But, Your Honor, I Had a Doctor’s Appointment!

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Ann Arbor, Michigan, where bozo Corey Hampton was scheduled to appear before the judge on a driving with a suspended license charge. The court had allowed his appearance to be by a Zoom call, so the judge was rather surprised when the first words out of our bozo’s mouth were, “Actually, I’m pulling into my doctor’s office … So just give me one second.” Yep, a guy who had his license suspended was driving while he checked in with the judge. Busted! He was ordered to report to the county jail by 6pm. And you can add a charge of holding a cell phone while driving, which is illegal in Michigan.

It’s an Ill Wind That Blows No Good

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Citrus County, Florida, where Hurricane Debby recently caused damage. And also provided the Bozo Excuse of the Week, as we shall soon see. A sheriff’s department officer was on his way to inspect storm damage when he came upon our bozo. She was spinning her wheels at a stop light and, as she pulled away, he observed her driving erratically, continuously turning her emergency flashers on and off. He pulled her over and as he approached the car, he could smell alcohol. When she was unable to successfully walk a straight line in the field sobriety test, she offered up a unique excuse. She said the strong winds from the storm were interfering with her ability to walk. Well, that and the three empty shooters of alcohol, a can of beer and an unopened shooter that were on the front seat. Busted! She waited out the storm in jail.