October 17, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today may have had one of his wishes come true, but he got arrested, anyway. From Dayton, Ohio comes the story of bozo Hank Adams who walked into a liquor store armed with a BB gun and demanded money from the cashier. About this same time a beer salesman and another customer walked in, but immediately left when they saw what was going on. But they did distract our bozo long enough for the cashier to slip out of the store and quickly lock the door. Our bozo was briefly delighted to be locked inside a liquor store. But before he could even grab himself a beer, the cops arrived and arrested him.

October 16, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where bozo Edney Rivera fled the scene of an assault on foot with the cops in hot pursuit. Sprinting down the sidewalk and fearing that they were gaining on him, our bozo turned his head around to take a look and ran smack into a parking meter. Knocked himself out. The officers helped him up and hauled him in.

October 13, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Provo, Utah where bozo Ron Shelton stole a bicycle. Bozo Ron then decided that it might be a good idea to get the bicycle painted so that it wouldn’t be so easy to identify. Bad idea. He took it into a bike shop to get an estimate and the guy behind the counter thought it looked very familiar. It was his own bike. Our bozo had picked the bike shop that happened to be owned by the man he had stolen the bike from in the first place. The owner excused himself, went into the back and called the cops.

October 12, 2000

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Brad Novak who sent in today’s report. From Cedar Rapids, Iowa comes the story of bozo Andrew Burhop who held up a local bank. Bank employees watched in amazment as our bozo got his cash, fled the bank and hopped into his getaway car which had personalized license plates. Right there on the license plate was "BURHOP", our bozo’s last name. It didn’t take the cops long to find him and it didn’t take him long to plead guilty.

October 11, 2000

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Thanks to several Bozo News Hawks who alerted us to this story. From Pawtucket, Rhode Island comes the story of bozo Kenneth Barnhart who planned on robbing an apartment. He needed a lookout to stand guard so he took his brother along and positioned him outside. A neighbor noticed the suspicious activity and called the cops, then went outside to wait for the police to arrive. When they got there our bozo lookout was standing next to the neighbor, mistaking him for his brother who was still ransacking the apartment. And one thing we forgot to tell you…the man our bozo crook had asked to be his lookout, his brother, is legally blind.

October 10, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 8787 which clearly states that, whenever possible, you should try to obtain a getaway vehicle that will go faster than five miles per hour. From Gastonia, North Carolina comes the story of bozo John Wilbanks who drove up to a gas station, filled up and left without paying. The attendant noticed the theft and called the cops who arrived and busted our bozo before he got more than 100 yards down the road. Did we mention that our bozo was driving a stolen vehicle? Did we also mention it was a riding lawn mower? He’s been charged with theft.

October 09, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today just didn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. From New York City comes the story of bozo Gary Alexander who was convicted of bribery of a public official. Thinking that such a white collar crime would send him to a "country club" type prison our bozo boasted that he would probably have a lot of time to work on his golf game while locked up. Federal prison officials were not amused and instead shipped our bozo to the same 23 hour lockdown prison that houses John Gotti.

October 06, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From Seville, Spain comes the story of an unidentified bozo who thought he had the perfect alibi. Our bozo was being questioned by the police about the robbery of a taxi driver. Our bozo responded that there was no way he could have been involved in that crime, since he was "out picking pockets" that night. He’s looking at ten years in jail.

October 05, 2000

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Bozo criminals for today come from North Adams, Massachusetts where bozos Terrance Brown and Shaun Carroll had just left a court appearance and needed to find a place to unwind. They had a little bit of marijuana but no place to smoke it. Then our bozos spotted a vacant car parked beneath a bridge. Perfect. And it was unlocked! So our bozos hopped in and fired up. And that’s when they were busted. The car they got into turned out to be one of the Berkshire County Drug Task Force’s unmarked vehicles.

October 04, 2000

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Brian Wiedor of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for sending in today’s report. From Oakland, California comes the story of bozo Barry James who liked to pretend he was a highway patrolman. He would follow a car, shine a bright spotlight in the rearview mirror and when the car pulled over would flash a fake badge and ask the driver to get out of the car. He would them climb in and steal the vehicle while his accomplice followed in the other car. He was caught in his little game when he pulled over the unmarked car of an undercover California highway patrolman.

October 03, 2000

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One final report on Bozo activity at the Sydney Olympic Games. Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Ellen Budden from Woomera SA Australia for today’s report. Bozo Harry Carnes stole an olympic pass and made his way to the stadium to relax and watch a few events. But luck was not on our bozo’s side this evening as he took a seat in the stadium right next to the person whose credentials he had stolen. When the athlete noticed his name on our bozo’s id tag, he started to question him. Knowing he was caught, our bozo leapt up and tried to flee but was quickly caught by the athlete and three of his friends. Being members of the Australian judo team, they had no problem holding him down until the cops arrived. And if the police need any furter evidence, the whole thing was caught on videotape as it happened directly behind another athlete who was being interviewed.

