December 20, 2002

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Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 8765: When robbing a store, it’s always a good idea to check out the guy in line behind you. From Muskegon, Michigan comes the story of bozo Ivory Lee Harper who pointed a derringer at the clerk of the local Walgreen’s and demanded money. A customer standing in line waiting to pay for a big bottle of mouthwash saw what was going on and whacked our bozo over the head with his Listerine. They say Listerine knocks out bad breath, in this case it knocked our bozo out long enough for a couple of other customers to pin him to the floor until the police could arrive.

December 19, 2002

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Jack Decker for sending in today’s report. From Lansing, Michigan comes the story of bozo Jack Yates who was on trial for assault. As the jury was deliberating his fate, our bozo decided to flee during the lunch break. When they returned with their guilty verdict, our bozo was nowhere to be found. Police were still looking for him when he turned up at the state Attorney General’s office to complain about improper treatment during his trial. He’s had a new charge of absconding on bond added to his other problems.

December 18, 2002

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Fulton, Kentucky where bozo William Hennessey was celebrating his 52nd birthday by having a big pot party with several of his friends. After receiving several complaints about smoke coming from our bozo’s house, police stopped by to investigate. No, the house wasn’t on fire. Our bozo had decided to turn his home into the world’s largest bong. Officers found a large amount of marijuana burning on a grill just outside his back door and a huge fan in the front door pulling smoke through the house. It was his bright idea to provide enough smoke in the house that everyone wouldn’t have to light up separately. Happy birthday. He’s under arrest.

December 17, 2002

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Berlin, Germany where an unidentified bozo walked into a lottery ticket shop and demanded cash, threatening the owner with an air pistol. His tactics didn’t frighten the owner’s wife, who grabbed an nearby can of holiday glitter spray and sprayed our bozo in the face. Stunned, he quickly fled the store, leaving his wallet behind on the counter. A short time later, still covered in glitter, he showed up at the police station to report his wallet stolen. He’s under arrest.

December 16, 2002

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Bozo criminals for today were somewhat lacking in the Christmas spirit. From Skowhegan, Maine comes the story of a group of bozos who stole 27 Christmas trees from a local lot, backing a flat bed trailer up and simply hauling them away. Police shouldn’t have any trouble tracking the thieves down, however. They backed that trailer a little too far into a snowbank and when they pulled away they left their trailer’s license plate behind, stuck in the snow.

December 13, 2002

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Bozo criminal for today got tripped up by an urban legend. Bozo Wanda Malloy of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada had heard that if you dial an extra one after the 911 emergency number it would tell you if the police were tapping your phone. Since she was the owner of a large marijuana farm, phone taps were a concern. So, she decided to give it a try. She hung up as soon as she realized that even with the extra one, the number went straight through to the cops. Police, fearing something was wrong, rushed to her home to investigate. There they found our bozo, along with all her pot plants. Busted!

December 12, 2002

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where bozo Aaron Blalock worked for the local KFC. Our bozo saw how much money the place took in so he thought it might be ripe for a robbery. He showed up one evening, without a mask or any disguise and demanded money. Unfortunately he had forgotten the safe was on a time lock so he left empty-handed, but not before all his fellow employees recognized him. He skipped town after his failed robbery attempt, right? Wrong. He showed up for his regular shift three days later like nothing had happened. The manager called the cops and our bozo was arrested.

December 11, 2002

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Bozo criminals for today violated Bozo Rule Number 0034: First be sure you know exactly what it is you’re stealing. From Irvine, California comes the story of a team of three bozos who stole some Chihuahua puppies from the local animal shelter. A few days later they brought the pups into the local Petsmart for vaccinations and an examination. They attracted some attention to themselves when they asked the manager what type of dog the puppies were. When she told them they were Chihuahuas they were rather insulted and told her no they weren’t. These puppies were Pit Bulls, according to our bozos. After they left, the manager did some checking and found the puppies had been reported stolen from the animal shelter. When our bozos brought their pit bulls back for a second round of shots they were arrested.

December 10, 2002

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Thanks to several Bozo News Hawks for alerting us to today’s bozo from Covington, Louisiana. It’s the story of bozo Eugene Carlisle who was casing a house to burglarize. When he peeked through a window, he spotted his image on a video surveillance monitor. Thinking quickly, he broke into the house and stole the monitor, throwing it away in the woods nearby. He wasn’t thinking quickly enough, however, to remember to also steal the camera and VCR, which contained the recording of his crime. He’s under arrest.

December 9, 2002

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Bozo criminals for today come from Fitchburg, Massachusetts where bozos Octavio Salas and Jose Cortez had smuggled about $100,000 worth of cocaine into town in the gas tank of their car. With visions of quick profits dancing in their heads, our bozos didn’t even drain the tank before trying to get at the dope. Instead they used a power saw to cut open the tank. And of course a spark ignited the tank, the dope and our bozos. The cocaine was destroyed. Our bozos are recovering in jail.

