded cash. Figuring the snake was not worth much, the clerk gave our bozo $40 and a pack of cigarettes, calling the cops as soon as he was out the door. The police were nearby and quickly arrested the bozo and his snake, which turned out to be harmless.

December 16, 1999

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Tom Stevens who passed along today’s bozo. From McLean, Virginia comes the story of bozo Brian Fowler who was discovered by a homeowner taking a little dip in his hot tub. When spotted, our bozo jumped out, grabbed his clothes, and in typical bozo fashion, put on only his shoes and fled. The police arrived and followed the wet trail to a nearby parking lot where they found the clothes but still no bozo. Then the cops received a call informing them of an accident nearby. At the scene, a man told the officers a naked man had jumped into his wife’s sport utility vehicle but had wrecked it before he got out of the parking lot. The police walked over and arrested our still naked and by now quite cold bozo, who asked for a nice warm blanket.

December 15, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From Toronto, Ontario, Canada comes the story of Bozo David Owens who just didn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. Our bozo was arrested and charged with assault but was cleared after taking the stand in his own defense and proclaiming his innocence. After the trial our bozo walked up to the arresting officer and said, "Off the record, it was me. They had it coming." The officer immediately reported the conversation and our bozo was indicted for perjury on the stand.

December 14, 1999

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Bozo criminals for today come from the International File. From Rome, Italy comes the story of a couple of bozos who came up to a woman waiting in line at at gas station. They pulled a gun on her, forced her out of her car and sped away in it. The woman called the cops who caught up with the bozos a short distance down the road. The car they had stolen from the gas station line had run out of gas.

December 13, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Van Buren, Arkansas where bozo Scott Brady walked up to the registration desk of the Meador Inn Motel and nervously filled out a check in card which he then handed to the clerk. When the clerk turned around to get his room key, our bozo pulled a gun and forced her to empty the desk register of around $200 in cash. Our bozo then fled but was quickly apprehended by the cops. He had made it easy for them by giving his name, address, phone number and auto license plate number on the registration card he left behind.

December 10, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today definitely picked the wrong profession. From Memphis, Tennessee comes the story of Bozo Ken Chitty who decided to rob a bank. Only one problem, Ken is blind. Our bozo walks into the First Tennessee Bank, white cane and dark glasses in place. A security guard walks up and asks our bozo if he can be of assistence. He then guides him up to the tellers window and watches as our bozo passes a note to the teller demanding cash. The teller looks at the guard and mouths the words "It’s a robbery!" while handing him some cash. The bozo was immediately arrested by the guard and escorted to jail.

December 09, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. Our bozo is not technically a criminal but he certainly came up with our Bozo Excuse of the Week. From Lyon, France comes the story of Catholic priest Father Laguerie who was pulled over by the gendarmes for speeding. The father agreed that he was going too fast but argued that it was not his fault. He told the officer that he was driving along at a normal rate of speed when suddenly the car became "possessed" and "some evil force took over" causing him to exceed the speed limit. The officer didn’t buy his story and wrote the father a ticket. The question is, does the car need to go to the garage or to the exorcist?

December 08, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Omaha, Nebraska where bozo Keylen Thornton made two mistakes in attempting to rob a bank. His first mistake was not wearing a mask or any type of disguise. His second mistake was choosing a bank where a former high school classmate worked as a teller. After he got away with a little over $1700 in cash, the police brought the teller a high school yearbook and she picked out his photo. Wonder if he was selected as most likely to be arrested in school?

December 07, 1999

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Bozo criminal for today is not technically a criminal, but he was arrested and he is most definitely a bozo. From Athens, Tennessee comes the story of bozo Michael Mason who walked into the First American Bank to inquire about opening a checking account. No problem there. It was what our bozo was carrying over his shoulder that got him into trouble. Hanging from a shoulder strap was our bozo’s shotgun, which as you might expect caused a few tense moments in the bank. While our bozo was filling out the checking account application, another bank employee activated the silent alarm and summoned the cops. The police were also called by several businesses in the area who were alarmed when they saw a man with a gun slung over his shoulder walk into a bank. The cops arrived and met our bozo, with his shotgun still slung over his shoulder, at the door. His story was that he was headed to the nearby pawn shop to sell the shotgun and simply forgot he was carrying it. The police remembered to charge him with disorderly conduct.