August 9, 2001

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bozo criminal for today comes from Shaker Heights, Ohio where bozo Darryl Adams walked into a bank, threatened a teller and got away with a handful of cash. Before police could even respond to the alarm, our bozo calmly walked back into the bank and told the same teller he needed to buy a $45 money order. The stunned teller told the bozo to hit the road, which he did, leaving his stolen wad of cash behind in the process. He’s been arrested.

August 8, 2001

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bozo criminal for today comes from Atlanta, Georgia where bozo Glenn Mason was arrested and charged with bank robbery. And he’s going to have a tough time denying this one, too. About 300 witnesses at a club heard him make his confession. You see, after one of his stick ups, our bozo decided to try his hand at comedy and during open mic night at the local comedy club he went into a routine detailing how he robbed banks for a living. Employees of the club didn’t see the humor in his routine and called the cops who checked out our bozo’s story and arrested him.

August 7, 2001

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Thanks to bozo News Hawk Michael Tooher for sending in today’s report. From Portland, Maine comes the story of bozo Timothy Danes who is facing charges of illegal possession of explosives after authorites found him with a pipe bomb. And how did the cops make such a discovery? Our bozo was applying for a job with the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Department and he told the interviewer that he had a pipe bomb in his possession. And after a quick check the cops discovered he wasn’t lying. By the way, he didn’t get the job.

August 6, 2001

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bozo criminal for today comes from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where bozo Michael Martin stole a car but instead of selling it to a chop shop or to someone else our bozo decided to try to sell it back to the person he had just stolen it from. Our bozo got the phone number and called the woman, claiming to have bought the car for $600 before realizing it was stolen. He then offered to sell it back to her for the same amount. No deal, she said, and after some negotiating she agreed to buy it back from him for $200. Knowing something was not right, she called the cops who were waiting four our bozo when he showed up with the car.

August 3, 2001

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Thanks to bozo News Hawk Rocco Pallotto for sending in today’s report, and there may be bozos from both sides of the law at work here. From the International File in Rio de Janerio, Brazil comes the story of an unidentified inmate at the Bangu Prison. Our bozo dug a tunnel to escape but seemingly wasn’t very good at directions since he emerged from underground not outside the prison but instead in another prisoner’s cell, right in front of prison guards. And here’s what makes us believe there may be some bozos working inside the prison. The guards said after he realized his mistake our bozo turned back into his hole and crawled away, rejoining other prisoners in the exercise yard. The guards said they didn’t see enough of him to identify him. I’m no rocket scientist, but I’m willing to bet he’s the one with that’s really dirty.

August 2, 2001

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bozo criminal for today comes from Miami, Florida where bozo Deshawn Dawson held up a bank and got away with a few hundred dollars. To make it harder for anyone to identify him, our bozo stripped off his shirt and threw it away after leaving the bank. At this point most crooks would have headed home to lay low fo a while, but of course a bozo would have other ideas. Instead he walked into a nearby Subway sandwich shop, shirtless, and ordered a small Coke which he paid for with a $50 bill. Upon receiving his change he offered to buy one of the employee’s shirts for $20. Another worker thought all this was kind of strange and called the cops who, noticing that he matched the description of the robber, arrested him.

August 1, 2001

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Our bozo for today had a problem we may all be able to relate to. From Tomah, Wisconsin comes the story of bozo Josh Hamilton who stopped at the ATM to try to get himself some cash. And wouldn’t you know it, the stupid thing ate his card. Bank employees told him they wouldn’t be able to retrieve the card until sometime that afternoon. That just wasn’t good enough for our bozo who walked to his car and returned to the bank lobby with a tire iron. He then proceeded to give that bad ATM a darn good thrashing. He shouldn’t have done that. The police were called and our bozo was arrested, and that was just the beginning of his problems. A routine search turned up some marijuana in his pocket. And his card? He never did get it back.

July 31, 2001

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bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From Manchester, England comes the story of bozo Ryan Boothe who decided to hold up the branch of the Bank of Scotland on the hottest day of the year. And for such a hot day, he showed definite bozo skills in selecting his choice of apparel-a heavy winter coat and fur hat. He was able to get the teller to place about $8500 in a shopping bag and he headed for the exit where his getaway bicycle was waiting. He quickly discovered it’s tough to pedal while wearing a parka and to complicate things the dye packet in the money exploded, engulfing him in a cloud of red smoke. Momentarily stunned, he fell from the bicycle, losing his hat and sending his money scattering. As he tried to gather his cash and hat, the bank’s security camera got a clear shot of his face which the cops used to apprehend him.

July 30, 2001

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bozo criminal for today comes from Los Angeles, California where bozo Steven Stanberry liked to play around with explosives. He especially liked to fill garbage bags with helium and release them with burning fuses and explosives attached. When the fuse burned down the whole thing would explode in midair which our bozo thought was very cool. Everything was fine until one of his floating bombs went astray. It floated three miles before coming to rest on the roof of the Los Angeles County sheriff’s station whereupon it exploded. No one was hurt but it angered the cops enough that, using wind patterns, they were able to trace the bomb back to our bozo’s neighborhood where he was tracked down and arrested.

July 27, 2001

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bozo Criminal for today comes from Crawford County, Arkansas where bozo Shane Lucas violated bozo Rule Number 7888: When you do a crime, don’t expect your parents to come bail you out. bozo Shane pulled off a burglary and got away with some cash but was brought in a few days later on suspicion of burglary charges. Our bozo called home and asked his father to come bail him out of jail, telling dad he could use the stolen money and even going so far as giving him the location where he had stashed the loot. Bad idea. He’s no longer just a suspect since dad called the cops and told them the whole story.

