Yes, Alcohol WAS Involved…

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Troy House for sending in today’s report from the International File In Burnley, England, where our bozo made so many mistakes we feel obliged to count them. Mistake number one, he entered the Bottle Shop he planned to rob later and got friendly with the clerk, having a drink and even being given a free bottle of alcohol because the clerk liked him. Mistake number two was his choice of disguise when he returned. A zebra print onesie. The disguise only worked until our bozo opened his mouth, at which time the clerk immediately recognized him. To prove his was serious, he pulled a large carving knife on the clerk, who countered with a metal pipe he kept under the counter for just such emergencies. His third mistake was compounded by the weather. He fled the scene on a bike, which left fresh tracks in the snow. The cops followed the tracks to his residence where our bozo answered the door still wearing the onesie. Busted!

Maybe He Should Have Tried Green and Hidden In a Tree

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Bozo criminal for today comes form Madera, California, where Jose Guerrero was suspected of stealing a car and was on the run. With the police closing in, he decided the best thing to do was to don a disguise. Which might have been a good plan if he had made a better cholce of concealment. Not having a ski mask or even a bandanna handy, our bozo picked up a can of black spray paint and covered his face with the stuff. Maybe he was thinking he could find a place that was dark and it could serve as some sort of make-shift camouflage. Didn’t work. He was quickly apprehended and placed under arrest.

Come On, Officer, Just Let Me Take It For a Spin Around the Block!

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Brunswick, New York, where officer John Ames stopped at a convenience store to gas up his marked patrol car. He was in the process of filling the tank when bozo Charles Potter pulled up, parked his vehicle, and walked directly over to the officer’s car. Or perhaps we should say staggered over to the officer’s car. Fortunately, the copr was able to stop him before he slid behind the wheel. After a field sobriety test showed his blood alcohol content was more than two times the legal limit, he was placed under arrest.

Um…This Sure Doesn’t Look Like Money

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Muhlenberg Township, Pennsylvania, where bozo Raul Ortiz had it all figured out. He would stake out an ATM machine, wait for someone to approach it, and then rob the victim at knifepoint. Things were going according to plan, his victim was at the machine, so he sprang into action. The surprised woman told him she had no money and couldn’t get any out of the machine. The reason? The “ATM” was actually a stamp dispensing machine at the local post office. The woman screamed, post office workers ran to her aid and our bozo fled. The cops caught him a short time later hiding in a dumpster at a nearby business.

Doggie Doo Don’t Work As An Excuse

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, where bozo Maurice Ford came up with the crappiest excuse ever to try to keep from getting arrested. Local police noticed our bozo walking erratically and jumping off the sidewalk and into traffic. He claimed that the reason for his unsteady gait was that he was trying to avoid stepping into dog poop on the sidewalk. Thinking he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the officers attempted to arrest the man, who then came up with the most bozo way ever to try to avoid arrest. He dropped to the ground and rolled in the dog poop and then informed the officers that they couldn’t arrest him because he was covered in feces. Didn’t work. The cops held their noses and took him in.

This Wasn’t a Snow Angel They Left Behind

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With the record amounts of snow we’ve received this winter in many parts of the country, it was only a matter of time before Mother Nature helped in the capture of a bozo. From Lakeville, Massachusetts comes the story of bozos Robert Brock and Amy Paulsen who are charged with breaking and entering and larceny. And how did the cops track them down? It seems at one of their home break-ins our bozos backed their truck into a snowbank. When they left with their loot, they also left behind a clear impression of their license plate in the snow. Oops. Using this information, the cops tracked the truck and recovered over 300 stolen items.

But She Stole My Coke!

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Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 099648: If you’re a bozo, it’s not always a good idea to call the cops to settle a domestic dispute. From Alliance, Ohio, comes the story of bozo Robert Carver who called 911 to report a theft…by his wife…of his stash of cocaine. The cops headed to the residence where they found our bozo, who was also wanted on an outstanding warrant, in possession of drug paraphenalia. They also charged him with misuse of 911. No sign of his wife or his missing cocaine.

Well, You Can’t Have Batting Practice Alone

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Caldwell, Idaho, where 22-year-old Joey Washington was on the run from the law, wanted on a fraud case. The trail had gone cold until our bozo decided he wanted to have some fun. So he posted on his Facebook page that he was going to take batting practice at a facility in Boise and invited all his friends to join him. Not sure how many friends showed up, but the cops did. He’s under arrest.

On Second Thought, Don’t Label It

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Lincoln, Nebraska, where bozo Charles Gibbs was pulled over by the cops for driving erratically. While they were questioning him, the cops noticed something strange in the car. A plastic sour cream container with a hand written label on it that said “Not Weed.” Sure. And of course weed was exactly what it contained. He’s busted!

Assault With a Jiggly Weapon

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Belfast, Northern Ireland, where cops were called to a report of a dispute. Upon arrival they found two neighbors who had been arguing, resulting in one of them being knocked to the ground and injuring her back. It was her unusual claim of the weapon he used that landed our perp in the Bozo Hall of Fame. The woman told the cops that in the midst of the argument, our bozo attempted to move her out of the way by “belly bumping” her with his sizeable stomach. The impact of the belly blow caused her to be knocked down and suffer the injury. He’s been charged with assault.

But This Worked For James Bond!