December 6, 2002

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Scranton, Pennsylvania where bozo Ernest Vega had been charged with theft but was offered the opportunity to wipe his record clean by taking part in a rehabilitation program. When he arrived at the courthouse to enroll, he discovered he did not have the $700 fee. And that’s when the Bozo mind went to work. He stole a court stenographer’s laptop to pawn, but the pawnshop refused it because the power cord was missing. So he returned to the courthouse to retrieve it. He was arrested after a stenographer spotted him with a power cord dangling from his pocket.

December 5, 2002

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Bozo criminals for today come from the International File in Perugia, Italy where a couple of bozos perhaps thought the holiday season would be a good time of the year to rob a perfumery. They managed to shoplift about $600 worth of perfume before being spotted by the manager, who called the cops. In their haste to escape, they smashed a bottle of jasmine perfume. Officers on the scene only had to follow their noses to find the crooks. The sweet scent of jasmine led them to a nearby alley where they arrested our bozos.

December 4, 2002

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Johannesburg, South Africa. Michael Martin robbed a woman on her way to church, snatching her purse. Two police officers saw the whole thing and quickly captured our bozo. When they returned the purse to the woman, her cell phone was missing. Thinking perhaps he had ditched the phone during the chase one of the officers decided to call the number. Much to their surprise they heard the muffled sound of the phone ringing. From our bozo’s underpants. He had stashed the phone there and the officers had missed it when they searched him. Our embarrassed bozo turned over the phone and was placed under arrest.

December 3, 2002

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Austin, Texas where bozo Jamie O’Donnell stole a car and headed North. Somewhere between Austin and Arkansas he picked up a hitchhiker. When he reached Virginia, our bozo stopped at a rest area to use the bathroom. When he came back out the car was gone. That’s right, our bozo’s stolen car was stolen again, this time by the hitchhiker. His problems were further complicated when he called the cops to report the heist. It didn’t take them long to figure out our bozo was the first thief. And it didn’t take them long to find the second thief, either. They’re both under arrest for stealing the same car.

December 2, 2002

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Donald Stephens for sending in today’s report. From Arlington, Virgina comes the story of Bozo Javier Ortega who was prowling around a parking lot looking for a car to steal the license plates off of. In typical Bozo fashion, he chose the worst possible car to go to work on. First, it was an unmarked police car. Second, it was occupied–by a plain clothed cop. Third, the cop in car number one was talking to another officer in the car next door. And fourth, our bozo didn’t even notice when the cop leaned out of the window to get a better look at what was going on. He was arrested as he headed back to his car to get a larger screwdriver.

November 29, 2002

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report. From the International File in Saronno, Italy comes the story of bozo Carmine Leone who entered a grocery store to pick up a couple of items. While there he made an impulse shoplifting decision. He decided to swipe a frozen chicken drumstick. He dropped it inside his pants and headed to the checkout to pay for the other items. He hadn’t accounted for the effect the frozen drumstick would have on his body. While standing in line he began to wiggle and hop around as the drumstick froze tender parts of his anatomy. Finally, the checker called security. Our bozo quickly admitted his mistake. The frozen drumstick was removed from his pants and he was taken to a nice warm jail.

November 28, 2002

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(Best of Bozo) Bozo criminal for today definitely picked the wrong profession. From Memphis, Tennessee comes the story of bozo Ken Chitty who decided to rob a bank. Only one problem, Ken is blind. Our bozo walks into the First Tennessee Bank, white cane and dark glasses in place. A security guard asks our bozo if he can be of assistance and guides him to a teller’s window where he watches him hand her a holdup note. The teller looked at the guard, mouthed the words "It’s a robbery" and handed him some money. He was then arrested by the guard and escorted to jail.

November 27, 2002

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Paul Maxwell for sending in today’s report. From Minneapolis, Minnesota comes the story of Bozo Delon Wilson who was standing in a police lineup so a 76 year old victim could try to identify who snatched her purse. When an officer instructed our bozo to put his baseball cap on with the bill facing out, he protested, saying, "No. I’m going to put it on backwards. That’s the way I had it on when I took the purse." Oops.

November 26, 2002

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It has not been a good week so far for bozo pot smokers. Our story for today comes from Gainesville, Florida where bozo Mike Hanford was pulled over by the cops for driving with expired tags. Our bozo was very cooperative and spent some time chatting with the officer after he had written him a ticket. Perhaps he should have just kept his mouth shut and gone on his way. It was while they were talking that the officer noticed something behind our bozo’s ear. A rolled up marijuana cigarette. When the officer asked him about it, he replied, "Man, I forgot it was back there." Busted!

November 25, 2002

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Brevard, North Carolina where bozo Ronnie Jamieson drove his car through a parking lot and right past a row of police cars where several officers were standing around talking. The next thing our bozo knew a couple of the officers hopped in their squad car and came after him with lights flashing. "What’s the problem, officer?" our bozo asked. The problem was a big green one in the back seat. That huge marijuana plant that our bozo had obviously forgotten about. Busted!!!