July 26, 2001

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bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Boksburg, South Africa where our bozo had an awful sense of timing. Hoping to get away with some computer equipment, bozo Christian Haymes broke into the public library the other evening. Unfortunately for him he set off an alarm which alerted a group which was meeting in another part of the building. It was a local businessman’s organization and the featured speaker was the chief of police who was discussing ways to prevent crime. Here’s one way right here. The chief along with security staff nabbed our bozo burglar.

July 25, 2001

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Thanks to bozo News Hawk Rocco Pallotto for sending in today’s report. From Bayou Blue, Louisiana comes the story of bozo Leon Clayton who burglarized a store where he worked, taking a little cash, a telephone and some whiskey. And it sounds like he may have taken a little too much whiskey as he was arrested a short time later walking naked down the middle of the road. Upon questioning, our bozo told the cops that he thought that by taking off all his clothes he would make himself invisible to the authorities. He was taken to jail in a borrowed raincoat.

July 24, 2001

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Thanks to bozo News Hawk Jo Will for sending in today’s report. From North Conway Village, New Hampshire comes the story of bozo Kevin Phillips who violated bozo Rule Number 3490: When you steal a car it’s usually a good idea to remember where you parked it. Our bozo heisted a bright red BMW and headed straight to the nearest bar to have a few drinks. When he came back out he tried the key in the lock and it wouldn’t fit. He looked at the key and looked at the car and tried it again and again the key wouldn’t work. Becoming frustrated, our bozo next picked up a brick and tried to smash the window. And that’s when he attracted the attention of the the cops, who came over and sorted the whole thing out. They discovered that our bozo’s car, the stolen one, was parked a few spaces away. Yep, he’d gone to the wrong car. He’s now been charged with theft and destruction of property.

July 23, 2001

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Thanks to several bozo News Hawks for sending in this one. From the International File in Drogheda, Ireland comes the story of bozo Paul Fulham whose robbery skills still need a little work. Our bozo returned to his hometown on holiday and planned to rob a shop next door to his childhood home. He armed himself with a knife, put a mask over his face and headed next door to do the deed. But it seems he is a friendly sort and on his way to the shop he kept running into old friends and each time he would lift his mask to say hello to them. And to top it off, he was more than just a little inebriated and once he got into the shop he couldn’t find his way out. The police were called and helped him find his way to jail.

July 20, 2001

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bozo criminal for today comes from the International File. From Cardiff, Wales comes the story of bozo Christopher Downey who had just flown in from Dublin and discovered that his luggage didn’t make the trip with him. He reported it missing and the airline was able to track it down at another airport where officials opened the bag to confirm it belonged to Downey. Oops. Inside they found 65 blocks of hashish weighing about 35 pounds. The bag was forwarded to Cardiff and our bozo was busted when he came down to claim it.

July 19, 2001

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Thanks to bozo News Hawk Burck Knopf for sending in today’s report. From Albuquerque, New Mexico comes the story of bozos Alejandro Martinez and Cardell Betonia who couldn’t have picked a worse vehicle to try to steal. It was an old beat up GMC van with faded-out tinted windows and a curtain separating the driver’s area from the back of the vehicle. And it also happens to be owned by the police department. It’s used on stakeouts in suspected drug trafficing areas. That’s how a couple of officers were using it the other night, hiding in the back and keeping a lookout for drug dealers. Our bozos strolled by, noticed the keys in the ignition and jumped in. Before they got it started they got the shock of their lives when the cops pulled the curtain back and busted them.

July 18, 2001

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bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. bozo Kristian Wyrostek must have gotten in a little bit of a hurry when he packed up a Sony Playstation that he had been renting from a local video store. He returned it to the store with a little something extra-a .22 caliber handgun. After finding the gun, surprised video store employees called the cops. When the police arrived at our bozo’s home to investigate they found about $50,000 worth of stolen goods (maybe he should have stolen a playstation for himself) and a small amount of drugs. He’s been arrested.

July 17, 2001

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Thanks to several bozo News Hawks who pointed out this one in a recent Dave Barry column. From Annapolis, Maryland comes the story of bozo Chad Wilson who was in violation of his parole and was being taken before the judge when he broke away and ran from the courtroom. Our bozo, with the deputies following close behind, ran to the nearby Maryland Inn where he hid in a closet. So far, so good. It’s when our bozo came out of the closet that his troubles really began. Inside that closet, for reasons unknown, was a full size bunny suit, complete with floppy pink ears. Yes, our bozo put it on. Yes, he was immediately spotted by the deputies and arrested.

July 16, 2001

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Thanks to bozo News Hawk Donna Jean Johnson for sending in today’s report. From Athens, Texas comes the story of bozo Shannon Harvey who was a wanted man-in fact there were two outstanding warrants on him, including one for aggravated robbery. But that didn’t stop him from walking into the drivers license office to renew his license. DPS officers discovered the warrants while his license was being processed. He’s been arrested.

July 13, 2001

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We’ve always said that if it wasn’t for bad luck, bozos would have no luck at all and that’s certainly the case today. Thanks to bozo News Hawk Neal Tooni for sending in this one. From Pamelia, New York comes the story of bozo Jeyvan Lang who was more than a little stoned and was weaving from lane to lane. And maybe he was a little paranoid, too, because when he noticed a police car in his rearview mirror, he did what seemed to him to be the logical thing. He pulled into the driveway of the first residence he came to, pretending to be going home. His ploy might have worked except this particular driveway belonged to the home of the very officer who was following him. He’s been charged with DUI and possession of marijuana.