Hey, You Could Put An Eye Out With That!

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Darmstadt, Germany, where our unidentified bozo used a rather unusual weapon to pull off a robbery. She walked into a pharmacy and began looking at the store’s selection of breast pumps. She took one of them to the counter and gave the clerk some cash to pay for it. As he opened the register to make change, our bozo whipped out one of her breasts and squirted milk at the pharmacist. While he was temporarily blinded, she made away with $127 in cash. The cops are looking for a woman with what is described as a “robust” figure.


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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Troy House for sending in today’s report from Raleigh, North Carolina. The cops were called to a downtown night club on a report of a disturbance and bozo Lizette Barker was taken into custody. Before being booked, she asked to go to the bathroom and when she returned, one of the deputies noticed something strange about the way she was walking. Her head seemed to be leaning to one side. Upon further investigation the cause of the “lean” was found. Our bozo had concealed a handgun in her hair weave. Bad idea. She’s been charged with possession of a stolen firearm and resisting arrest.

Congratulations, Sir, You’re Pregnant

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Bob Hammond for sending in today’s report from the International File where a bus driver in Egypt was nervous about an upcoming drug test at his job. So, instead of submitting his own urine sample, he obtained one from his wife. What he didn’t know was that his wife was two months pregnant, which of course showed up in the drug screen. Oops. He’s looking for another job.

At Least He Didn’t Try To Hide It In His Pants

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Port St. Lucie, Florida, where bozo Anthony Brown walked into a lawn maintenance store and asked the clerk for change from a dollar. While the clerk was getting the change, our bozo was seen picking up a chainsaw and attempting to stuff it under his shirt. He then walked out of the store with the barely concealed saw and attempted to flee the scene on his bicycle. As you can imagine, this was not a high speed exit and our bozo was caught by a store manager on foot, who held him down until the cops arrived. He’s been charged with theft of both the chainsaw and the bicycle.

We Wouldn’t Advise Cooking Them Either

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We can’t find any real criminal activity in today’s report, but the sheer level of Bozo-ness makes it worthy. A bomb squad was called to a Postal Service facility in Carlsbad, California, after employees heard a ticking sound coming from a package. Fearing the worst, homes in the area were evacuated and the suspect package was taken to a grassy area and blasted with the disposal squad’s robot water cannon. It was then that the source of the ticking sound was discovered, and it wasn’t a bomb. Inside the package…a bunch of Mexican jumping beans, which make a clicking sound when exposed to warmth. No word on the fate of the beans.

Hey, Look Who Got Indicted, Er, We Mean Inducted!

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A special note to all my loyal Bozo friends! Yours truly got inducted into the Texas Radio Hall of Fame this weekend! For some reason they failed to mention the Bozo Report in my induction video but feel free to go check it out if you want. On Facebook at Texas Radio Hall of Fame. Link to video https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10204289312945627&set=o.312857592118951&type=2&theater

Jared Never Offered a Get Your Money Back Guarantee

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Hueytown, Alabama. And while we don’t usually editorialize, your Bozo Report Editors can certainly sympathize with our bozo’s frustrations. Zachary Tucker, 18, was arrested by the cops and charged with robbing four Subway restaurants in the area. It was under questioning that he offered up the Bozo Excuse of the Week. He told the cops he had been trying to lose weight by using the “Jared diet” at Subway and, after failing, he decided to rob the restaurants in an effort to “get his money back.” He’ll get to try the Jailhouse Diet next.


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Our bozo for today from Prattville, Alabama, once again proves that the old adage about a dog being man’s best friend does not apply in the Bozo Universe. Our story begins as two drug officers arrive at the home of Edward Harper, armed with a search warrant. Our bozo sees the cops and takes off running, leaving his dog Bo behind in the house. One of the cops pointed at Harper and told Bo to “go get him” and that’s just what he did. When Bo stopped and began to wag his tail in the tall grass, the cops knew they had found their suspect. He’s been charged with failure to obey police and drug possession. Good boy!

Wile E. Finally Catches Something

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Troy House for sending in today’s report form Rock Island County, Illinois. Bozo Daniel Raymond was under arrest for burglary when he complained of heart issues and was taken to the hospital. While there, even though he was handcuffed to the bed and was wearing only a hospital gown, he somehow managed to escape. The cops were still looking for him when, later in the evening, when they received a strange 911 call. The man on the call said he was being chased by about 30 coyotes and was using a stick to fend them off. The police were dispatched to the scene whereupon our bozo was recognized as an escapee and placed back under arrest.

How Else Could I Know If It’s Really Waterproof?

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Exeter, England. Police were called to a health club after a report of a recording device in the women’s shower. The police discovered a cell phone being used to record the bathing ladies and were able to track down the phone’s owner who offered up the Bozo Excuse of the Week. He told the cops he only placed the phone in the women’s shower as a test to see if it was actually waterproof. Since he didn’t have an explanation of why he also hit the “record” button, he was placed under arrest.