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Bozo criminal for today comes from New York, New York, where bozo Pablo Rivera drives a big rig that regularly crosses the George Washington Bridge, which imposes a toll of $95 on big trucks. As you can imagine, this can add up pretty quickly. So our bozo came up with an ingenious plan to avoid paying. He installed a device on his front bumper that, with the flip of a switch, rotates it 90 degrees, making the license plate unreadable by the E-Z Pass cameras. Sounds like a good idea that should have worked except for one small thing. His timing. He flipped the switch on the bumper just as he passed an officer stationed at the toll booth, who saw everything and called the cops. Oops. He’s been charged with tampering with public records and possession of burglary tools.

Step One: Check Your Zippers. All of Them

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Troy House for sending in today’s report from Hamilton, Ohio. Bozo Virgil Wilson entered a convenience store, pointed a gun at the cashier and demanded money. The clerk complied and our bozo then tried to put the money in his backpack. We say “tried” because apparently the zipper was stuck and he couldn’t get it to open. So, he then had that the clerk assist him in trying to get the zipper unstuck. After tugging on the stuck zipper for a couple of minutes, our bozo fled out the front door. He didn’t get very far, as a detective just happened to be passing by, witnessed the whole thing and called for backup. He’s busted.

Well, We Had To Charge Him With Something

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Timaru, New Zealand, where bozo Charles Pope had a little too much to drink, stripped naked, and decided to go for a ride on his bicycle. The cops noticed him weaving and pulled him over, giving him a ticket for riding while intoxicated, right? Wrong. Apparently there’s no legal limit for cycling in New Zealand. Maybe a ticket for indecent exposure? Nope. According to the officer “that would depend on what could be seen” and apparently no naughty bits were showing. So what did hour naked, drunk bicycle rider get ticketed for? Not wearing a helmet.

But I Just Really, Really Like That Dunkin’ Coffee

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Lodi, New Jersey, where the cops were called to a report of a bank robbery. The teller told them a man wearing a fedora hat placed what appeared to be a BB gun on the counter and demanded cash, before getting away with $4000. Now, you would think a robber with four thousand bucks in his pocket would get away from the scene as quickly as possible. You’d be wrong. Instead, our bozo headed directly to a nearby Dunkin’ Donuts where he bought himself a cup of coffee and trtied to bum a cigarette from another customer. The cops spotted him enjoying his java outside the entrance to the donut shop. He’s under arrest.

A Really Bad Hair Day

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Troy House for sending in today’s report from Stamford, Connecticut, where bozo Alan Boyd needed a haircut. So he headed down to the Loft Salon and Spa but what he got obviously wasn’t “the usual.” In fact our bozo didn’t like the haircut at all. And when the stylist presented him a bill for $50, he went ballistic. He started tossing items, including a wreath and a candle, around and then kicked a hole in the wall before swearing at everyone and storming out of the shop. Maybe his biggest mistake was returing and demanding that the stylist “fix” his hair. Instead the stylist called the cops. He’s been charged with breach of the peace and criminal mischief.

That’s Quite a Right Hook I Have There!

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Howard Rost for sending in today’s report from Lane County, Oregon. Bozo Alex Kowalski was being held in the County Jail and decided the best way to get out quick was to cook up a police brutality charge. He said he wanted to file assault charges against several officers and had the bruises and a black eye to prove his claim. What he didn’t count on was a camera just outside his cell that caught him hitting himself in the head 45 times in the space of four minutes. He’s now had filing a false report and attempted coersion charges added to his rap sheet. Next time we recommend a padded cell.

Finally, We Know the Penalty For Tooting Your Own Horn

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Our bozo for today comes from the International File in Melbourne, Australia, where police noticed a man driving erratically on the West Gate Bridge. When they pulled up beside him, they discovered he was blowing his horn. No, not the car’s horn. His trumpet. Yep, this bozo was playing a trumpet while driving on a bridge. Bad idea. He’s been charged with careless driving and fined $276. No word on the fate of the trumpet.

Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em, But Leave the Coke At Home

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Fred McKinney for sending in today’s report from Mentor, Ohio, where bozo Jose Ramirez went down to the local police station with his family to try to bond out his cousin. Now, of course, a trip to the police station could be a little nervewracking so it’s understandable that a bozo might want to take something to calm his nerves. Which he apparently did, as police officers noticed our bozo absolutely reeked of marijuana. They took him into another room to search him, and that’s when his troubles really began. The marijuana scent was the least of his problems. The cops found he was carring three baggies of cocaine. Since the station house was in 1000 feet of a school, he’s been charged with a felony. Busted!

Ice Isn’t Nice

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Sparta, New Jersey, which, like much of the country, has been experiencing some frigid winter weather. It wasn’t the weather that caused bozo Brian Barker’s problems, even though he tried to blame it on mother nature. It seems our bozo had a little too much to drink and slammed his BMW into a guard rail. It was late, 2:45 am, and no one was around so he simply drove the car home. End of story, right? Wrong. When he returned home, he called one of his buddies and hatched what would appear to be some sort of bozo insurance fraud scheme. He and his friend returned to the scene of the crime with two five gallon containers of water, which they poured all over the road to create a patch of black ice in front of the guard rail. Unfortunately they didn’t notice the cop nearby who observed the whole scene. A road crew had to be called in to dump a half a ton of salt on the road to make it safe again. He’s been charged with DUI, leaving the scene of an accident, failure to report and accident and disorderly conduct.

Another Reason to Insulate Your Attic

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Haarlem, Netherlands, where a group of bozos had a thriving marijuana farm in their apartment. No one would have been any the wiser if there had not been a big snowstorm. Cops noticed there was a big bare patch with no snow on the roof just above our bozos’ apartment. Further investigation revealed the heat from the many grow lights was sufficient to melt the snow on the roof, revealing their operation. Oops. They’re busted.