Null and Void

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Howard Rost for sending in today’s report from California, where our bozo computer “expert” thought NULL would be a good personalized license plate. He thought if he ever got a ticket, the license plate of NULL would confuse DMV computers and he would get out of paying. Boy, was he wrong. Instead, DMV computers label all tickets with missing or incomplete license plate numbers as NULL. And before you know it, our bozo had received over $12,000 worth of tickets in the mail, all sent to the holder of the NULL license plate. Oops!

From the “Truth In Labeling” Department

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Mike Sheffield for sending in today’s report from Santa Rosa County, Florida. Sheriff’s officers pulled over two bozos doing 95 MPH on I-10. That’s strike one. A quick ID check determined one of our bozos was the subject of an active felony warrant for violation of probation in Orange County. Strike two. An inspection of the vehicle found 75 grams of methamphetamine, 1.36 kilograms of the date-rape drug GHB, 1 gram of cocaine, 3.6 grams of fentanyl, 15 MDMA tablets and drug paraphernalia. And those drugs were clearly labeled, in a package that said, “Bag Full Of Drugs.” Strike three! You’re busted!

Another Good Reason To Take the Stairs

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Bozo criminals for today come from Kenwood, Ohio, where a pair of bozos tried to steal jewelry from a local store. Security cameras show them crashing through the door, breaking display cases and making their getaway. So far, so good, right? Yep, until they decided to take the elevator to their waiting getaway car in the basement. That car got stuck on the way down. Our bozos tried to hide their loot in the elevator ceiling but to no avail. They were rescued and arrested.

Wile-E-Coyote Must Have Been His Hero

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Missoula, Minnesota. Now, here’s our bozo’s dilemma. He had a stolen ATM card in his possession, but since he didn’t have the PIN number, he couldn’t use it. So, what to do. Here’s the bozo solution he came up with. He went to a nearby gas station, bought one gallon of gas and headed back to the ATM. He then doused the machine with the gas and threw a match onto it. That’ll show that bad old ATM! Needless to say, the flaming ATM and the subsequent explosion attracted the attention of the cops and our bozo was placed under arrest.

He’d Have Been Better Off Calling Dog the Bounty Hunter

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Bath Township, Ohio, where our unidentified bozo had a problem, so he dialed 911. When the operator asked him what he problem was, our bozo replied, “I need a police dog.” Further questioning revealed the reason for his need of a K-9. It seems our bozo had some heroin stolen from him and he thought the best way to get it back was to hire a police dog to track it down. He was wrong. Busted!

She Made a Real Fashion Statement With That Pink Belt

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, where the cops raided an apartment complex after receiving a report of drug activity there. They found three people selling PCP, and one bozo was dressed rather strangely. Bozo Shirlene Moore was wearing a pink duty belt with pepper spray, two knives, handcuffs, brass knuckles and a “special police brass badge.” Yep, for reasons known only to the bozo mind, she was dressed as a police officer. Bad idea. She can add impersonating an officer to the drug possession charges. Busted!

His Case Went Up In Smoke

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Wilson County, Tennessee, where bozo Spencer Brown was called before the judge on a simple drug possession charge. He approached the bench, reached into his pocket, pulled out a joint and fired up. Yep, he chose this time to “make a statement” about the legalization of marijuana. When he turned to make his comments, guards grabbed him and took him into custody. His plea didn’t work with the judge. He’s under arrest, charged with possession and disorderly conduct.

Just To Be Safe, Though, Switch to Dos Equis

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No criminal activity in today’s report but we are passing along this information as a public service. With the outbreak of the coronavirus spreading every day, Google reports that there has been a big spike in searches for “Corona virus beer” and “Virus Corona beer.” We would like to remind everyone that the coronavirus has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the very popular brand of Mexican beer. Cheers! You’re welcome!

It Was Those Extra Christmas Pounds That Caused the Problem

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, where not only did our bozo thief have an epic fail, it was all caught on security cameras. Our bozo smashed the front door of a cell phone store only to be confronted by a security gate. Undeterred, he first tries to push through. When that doesn’t work, he discovers that if he pushes the flexible gate far enough it creates just enough room for him to crawl underneath. Now, inside, he goes to work. Only problem, all the pricey phones have been safely locked away. Now, with alarms ringing, he makes a quick change in plans and decides he better get out of there, quick. Unfortunately, the gate can’t be pushed far enough forward for to be able to slide underneath, in fact, he momentarily gets stuck beneath the gate. He finally frees himself and runs around the store, apparently looking for the key to the gate. And then time runs out. The cops pull up and he is placed behind another gate, this one at the police station.

But I Really, Really Need That ID

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Our bozo for today comes from Norfolk County, Canada, where our underage bozo wanted a fake ID. So, he went online and found someone selling them. He gave him an undisclosed amount of money and all his personal information. And then he waited. And waited. And when it didn’t arrive, he did what any bozo would do. He called the cops to tell them that his fake ID never arrived. Sorry, kid, we can’t help you on that one. They cops are trying to track down the crook and have warned our bozo to be more careful in the future.

Cuff ‘Em!

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Our bozo report this morning comes from Portland, Oregon, where they have a bike theft problem. A BIG bike theft problem, apparently. So big that the Portland police department has a special Bike Theft Task Force. One of the officers, who ride bikes themselves, parked his bike in front of the Multnomah County Courthouse and, since he had forgotten his U-Lock, used his handcuffs to secure the bike to the rack. Bad idea. When he returned an hour and a half later, he found his bike gone and the handcuffs dangling from the bike rack. Oops. Anyone spotting a blue bike with a “Police” logo on the side is asked to contact the police department.

