Hold Gun In One Hand, Grab Money With Other

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Paducah, Kentucky, where bozo Cody Wilson walked into the Country Inn and Suites with a t-shirt over his face and a University of Alabama sock cap on his head. He pointed a gun at the clerk and demanded cash. The clerk tossed some money onto the counter and our bozo reached to grab it, laying his gun down in the process. Bad idea. The clerk grabbed the pistol and pointed it at our bozo who headed for the door. He didn’t get very far before he came up with the bright idea to return and ask the clerk for his gun back. Nothing doing, the clerk said and our bozo again ran out. He was stopped a short time later for a routine traffic stop and he acted so nervous that the officer decided to take a look inside the car. He found the t-shirt and cap and a computer that had been reported stolen earlier in the day. Busted!

Shut Up! Or I’ll Shoot!

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Phoenix, Arizona, where our unidentified bozo was upset with his noisy upstairs neighbors. So, what to do? Walk upstairs, bang on the door and yell at them to pipe down? Check. Unfortunately, the neighbors quickly started making noise again. So, what to do now? Go back and ask again? Nope. Call the cops? No way. Fire some shots into the ceiling? Yep, that ought to do it. Not sure if his aim was really bad or something else went awry, but somehow our bozo ended up shooting himself in the face. Yikes. He’s recovering in the hospital. No word if the neighbors ever quieted down.

I Never Dreamed They Would Check the Attic

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Bozo criminal for today violated the original Bozo Rule: It’s not a good idea to challenge the cops. From Wharton, Texas, comes the story of bozo Jason Morales who was wanted by the cops on a burglary charge. After a detective called him and suggested that he turn himself in, he said he would, but only when he “felt like it.” He went on to say that the cops would have to find him first and he didn’t think they were up to the challenge. Bad idea. So, if you’ve challenged the cops to find you, perhaps you’d flee the area? Nope. Become a master of disguise and change your look? Too much trouble. Hide in the attic of your house, the first place the cops would look? Yep. Einstein is under arrest.

No Payee, No Takee

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Coventry, England where bozo Daniel Blake walked into the local McDonalds, told the person behind the counter he was armed and demanded cash. The clerk replied that the only way he could open the cash drawer was if our bozo first purchased something. OK. He ordered a cheeseburger and gave the clerk cash to pay for it. He then made his getaway with lunch and about $170. A pretty successful day, right? Wrong. He tried the same trick again later in the day and the cops were on alert and captured him. Busted!

Taking Off the Dress Was His First Mistake

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Casselberry, Florida, where bozo Gerardo Ramirez donned a gold dress and a red wig and held up a bank. He stuffed the cash in his backpack, walked out and ditched his disguise behind a bush. Things were going smoothly except for one small detail. A passing Seminole County deputy saw the whole thing and gave chase. A foot chase ensued with our bozo eventually circling back and stealing the deputy’s idling cruiser. Soon, he was being chased by several other deputies and he eventually crashed into another vehicle. Busted! Charged with battery on an officer, resisting an officer with violence and robbery with a firearm.

He’s a Really Big Fan of Jethro Tull

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Janesville, Wisconsin, where our bozo walked into the Voigt Music Center. After milling around for awhile, he picked up a flute and stuffed it down the back of his pants. Yep, he tried to hide the flute in his butt crack. Unfortunately, the whole thing was done right in front of security cameras. The clerk confronted him as he attempted to leave, asking him what he had in his pants. Our bozo replied, “I got a flute, and that’s where I keep my flute.” After she pointed out that the price tag was still on it, our bozo surrendered the flute and left. Faced with what to do with a soiled glute flute, the store owner decided against ever trying to sell it again. He had the $500 flute made into a lamp.

I Just Wanted To Go To the Courthouse, But YOU Wanted a Big Wedding

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Groveton, Texas, where bozo Gary Brown walked into the local bank, threatened the teller, and got away with an undisclosed amount of cash. So far, so good. Things started to unravel when the cops posted a security camera picture of our bozo on their Facebook page. His fiancee saw the picture and called our bozo to ask him what was going on. After initially denying it, our bozo decided to ‘fess up. Yep, that was him. He went on to explain that he needed the cash to pay for the ring and the venue for their upcoming wedding. Awww. He’s just a hopeless romantic. They’ll have to put the wedding off for awhile. She convinced him to give himself up. He’s under arrest, charged with bank robbery.

