February 9, 2001

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Tina Romans of Longview, Texas for contributing today’s report. From Elmont, New York comes the winner of our Bozo Weapon of the Month Award. Bozo Adam Oliver wanted to hold up a gas station but he didn’t have a gun or even a knife so he used what was handy. He grabbed a toilet plunger, stuck it under his coat and demanded money from the attendant. As you might imagine, even under a jacket a toilet plunger doesn’t look much like a gun. The attendant simply said "No way!" and our bozo turned and ran, dropping the plunger on the way out. Our 18 year old bozo and future plumber was arrested by the cops a short time later.

February 8, 2001

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Bozo criminal for today must have let the batteries run down in his watch. From Vernon Township, New Jersey comes the story of bozo James Drake who was planning to hold up a local bank. Our bozo arrived ready to do the job. He even put on his ski mask before he got out of the car. He strode purposefully up to the front door of the bank and gave it a mighty tug. The door didn’t budge. So he gave it a push. Still didn’t budge. Not realizing that it was past the bank’s closing time, he banged on the door, hoping a helpful employee would let him in. (Not while you’re wearing a ski mask, you bozo!) Startled bank employees tripped the alarm and the cops quickly arrived and arrested him.

February 7, 2001

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Bozo criminal for today wins our Wrong Place at the Wrong Time Award. From Vandalia, Ohio comes the story of Bozo William Lang who tried to clean out the dry cleaners. He threatened the clerk with a gun and told him to empty the cash register. Our bozo grabbed his cash and ws headed for the exit when he ran smack into a police officer who was coming in the front door. It seems our unfortunate bozo had selected a dry cleaners that was located next to the sheriff’s substation and many of the officers come in each day to pick up their uniforms.

February 6, 2001

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Hastings, Nebraska where they’ve had some rough weather this winter. But neither hail nor sleet nor snow could keep bozo David Hoffman from his appointed rounds. Our bozo got a craving for some beer and was snowed in, so he stole the city snowplow from the storage shed and drove it 20 miles to a convenience store. And to show his good intentions, our bozo gassed up the snowplow before heading home. Only problem, he wrote a personal check to pay for everything. Thinking something might be up with a snowplow driver buying beer, the clerk called the cops and our bozo was soon arrested.

February 5, 2001

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Thanks to several Bozo News Hawks for pointing out this one. From Cleveland, Ohio comes the story of bozo Maxim Zukoff who had hoped to pull off a robbery at a computer company. He had set up an after-hours meeting with the company president and was fully prepared, wearing a bullet-proof vest and carrying a mask, duct tape, a machine gun and tons of ammunition. The robbery failed to come off, however, as the company president didn’t show up. Frustrated, our bozo headed for home and was only a couple of minutes from his destination when he got a little hot under the collar (those bullet-proof vests don’t "breathe"). He pulled over to the side of the road, got out of the car in sub-freezing weather and began removing his coat and vest. A police officer, noticing what was going on, stopped to see if he could be of any assistance. When he noticed that our bozo was sweating profusely despite the cold, the officer took a look inside the car and spotted our bozo’s tools of the trade. He’s now cooling off in jail.

February 2, 2001

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the Legislative Branch. From Albany, New York comes the story of bozo New York State Assemblywoman Nancy Kaufmann who was the co-sponsor of anti-stalking legislation in the New York House. Last month her boyfriend had her arrested for making dozens of hang-up calls to his house and for posing as a cosmetics saleswoman to try to get his new girlfriend’s phone number. She was prosecuted under the very anti-stalking law that she herself drew up.

February 1, 2001

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Miller Duncan for sending in today’s report. From New Bedford, Massachusetts comes the story of bozo James Hampton who walked into an exhibit where several artists had their works on display. He strolled through the exhibit and chatted with a bystander before grabbing a large plastic jug that contained about $100 in donations. Unfortunately, the person he chatted with was one of the artists, who quickly made a sketch of the bozo for the cops, ultimately leading to his capture.

January 31, 2001

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We’re not really sure just who the bozo is in today’s report. From Danville, Kentucky comes the story of a Dairy Queen employee who is in hot water for accepting a phony $200 bill and giving the thief $197 back in change. Authorities say the bill is such an obvious fake it can’t even be considered counterfeit. On the front of the bill is a picture of George W. Bush and on the back there is a picture of an oil well and a picture of the White House with a lawn sign reading, "We like broccoli." Police are searching for the crook and the Dairy Queen employee is searching for her glasses.

January 30, 2001

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Dick Dixon for sending in today’s report. From Paso Robles, California comes the story of bozo Pablo Herrera who was most certainly in the wrong place at the wrong time. He walked into a donut shop shortly after midnight and ordered himself a jelly roll. Our bozo reached into his pocket for some money and when he pulled his hand out, a plastic baggie full of white powder also fell to the floor. He scrambled to pick it up but was quickly surrounded by the cops. Remember, it’s after midnight and he’s in a donut shop. You can be sure there were several officers there who were more than happy to bust him on suspicion of possession of drugs.

January 29, 2001

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Bozo criminal for today was really in a big hurry. From Aiken, South Carolina comes the story of bozo Tom Barker who walked into a convenience store, grabbed two cases of Budweiser and dashed out the door without paying. He threw the beer into the back of his pickup and sped off. Perhaps "sped" is to strong a word. "Sputtered" more closely describes what happened. He almost made it out of the store parking lot before his truck ran out of gas. As he was trying to get the truck started again, one of the store employees grabbed him and held him until the cops arrived.