October 02, 2000

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk "JannyQ" for sending in today’s report. From Meadeville, Pennsylvania comes the story of bozo David Bergman who broke into a tavern and made himself at home. Not knowing that his every move was being recorded by security cameras, our bozo fixed himself a bite to eat and then poured himself something to drink. Several somethings to drink in fact. He then stretched out to take a little nap. He didn’t seem to be in any hurry to leave, as he was still in the tavern, talking on the phone, when the manager came in the next day to open up. Hope he was calling his attorney. He’s been arrested.

September 29, 2000

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Jeanette Keith for contributing today’s report. From Berwick, Pennsylvania comes the story of bozos Brian Roper and Michael Green who borrowed a car from a friend to use as their getaway vehicle in a planned burglary. Our bozos parked the car near the house, went inside and proceeded to collect a computer, a couple of guns, and some cash, about $2500 worth of stuff total. When they went back outside, our bozos were dismayed to find their car gone. They had parked in a no-parking zone and a neighbor had called and had it towed away. Now, here’s where our already dumb bozos got even stupider. They contacted the man who did the towing and offered to give him a stolen rifle in exchange for their car. And, by the way, our bozos told him, they had access to lots more stolen stuff. The tow truck operator accepted their offer and promptly called the cops, who arrested our bozos.

September 28, 2000

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Dave Stebbins for sending in today’s report from the International File. In Rio De Janerio, Brazil bozo Jose Rocha hopped on board a packed bus and robbed the passengers of about $800. He then jumped off…right in front of 410 police gathered on the city square for an official ceremony with the Rio governor. The commanding general of the military police himself abandoned the podium and with a little help from his fellow officers quickly apprehended our bozo.

September 27, 2000

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With the Olympics in Sydney in full swing, we thought we would bring back this bozo story from last summer that involved one of the top U.S. athletes at the games. From Seville, Spain comes the story of a bozo who was cruising the Seville airport when he grabbed the carry on bag from a man who had just arrived. Our bozo made a quick dash for the exit and much to his surprise the man took off after him. And he was gaining on him, quick. In fact he caught up with the bozo before he could even make it to the door. You see, our unfortunate bozo had picked out the plane of arriving U.S. athletes who were in town for the world championships. And the guy whose bag he grabbed and tried to outrun was none other than the world’s fastest man and new gold medalist Maurice Greene.

September 26, 2000

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In honor of the Olympics, we’ve gone into the Bozo Athletes Division for today’s report. From Berlin, Germany comes the story of several bozo participants in the Berlin Marathon. These bozos decided that the easiest way for them to finish near the top of the marathon was to take the subway for part of the race. They would just hop aboard, ride part of the way and then get back into the race not far from the finish. The plan would have worked fine, except for those computer gizmos that each contestant was given at the start of the race. The gadgets let race authorities keep track of the runners’ times and locations. Thirty three bozo runners were busted.

September 25, 2000

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From Longview, Texas comes the story of a couple of bozos who got what they wanted and then didn’t know what to do with it. It seems our bozos broke into a convenience store on Bill Owens Parkway, grabbed an ATM machine and hauled it out. Part one of their plan worked just fine. It was part two that caused all the trouble. Our bozo’s getaway car was a Ford Tempo and was too small to fit the ATM into the seat or trunk. So, our bozos hoisted the ATM onto the roof of their car and slowly crept away. You would expect that a car with an ATM on top would attract some attention, which it did. Cops followed the bozos for a short distance until they made a sharp turn and the ATM toppled from the roof onto the roadway.

September 22, 2000

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Al Thompson for today’s report. We all know that curiousity killed the cat. Well, it didn’t do our bozo any good, either. From Topeka, Kansas comes the story of bozo Vaughn Smalls. Our bozo and a buddy had set up a little counterfeiting operation in a local motel room and were hard at work one evening printing up bills on their computer when bozo Vaughn noticed the police cruising around the parking lot. Now, if you’re a bozo and you’re doing something illegal in your motel room and you notice the police outside, what do you do? You walk outside, leave the door to the room wide open, call the police over and ask them what they are doing. And that’s just what our bozo did. The cops noticed all the printing equipment and got suspicious. While checking out the room, the cops also found some illegal drugs and discovered that our bozo’s car was stolen. He’s been arrested.

September 21, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the Jurisprudence Division. From Mount Clemens, Michigan comes the story of bozo attorney Robert Shafer who had been warned by the judge that cell phones were not allowed in his court. Not only did our bozo attorney ignore the judge’s warning and bring his cell phone into the courtroom, but during cross examination of a witness the phone rang. And the bozo stopped his questioning to answer it. The judge blew his stack and ordered the bailiff to arrest the bozo attorney.

September 20, 2000

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Slidell, Louisiana where bozo Darryl Evans called the 911 operator and told her he needed help from the police in getting his mother to cook him a pork chop dinner. When the operator told him 911 was for emergencies only, he told her that this was an emergency and that he really wanted that pork chop dinner. The operator again politely tried to get off the line, but our bozo just wouldn’t shut up. Finally, when he became abusive, the operator sent the cops to his home. He was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. Maybe they’re serving pork chops in jail this week.