You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Dolly

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Wallaroo, South Australia, where new home construction presented an opportunity our bozo just couldn’t resist. He needed a new dishwasher so he grabbed himself a two wheel dolly and headed down to where new homes were being built. Security footage shows him with a dishwasher loaded on his dolly as he rolls it out of the house. And instead of rolling down the driveway to the street he instead chooses to use the sidewalk. When he attempts to roll off the curb to the street, the dishwasher falls off the dolly, leaving him struggling to pick it back up. Using the video footage, police hope to make an arrest soon.

Well, I’ve Gotta Decide If I Like It

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Wyandotte, Michigan. A police officer noticed the vehicle had a yellow registration tab and, when he could find no record of it in his computer, he pulled the driver over. When he asked for drivers license, registration and proof of insurance, our 32-year old bozo offered up the Bozo Excuse of the Week. She said she could not provide proof of registration because she was “test driving the car.” And just how long have you been test driving it, ma’am? A couple of months. Oh. A quick check found nine current suspensions and two driving with license suspended convictions within the past seven years. The Vehicle Identification Number came back with no plate information. The driver also had multiple warrants out of several jurisdictions. She was arrested for being a repeat offender of driving with license suspended, as well as for driving an unregistered motor vehicle.

With a Tasty Snack Like That, You’ve Gotta Wash It Down With Something

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Bozo Criminal for today from Vero Beach, Florida, walked into a 7-Eleven and went shopping. He picked up a jumbo chicken bacon ranch sandwich and a 4-pack of 16 ounce containers of Colt 45 malt liquor. For those of you keeping track, that’s a half-gallon of brew. He then walked right by the clerk without paying. Carrying such a heavy load, it’s not surprising that he didn’t get very far. The cops found him nearby hiding in some bushes. One of the Colt 45s was open. No word on the sandwich.

But At Least He Won’t Be Charged With Speeding

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Greenville, South Carolina, where 86-year-old bozo George Wilson walked into a bank wearing white gloves and a ski mask. He pointed a gun at the teller and demanded cash. He got his money and made his getaway. Well, sort of. Keep in mind his age. He got into his getaway vehicle but, according to cops, he drove too cautiously to make a quick getaway. He was pulled over less than one mile from the bank.

He Used an Acme Gas Can

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Exeter, England, where security cameras a synagogue caught everything. Our bozo, who is a self-proclaimed Nazi, is seen walking up to the synagogue with a hammer and breaking a window. He then walks back to his van and returns with a can of gasoline. He pours the gas into the broken window, not paying much attention to the gas that is leaking down to the ground and onto him. He then places the can on the ground, gets out a lighter and, in a scene that would have made Wylie Coyote proud, is completely blown back from the window by a wave of flame. He runs away, with his cap and sleeves still burning. Using video footage, including the license plate of his van, the cops quickly placed him under arrest. The synagogue received damage but was saved.

Drop the Sticky Bun and Step Away From the Counter

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Madison, Wisconsin. Bozo Shyla Blair walked into a convenience store, opened a pack of Combos pretzels, and ate them while also grabbing a package of beef sticks and some cookies and stuffing them into her coat. The clerk confronted her as she approached the counter. Our bozo then grabbed a sticky bun and threw it at the clerk, who returned fire by throwing the bun back at our bozo. A witness outside the store noticed what was going on and flagged down the cops, who quickly defused the potentially sticky situation. Busted! Charged with disorderly conduct, resisting/obstructing, felony bail jumping and four warrants.

You Can’t Win If You Don’t…Cheat!

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Michael McPherson for sending in this doozy from Flowood, Mississippi. Our bozos cooked up what they thought was a foolproof plan to win big in the state lottery. They presented a scratch off ticket that looked like a $100,000 winner. The winning numbers were there…but…something wasn’t right. Upon further inspection, the clerk discovered the winning numbers had been glued on to the ticket. Oops. They’ve been charged with Conspiracy to Commit and Uttering Counterfeit Instrument over $1,000, punishable for 20 years in prison and a $50,000 fine.

Next Time Hang One Of Those Trees On Your Mirror

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No real criminal activity involved here, but this one from the International File in Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, contains plenty of Bozo. Apparently our unidentified bozo felt that his car smelled funky so he sprayed a large amount of air freshener inside. Good plan, right? Wrong. After spraying, he got inside and immediately lit a cigarette. Witnesses said they heard a “tremendous bang” and saw the car’s windows shatter and nearby buildings shake. Miraculously, our bozo escaped with only minor injuries, but the car is a total loss. But at least it smells fresh.

At Least He Knows His Shortcomings

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Jefferson County, Colorado, where bozo Todd Schafer was caught by a homeowner as he was trying to break into a car. The homeowner called the cops but our bozo fled before they arrived. However, just minutes later, the cops found our bozo a short distance away, again trying to break into a truck. The cops arrested him but his story doesn’t end there. After he bonded out of jail, the cops again were called to a report of an attempted vehicle break-in. When they arrived, they once again found our bozo attempting to steal a car. As he was placed under arrest, he made this admission to the cops, “I really suck at this.” We agree. He remains in jail.