January 26, 2001

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Michael Walker for sending in today’s report. From Los Angeles, California comes the story of bozo James Watson who allegedly had vandalized more than 40 locations in the last month, spray painting graffiti on them. Police had no leads until our bozo slipped up and wrote one bit of graffiti that was so foul, so politically incorrect that hundreds of women called the police to complain. The police were able to use the leads given to them to track down and arrest our bozo. And just what was it that he wrote that was so offensive that the public was up in arms against him? He revealed the one thing that every woman wants to keep private. On several public places he wrote his girlfriend’s name and beside it he wrote her weight.

January 25, 2001

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Tim Boylan for sending in today’s report. From Columbus, Ohio comes the story of bozo Charles Obuto who held up the Firstar Bank, fleeing on foot with his cash. The area was quickly swarming with cops and our bozo got a little scared, so he ducked into a nearby drugstore where he changed clothes in the restroom and stashed his money in the toilet tank. Suspicious store employees checked out the restroom after our bozo left and found the toilet overflowing because of the bag of cash. The police were called and were on the scene investigating when the drugstore’s phone rang. And who should it be but our bozo, asking if he could come back to the store and pick up the money he had stashed in the toilet. Sure. The cops arrested him when he arrived.

January 24, 2001

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Perth, Scotland where bozo Seth Hampton was surprised while robbing a flat. Attempting to flee, he slipped on an icy window ledge and landed awkwardly on the frozen ground, breaking his hip. Officers arriving on the scene to investigate the break-in discovered our unfortunate thief and took him to the hospital for x-rays. And that’s when his troubles really began. With no place to hide his loot and the cops closing in on him, our bozo had swallowed several items of jewelry, which of course showed up on the x-ray. Police simply waited for nature to take its course and within a couple of days they had their evidence and our bozo was under arrest.

January 23, 2001

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Lou Ann Bragg for sending in today’s report. Our Bozo for today violated Bozo Rule Number 1909 which states: It’s not usually a good idea to use your real name and address when renting your getaway car. From Spartanburg, South Carolina comes the story of bozo Jose Ramiro who held up the First Piedmont Bank. Employees noticed he fled in a silver Mustang with the paper license plate of National Car Rental. Cops simply got our bozo’s address from the rental company, stopped by his home and arrested him.

January 22, 2001

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Eddie Stair for sending in today’s report. From Woodstock, Georgia comes the story of bozo Roderick Chambers who stole a car and found in the glovebox of that car a checkbook belonging to the car’s owner. Thinking he had hit the jackpot, our bozo waited a couple of days for things to cool off and then headed over to the bank to try to cash a check, driving the stolen car, of course. Our bozo was patiently waiting in the drive through lane when who should drive up behind him but the owner of the car, who had stopped by the bank to close out the stolen checking account. Recognizing his car, he called 911 and after a short chase our bozo was arrested.

January 19, 2001

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Bozo criminals for today come from Tallahassee, Florida where bozos Jaron Greene and Wesley Jacobs broke into a residence and made off with a variety of goodies, including a couple of televisions. It was only when they got back home that they realized that they had failed to steal perhaps the most important items of all. So they did what any self-respecting bozo would do, they returned to the scene of the crime to finish the job. They weren’t so lucky this time as a neighbor spotted them and called the cops who nabbed them before they could make their getaway. And what items were so important that our bozos risked being arrested to return and get? The remote controls for the TVs, of course.

January 18, 2001

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Bozo criminal for today reaches a new high, or perhaps low, in stupidity. From St. Louis County, Missouri comes the story of bozo Daniel Evans who decided to do what many of us have done at one time or another, make a Xerox of his kiester on the copy machine. It was the location of this particular copy machine that got him into trouble. He dropped his pants and copied his backside on the machine in the lobby of the St. Louis County Courthouse. He was only able to make two copies before the cops yanked him off of there. And he’s a charming guy, too. He said he was making the copies for his girlfriend. Bet she’s thrilled.

January 17, 2001

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Nobody ever said being a stupid crook is easy work and we’d get no arguments from today’s bozo. From Albuquerque, New Mexico comes the story of bozo mastermind Charles Fenton who kicked a hole in the wall of a portable building at the Bernalillo County Detention Center, enabling six prisoners to flee. Our bozo planned to escape by the same route but he used so much energy kicking the hole in the wall that he just had to lie down and take a little nap. He was awakened by guards who hauled him back to his cell.

January 16, 2001

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Muskegon Heights, Michigan where bozo Janet Simon shoplifted a number of items from the local dollar store. As she sprinted through the parking lot, she dropped her purse, which contained her drivers license. The police didn’t even have time to try to track her down, however, as a short time later our bozo called the cops to see if anyone had turned in that lost purse. Yes, said the officer, but you’ll have to come down to the station house to pick it up. She did. She was arrested.

January 15, 2001

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Oklahoma where bozo Ronald Thomas was serving a 12 year sentence for burglary. Our bozo somehow managed to steal a corrections department van and escaped from a prison work crew. Once on the outside he faced a quandry familiar to all bozos…Where do I go? He drove around for a while and then got completely, totally, hopelessly lost. So he pulled into a convenience store parking lot in Garden City, Kansas, dialed 911 and asked for the police to please come pick him up and take him back to jail. The cops were happy to oblige.