Another Example That the PD Is Not Running a Drug Testing Service

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Toney, Alabama, where bozo Jennifer Hastings called the sheriffs office and requested that some officers be sent over to help her with a problem. When deputies arrived, our bozo pulled out a baggie of what appeared to be meth, threw it on the table and said, “I want this dope tested.” She went on to explain that she thought the meth was contaminated with another substance. While the officers appreciated her honesty, she was nevertheless busted, charged with possession of a controlled substance.

Crocs + Crocs = Epic Fail

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Bozo criminal for today comes from St. Augustine, Florida, home of the Alligator Farm Zoological Park. Cops were called around 6:50 in the morning to a report of a man, clad only in his underwear, crawling in a yard near the park. About that same time, someone from the park also called the cops to report a pair of Crocs shoes and a pair of shorts floating in one of the park’s alligator ponds. There was also a bloody trail leading to the top of a 20-foot structure near the pond. It didn’t take much detective work to put two and two together. When the cops found our bozo, clad only in his boxer shorts, he claimed that he had been “bitten by an alligator.” He later admitted that he had broken into the park to swim with the alligators, had been attacked, and climbed up the structure to escape. Video footage showed a nine foot gator attacking him as he tried to get away, losing his shorts and Crocs in the process. Busted! Charged with burglary and criminal mischief.

Strike Four, You’re Out!

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Indian River County, Florida. Our bozo found himself locked out of his vehicle, so he did what any bozo would do, he called 911 for help. Not once, not twice, but three times within a five minute period. Officials verified no children or animals were locked in the vehicle, so it was not considered an emergency situation. He was advised to call a non-emergency number for help. When he continued to demand that the cops unlock his car, it was determined that the car was registered to another person. Officers are only allowed to unlock a car for the registered owner. End of story, right? Nope. Mr. Persistent waited until after the cop had left and called 911 again, repeating his demands. This time when the officer returned, our bozo was arrested for abuse of 911. No word on whether the car was ever unlocked.

Um, Sir, Perhaps You Would Consider These Loose Fitting Jeans

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No real criminal activity in today’s report from the International File in Stoke-on-Trent but we couldn’t let this one go by without mention. Since he’s no bozo, we’ll simply call him “our hero” and he was shopping at a men’s wear store. He was checking out with about $500 worth of merchandise when the store manager gave him a once over. The manager noticed what he thought was a suspicious bulge in our hero’s pants. The man replied that it was just “the way he was made.” The manager’s suspicious questioning continued until our hero finally dropped his pants right there in the store and showed everyone that he indeed had nothing to hide. Case closed.

47 Beers Was OK. It Was Number 48 That Did Him In

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in South Otago, New Zealand. It seems bozo Karl Lansford had borrowed a Subaru from a friend six months ago and hadn’t returned it. Unfortunately, the rightful owner of the car showed up to retrieve it just as our bozo was returning home from a big night of drinking. Big, as in 48 beers. Not surprisingly, drunk bozo was in no mood to negotiate the return of the car. Before the owner could drive away, our bozo grabbed an axe from the garage and did extensive damage to the vehicle. And for good measure, he also took the axe to an innocent Nissan which had the misfortune of being parked nearby. The cops were called and our bozo was sentenced to 12 months’ supervision, 150 hours’ community work and ordered to pay $1500 for the damage he caused with the axe.

Look Out For That…Bozo!

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Michael McPherson for sending in today’s report from Jackson, Mississippi. It seems Bozo A stole a vehicle from a gas station around 4 am. Police were looking for Bozo A when the got a call of an accident involving two vehicles at 5:23 am. It seems Bozo B, also in a stolen vehicle, crashed into Bozo A, disabling Bozo A’s vehicle. Bozo B fled only to crash his vehicle again a few blocks away. Final score: Two wrecked stolen vehicles, two shaken up bozos considering taking driver education classes.

