June 27, 2000
Thanks to several Bozo News Hawks who alerted us to today’s Bozo criminal who comes from Las Vegas, Nevada. You have to give bozo Juliano Ramirez an "A" for effort if nothing else. Bozo Juliano stole a car from a dealer’s lot and parked it in front of his house. The police quickly found the car, got a duplicate key made and returned the car to the lot. When our bozo returned home and found his stolen car gone, he went to another dealership and stole a pickup truck. The results were once again the same. The police spotted the car parked in front of a pawn shop and used a duplicate key to recover the vehicle. Undaunted, our bozo took a public bus from the pawn shop to a Toyota dealership and this time stole a sport utility vehicle. The police had seen enough and arrested our bozo, only to release him a short time later after he agreed to cooperate on an ongoing case and promised not to steal any more cars. Do you really think this bozo kept his promise? Of course not. He was arrested again for stealing a new minivan from another dealership. This time he’s staying in jail for a while. He’s been booked on four counts of grand theft auto.