Now That’s What I Call a Bust
Bozo criminal for today comes from Grand Ridge, Florida, where a deputy stopped to help our bozo whose car had broken down on the side of the road. The observant officer noticed a strong smell of marijuana emanating from our bozo and a quick search turned up a marijuana cigarette…in her bra. This discovery led to a search of the car which turned up half a pound of crystal methamphetamine, additional quantities of marijuana packaged for sale, scales, and US currency. BUSTed! Charged with trafficking in a controlled substance and possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.
Well, They Don’t Take Checks, So…
Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Mike Sheffield for sending in today’s report from Ashland, Louisiana. It seems bozo Stormy Parker showed up at the jail to pay the bond fee for a friend that was being held on drug charges. A nice thing to do, right? Well, maybe not. As the cops were counting out the $5000 in cash they noticed a familiar aroma. The money smelled strongly of marijuana which led the cops to search her car where they found $40,000 more in cash inside, along with about 100 Klonopin pills and a food stamp card that wasn’t registered to her. A search of her residence turned up hundreds of additional pills and cash as well as marijuana, cocaine and paraphernalia. She’s busted! Charged with multiple counts of possession with intent to distribute drugs, four counts of illegal use of a controlled drug in the presence of persons under 17, taking contraband to or into a correctional institution and other related charges. No word on the fate of her friend.
Well It IS a Big Pain To Change Them Out
Bozo criminal for today comes from Slidell, Louisiana, where our unidentified bozo was pulled over by the cops for having an expired license plate. And we’re not talking a few months here. This one was from 1997. Yep He was driving a car with plates that were 23 years old. Checking license plates must not be a big priority in Louisiana. And his Bozo Excuse? He told the cop he was sorry, he had been busy lately and had totally forgotten to get them renewed. Busted!
The Crooks Were Cleaning Up, So He Did the Same Thing
Bozo criminal for today comes from Porterville, California, where there have been a number of residential thefts. After security lights failed to deter the thieves, who were “stealing tools out of vehicles and anything else they could get their hands on”, one resident took matters into his own hands. He went on Amazon and ordered the most powerful sprinkler head he could find. He then rigged it up to a motion detector device that would trigger a strong jet of water whenever anyone came nearby. Worked like a charm. Security camera footage shows our bozo pedaling away on his bicycle after being hit by the stream of water.
He Just Really, Really Needed To Get Those Rewards Points
Bozo criminal for today comes from Boone County, Kentucky, where our 18-year-old bozo and two accomplices targeted unlocked vehicles in the area and grabbed whatever they could find inside. Things were going pretty well until our bozo decided to use one of the credit cards he had stolen at a Footlocker store in the Tri-County Mall. No problem, right? Wrong. For reasons known only to the bozo mind, he decided to link the purchase he made to his personal Footlocker rewards account. Oops. Busted! He and his friends face multiple felony theft charges.
It’s Either That Or Spray It With Lysol
Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Merrill, Wisconsin. I recent days there has been a bit of global hysteria concerning coronavirus. And the cops in this Wisconsin town decided to extend a helping hand to any bozos that might have worries about the virus. They posted on social media that they would test methamphetamine for coronavirus for free and would even make housecalls. And apparently a lot of bozos were in need of their services. So far, the post has had over 3000 reactions and 4000 shares. To protect and serve, indeed!
Must Have Been One Heck of a Unibrow
Our Bozo Report for today features our first every instance of eyebrow-threading theft. And it was by a man. It seems our bozo had his brows done at a Nashville, Tennessee shop and jumped up and ran out without paying. The story would end there except, for reasons known only to the bozo mind, he decided to return to the shop to have his brows done again a couple of weeks later. The shop owner recognized our bozo and refused him service. And that’s when things got ugly. He flipped over a table and broke a computer monitor before the cops were called and Hairy was placed under arrest.
Flaming Hot Bozo
Our bozo for today comes from Kalamazoo, Michigan, where cops received a call regarding a disturbance at a residence. When they arrived, our bozo had already left, but he was familiar to police from previous warrants against him. Cops were on the lookout and when he was spotted a short time later, a chase ensued through residential streets. When he pulled onto I-94, spikes were set up to stop him. Didn’t work. He ran over the strips, getting flat tires in the process, but he kept going. What he didn’t account for was that the friction of the flat tire caused the one on the right front wheel to burst into flames. So, now, what’s a bozo to do? Pull into the nearest Nissan dealer for service. Yep, that’s what he did. He was placed under arrest. No word on the fate of the tire.
They’re Lucky They Weren’t Charged With Littering, Also
Bozo criminals for today from Clearwater, Florida, had their big heist of the local CVS planned out to the last detail…well, except for one thing. Here’s how it played out. Surveillance camera footage shows one of our bozos casing out the drugstore the day before the robbery. Check. On the big day, our three bozos burst in at 5 am when the store wasn’t busy. Check. They wore blue surgical gloves so as not to leave prints. Check. They waved guns at employees and then bound them with zip ties. Check. They then whipped out white garbage bags and filled them with a massive amount of drugs. More than 10,000 hydrocodone and oxycodone pills, valued at more than $320,000. Check and done! Well, not quite. For reasons known only to the bozo mind, as they sped away, they were taking the pills out of their bottles and tossing the bottles out the car window. Police officers literally followed the trail of empty bottles like bread crumbs and it lead straight to a residence, where they found our bozos, and the thousands of pills, inside. Busted!
OK. Now I’m In the Ceiling. What Next?
Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Montgomery, Ohio, where bozo Jessica Cain was being held on charges of assaulting and robbing an 85 year-old man she met at a casino. Security footage shows our bozo moving some chairs around in the jail facility and climbing up into the ceiling as other inmates cheered her on. Her freedom only lasted about 15 seconds before the ceiling gave way and our bozo unceremoniously crash landed in a trash can. She’s now looking at new charges of escape and destruction of property.
Of All The Chicken Joints To Rob, He Walked Into This One
Thanks to Bozo News Hawk John Schenato for sending in today’s report from Louisville, Kentucky. In a case of really bad timing, our bozo decided to hold up a Cane’s Chicken Fingers restaurant. His plan called for a late evening robbery, when the store wasn’t too busy. He barged in, flashed a gun and demanded cash, ignoring the couple out on a date night seated at a back booth. Unfortunately for him, the couple at the back booth were two married police officers. Uh-oh. He’s busted!
He Should Have Used Google
Bozo criminal for today comes from Summerfield, Florida, where bozo Juan Ramirez was looking for an auto parts store. So, he did what any bozo would do…he flashed his lights at a County Sheriff’s squad car. The officer obliged and pulled over and when he took a look inside the car, our bozo’s troubles really began. He smelled alcohol and noticed our bozo’s eyes were bloodshot. When he failed a field sobriety test, he blamed it on a “physical disability.” Strike one. And what’s that in your pocket? A “dime bag” that tested positive for cocaine. Strike two. He then blew a 0.137 on the breathalyzer. Strike three. Busted! Maybe he should have asked the officer for directions to a good lawyer’s office.
He Really Should Consider Getting Rid Of That Tattoo
The Bozo Report for today features the return of an old friend. You might remember the bozo with the words “Crime Pays” tattooed across his forehead who was featured on an episode of LivePD. Well, HE’S BACK! Cops in Terre Haute, Indiana, noticed our bozo driving erratically and pulled him over after a brief chase. And he didn’t go quietly, easier. He’s been charged with resisting law enforcement, reckless driving, possession of methamphetamine, maintaining a common nuisance and auto theft.
And the Funny Thing Is, He Actually Did More Work Than the Real Employees
Our bozo for today from Butler County, Pennsylvania, was faced with a problem. Her boyfriend was in jail and needed extra money, so what to do? Simple, hire him to go to work for Long John Silver’s. Turns out she was an area manager for the restaurant chain and could hire and fire employees. Figuring no one would ever notice, she simply added him to the payroll and had sent him more than $50,000 in wages before someone tipped off the cops. She’s under arrest.
First Red Flag: She Had To Pick HIM Up At His Parents House
Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from North Attleboro, Massachusetts. Bozo Christopher Carson met a woman on a dating app and, for their first date, asked her to come pick him up at his parents house. Seemed a little strange but she complied. He then drank wine in the passenger’s seat while she drove around. When they approached a bank, he asked her to pull in and he went inside. Before entering, he donned a hat and sunglasses and then robbed the teller, getting away with $1000. He jumped back in the car and told her to step on it. Panicking, she did as she was told. They didn’t get far before the cops were on their tail. She immediately pulled over and surrendered. Our bozo was arrested. She was not charged. Worst first date ever!
She Cuts Out the Middleman and Sells Directly To You
Bozo criminal for today comes from Chesterfield, Missouri where bozo Twanna Taylor had a going commercial enterprise. She would steal merchandise and then sell it out of her online boutique. She would even showcase the loot during live video presentations, sort of a QVC of stolen clothes. Great idea except…the cops have internet, too. They would actually tune in to her live shows and then track the merchandise back to reports they had of stolen items. Oops. She’s busted!
The Family That Drinks Together, Stays Together
Bozo criminals for today come from Naples Florida. It seems our husband and wife team had enjoyed a few drinks too many at The Dock at Crayton Cove bar. When the woman put her feet up on the bar, revealing that she was wearing no underwear, the bartender had seen enough. He told them to leave or he was going to call the cops. That’s when Miss No Panties replied, “I don’t have to go anywhere because my dad is the chief of police.” We’re not sure if that is true or not, but when the cops arrived, she remained argumentative. That’s when her husband asked the officer, “will you just walk my wife up to our room and sing her a silly song and lullaby?” The cop denied that request and as he was hauling her out, her husband said, “if she is going, I want to go too,” That’s a request the cop was glad to honor. They both slept it off in jail.
Tools Do You No Good If You Don’t Know How To Use Them
Bozo criminals for today come from Hurricane, Utah. They came up with what seemed to be a good scheme for breaking into an ATM, but things didn’t work out as planned. Using a stolen truck, a trailer, and some heavy equipment, they attempted to steal the money machine. Surveillance cameras show lots of damage, including pieces of the ATM’s drive thru service strewn around the area along with roof panels from above the machine. But, in spite of their efforts, the ATM remained intact and our bozos decided the best thing to do was get out of there, quick. Apparently too quick, as they crashed their stolen vehicle nearby. Cops are still looking for the suspects.
The Key To Cracking the Case
Bozo criminal for today comes from Warwick, Rhode Island, where the cops were called to a Hobby Lobby store on a report of lost keys…but found something else. Here’s how the story played out. Bozo Karen Schaffer called Hobby Lobby to say she thought she’d left her keys there and could they please check and see if anyone had found them. The manager reviewed security footage and discovered the woman who had left her keys was someone he had suspected of shoplifting earlier, and he was able to confirm the theft while looking at the tape. Oops. The cops were called and our bozo gave up 19 pieces of jewelry that she had hidden in her sweatshirt, coat and bag. She was charged with theft and also on violation of her bail.
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