Maybe He Should Have Stolen Some Nicorette, Too

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where bozo Paul Kelly held up a bank and got away with an undisclosed amount of cash. As you might expect, robbing a bank is nerve-wracking and you might need a cigarette to calm down after it was all over. Apparently that’s what happened to our bozo. Unfortunately, he had no cigarettes on him so he stopped and asked a construction worker if he could bum one off him. This brief encounter was enough for the cops to obtain a description of our bozo, which led to his arrest. He’s been sentenced to 10 years.

And Next He Was Going To Give Him a Wedgie

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Mankato, Minnesota, where bozo Riley Taylor boarded the downtown “drunk bus” after an evening of drinking at several bars. Once on board, he decided to have a little fun with a uniformed police officer who was providing security. Our bozo walked up behind him, licked both fingers and inserted them into the police sergeant’s ears, performing a “wet willie.” Not a good idea. Charges of assault with bodily fluids were dropped after our bozo showed remorse, pled guilty and apologized.

And He’s a Good Tipper, Too!

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Lawton, Oklahoma, where bozo Kristi Rucker walked into the local El Chico and ordered food and several alcoholic drinks. She tnen told the waitress she didn’t have any money, but, not to worry, her husband would soon be along to pay for everything. She elaborated further by telling the server that she was married to Jesus Christ and the he would take care of the bill. When Jesus was a no-show, the cops were called and she was arrested on a fraud charge.


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Bozo criminal for today comes from Berlin, Pennsylvania, where an unidentified bozo donned a mask and walked into a convenience store. She handed the clerk a black bag and instructed her to fill it with cash. Instead, the clerk reached under the counter and pulled out a can of….Raid! She sprayed the bug spray in the direction of the robber who went scurrying out the front door like one of the spray’s insect victims. The cops are looking for our smelly bozo.

This is a Bar. This is a Jail. Please Note the Differences

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Paw Paw, Michigan, where our unidentified 39-year-old bozo drove down to the local bar to pick up her boyfriend. A couple of things are wrong with this scenario. Number one, she was drunk, way to drunk to be driving. Number two, she wasn’t exactly sure where the bar was located. Unfortunately, instead of driving up to the bar’s parking lot, she was spotted by a deputy as she was having difficulty maneuvering into a parking space at the parking lot of the local jail. Oops. She’s been placed under arrest on DUI charges.


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Bozo criminal for today comes from Lafayette, Louisiana, where teenage bozo Detron Bates put on a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle mask and used a stick wrapped in plastic as a weapon when he attempted to rob a convenience store. He was able to get as far as the cash register, but couldn’t figure out how to open it. Taking what he could get, he fled with two wallets from underneath the counter. Guess it isn’t easy to run in a turtle mask, as the cops caught up with him a short distance away. He’s under arrest.

A Job Best Left To Professionals

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Our bozo for this morning proves that the old adage “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” doesn’t necessarily apply to bozos. Police in Bristol, Connecticut were called to the Doubletree Hotel on a report of “aggressive mopping.” The officers learned that bozo John Thompson had “become unruly” and had taken a mop from an employee and began scrubbing the floor. He allegedly began mopping more “aggressively” and mopped the employees shoes several times in addition to cleaning the floor. Neither police nor the hotel appreciated our bozo’s attempt at a clean-up. He’s been charged with breach of the peace and threatening.

Can a Bozo “Take a Mulligan”?

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Bozo criminal for today from Bellingham, Washington quickly saw the error of his ways. Bozo Richard Green walked into a local bank, handed the teller a note and demanded cash. The teller complied, and our bozo took the money and left, but didn’t go very far. Once outside, instead of running away, he simply hung around and waited for the cops to arrive. He told the officers that immediately after receiving the money, he knew he had made a big mistake and the best thing to do was just to wait to be arrested. Remorseful or not, he was taken to jail.

I Think I Saw This Once On Forensics Files

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Modesto, California, where bozo James Morton wanted to be sure he was quiet as a mouse when he broke into a residence, so he took off his shoes and left them outside. Once inside, however, things didn’t go exactly as planned, as the homeowner woke up to find our bozo rummaging around his bedroom. Frightened, our bozo made a quick exit out the back door, leaving his shoes behind. The cops also found a bag containing some more of his belongings, while led them to a local hotel where he was staying. He was busted after the cops were able to use forensic evidence to link him to the shoes he left behind.

At Least Let Me Put On Makeup This Time

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Troy House for sending in today’s report form Columbus, Ohio, where the cops have set up “Warrant Wednesday” online. Each week they post mug shots on Facebook of crooks they are looking for. Recently, they posted a picture of 34-year-old Monica Harris, along with details of a robbery and kidnapping she was alleged to have taken part in. In less than 48 hours, she reached out to the cops, but not for the reason you’d expect. She called to say that the mugshot was unflattering and demanded that they take it down. The detective said, “Sure, come on in and we’ll talk about it.” When she showed up at the station house she was placed under arrest. Maybe her new mugshot will be better.