Whoooo’s a Bozo?
Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Dave Benoit for sending in today’s report from Northborough, Massachusetts. A police officer noticed a car spinning out of control on the snowy Interstate outside of town. After nearly causing a couple of accidents, the officer watched as the driver crossed a second lane of traffic and then veered over onto the service road. The cop then turned on his red and blues and after a short chase, our bozo stopped the car, jumped out and ran into the woods. The cops tracked our bozo’s footprints to a nearby tree and found he had climbed high into the upper branches. He then asked the cops if “they had caught the guy driving the car”. When told there was only one set of footprints, he offered the lame excuse that the driver had carried him on his back to the tree. He then began to shake the branches and proclaimed, “Look, it’s snowing.” When asked to identify himself, he told the cops he was “an owl” and climbed even higher. Eventually, officers had to use a chainsaw to trim the limbs of the tree before using a bucket truck to extract our bozo from the tree. He’s been charged with drunken driving and evading arrest.