If She’d Only Worn the Shirt She Stole…

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Bozo criminal for today from Okaloosa Island, Florida, violated Bozo Rule Number 211201: When making your getaway, it’s a good idea to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible. About 7 pm a worker at Surfside Outfitters called in a report of a shoplifter. When the cops arrived, the woman had fled on a bicycle. Dead end, right? Well, not exactly. Within a few minutes, reports of a topless woman on a bicycle began to come in. The cops quickly tracked Lady Godiva down and when an officer told her to pull over, she shouted back, “Make me!”. A bicycle isn’t going to outrun a police cruiser. The officer pulled ahead and then blocked her path. A quick check of her bag turned up the stolen flip flops and t-shirt. Busted! Charged with theft and resisting arrest.

Let’s See…How To Transport These Quarters…Anybody Got a Baby Carriage?

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Bakersfield, California, where police officers noticed a woman struggling to push her baby stroller. Seeking to help, the officers approached the woman and discovered there was no baby inside the carriage. Instead, they found $6000 worth of quarters that she had allegedly taken in a burglary. No wonder she was struggling. Busted! She’s been charged with suspicion of burglary, possession of stolen property, possession of burglary tools, possession of methamphetamine, resisting arrest and two outstanding misdemeanor warrants.

Just a Hunka Hunka Burning Love

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Our story for today from the Bozo Lonely Hearts Club file comes from Lincoln, Nebraska, where our 19-year-old bozo had just gone through a painful breakup with her boyfriend. Wanting to put the whole thing behind her, she took all her old love letters, placed them in a pile on the floor and burned them with a butane torch. Nothing wrong with that, right? Wrong. She left the burned remnants there and went into the bedroom to take a nap. As is often the case with smoldering embers, they re-ignited and caught the carpet on fire. Firefighters responded quickly and extinguished the blaze. No one was injured but an estimated $4000 in damage was done to the building. Or love sick Juliet was charged with negligent burning.

And I Would Have Gotten Away, Too, If Not For That Person On the Motorized Cart!

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Bayonne, New Jersey. Bozo Sheila Sanders loaded her Walmart shopping cart with $235 worth of merchandise and headed out the door without paying. She loaded her stuff into her vehicle, but, wouldn’t you know it, her exit was blocked by someone moving very slowly in a motorized shopping cart. In her haste to get away, she bumped the person on the motorized cart and a heated argument ensued. Unfortunately for our bozo, a police officer was in the parking lot at the same time and saw the whole thing. And to add insult to injury, she ran head-on into the police cruiser as she attempted to flee. Busted!

Who Knew They Even Still Made Disposable Cameras

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Daniel Pierce for sending in this one from Portland, Oregon, where the cops received a report of a 1995 Jeep being stolen. The vehicle turned up a few days later, only a couple of miles from where it was stolen. Maybe our bozos made a quick exit from the vehicle, as the engine was running, the windshield wipers on and the heater was running. The police returned the vehicle to its owners who remembered something they had left in the glove box. A disposable camera. And when the pictures on the camera were developed…yep, our bozos had taken a few selfies of themselves with it. Using the photographic evidence, cops hope to make an arrest soon.

He Was Probably Heading To the Premiere of the Movie “It”

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Nashua, New Hampshire, where the cops received a report of a man driving down a freeway without his headlights on. The officers attempted to pull our bozo over, but he instead sped up and led the cops on a high speed chase. It was at this time that the police noticed something unusual about the vehicle. It was full of balloons. Absolutely jam-packed with balloons, with barely enough room for the driver. And did we point out that this occurred at 3:30 am? Anyway, the chase continued until our bozo reached his residence, where he pulled into the driveway and immediately crashed into the garage. He was placed under arrest. The balloons are being held in protective custody.

You Can’t Fight City Hall

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Worcester, England, where our bozo shall remain unidentified to spare him further embarrassment. It seems back in 2016 he was clocked doing 35 in a 30 MPH zone. He was so sure he was going no more that 30 that he decided to fight the ticket, hiring a group of experts to defend him. Four trips to Magistrates Court and three years later the verdict is in: Guilty as charged. The final tally…he spent $36,982 of his son’s inheritance fighting a ticket that would have cost him $120 initially. Yeah, but it was the principal of the thing!