October 21, 2003

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk David Alford for sending in today’s report. From Cleveland, Ohio comes the story of bozo Kenneth Kindle who was wanted by U.S. Marshalls. In fact, they released a picture of him that was printed last week by the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper. It must not have been a very flattering shot, as our bozo called the marshall’s office to complain. They traced his call and agents went to his home and arrested him.

October 20, 2003

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Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 6789: When you’ve got it, don’t flaunt it. From Reno, Nevada comes the story of bozo Ernest Dugan who stole a large amount of money while renovating a woman’s house. Flush with cash, he called his landlord, who also happened to be a police officer, and told him he had $50,000 and wanted to pay his rent several years in advance. The cop smelled a rat and sent several officers to investigate. Our bozo was arrested when they found $90,000 in cash in his room.

October 17, 2003

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From the International File in Bremen, Germany comes the story of the most inept bozo we’ve come across in a while. The man broke into a lumberyard and destroyed the coffee machine looking for money before discovering it took only tokens, not cash. He failed to notice a large sign on the machine stating that fact. He then stole a mobile phone, which only worked on the grounds of the company. He also grabbed a cordless screwdriver but forgot to get the batteries and a charger. All this activity caused him to work up a thirst which he quenched with a can of coke that had been sitting on in one of the offices and was more than a year past its expiration date. The cops are looking for a bozo with a bellyache stuck with a lot of junk.

October 16, 2003

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Glen Snow for sending in today’s report. From Hendersonville, North Carolina comes the story of bozo Michael Landers who entered a sandwich shop wearing a mask and a cap over his head plus a pair of very baggy pants. When he grabbed for the cash register, he fell over the counter and then ran out of the restaurant without getting a dime. When some of the shop employees gave chase, our bozo attempted to climb over a fence and that’s when those baggy pants got him into trouble. The pants snagged on a fence post, leaving him hanging upside down. A customer and store employee made sure he stayed put until the cops could come by and unsnag him.

October 15, 2003

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Thanks to several Bozo News Hawks for sending in today’s report. From Stuart, Florida comes the story of bozo Shawn Baker who tried to purchase a hot dog and a beer at a convenience store. When the clerk asked our bozo if he was old enough to buy the beer, he showed her a gun tucked into his waistband. When she asked if the gun was real, our bozo put the gun and his ID in the money tray under the protective glass and slid it over. The clerk snatched the gun and called the cops while our bozo fled without paying for his hot dog and beer. And to make the case even easier for the cops he called back about 30 minutes later and asked if he could stop by and pick up his gun and ID. Police officers were waiting when he arrived.

October 14, 2003

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Jared Smith for sending in today’ report. From Orem, Utah comes the story of 18 year old bozo Thomas Ellis. One day last week the cops came knocking at hour bozo’s door with a warrant for the arrest of his 38 year old roommate. Our bozo allowed the officers into the apartment and after they made their arrest he became agitated. He asked the officers what right they had to come into the apartment and arrest his friend. They reminded him that he had allowed them in. At this point he sealed his place in the Bozo Hall of Fame. He asked the officers why didn’t they just go ahead and arrest him, too, since he had two outstanding warrants. After checking out his story, the officers granted him his wish.

October 13, 2003

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in London, England where Linda Robson was mugged outside her home. A thief on a bicycle suddenly appeared, punched her in the face, grabbed the plastic bag she was carrying and sped away. Boy, was he disappointed when he got to a safe place and took a look inside that bag. He didn’t find the valuables he was hoping for. You see, Linda’s new puppy had just had an "accident" inside the house and she had cleaned it up and was carrying it to the trash when our bozo surprised her and snatched the bag.

October 10, 2003

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Marshall Nabors for sending in today’s report, which comes from Muncie, Indiana where bozo Paul Livingston broke into a house and rummaged around, getting away with a few items. It was what our bozo left behind that got him into trouble. Police found the object and had no trouble tracking him down. Apparently he had lost it when he stumbled while inside the house. And exactly what was it that he had lost? His false teeth, which by Indiana law must have the owner’s name engraved on them.

October 9, 2003

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Mike Frank for sending in today’s report. From Wooster, Ohio comes the story of a teenager who was not really a criminal but he certainly qualifies as a first rate bozo. 18 year old Thomas Parker was showing off to some friends at the K-Mart where he worked when he bet them that he could fit into a four foot by two foot safe. After squeezing himself inside, the door was shut and, you guessed it, the safe locked. When they couldn’t get it open, the fire department and a locksmith were called. Our bozo was rescued, hot, sweaty and embarrassed but none the worse for wear.

October 8, 2003

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The parrots are at it again! Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Kiev, Ukraine where three thieves broke into an apartment. Moments after breaking in, the thieves heard a shout, "Stop! I’ll shoot!" Fearing for their lives, all three immediately dropped to the floor and didn’t move a muscle. They were still lying there a few minutes later when the owner of the apartment, a retired police officer, returned home. He called the cops. And that voice that so frightened the bozos–came from his trained parrot.

October 7, 2003

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Crescent City, California where an unidentified bozo stole Joe Francis’s truck from outside his workplace when Joe left the key in the ignition. It tended to stick and was hard to remove so often Joe just didn’t bother. This time it cost him. The following day he was on his way to a dealership to buy a new truck when he spotted his stolen truck headed the other way. He turned around and followed it until our bozo parked at his home and went inside. Our man Joe sneaked up and took a look into the truck and wouldn’t you know it, our bozo had left the key in the ignition. Joe stole his own truck and quickly called the cops on his cell phone. They came by and arrested our bozo.

October 6, 2003

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Farmington Hills, Michigan where bozo Karen Chester was obviously in need of a makeover. Bozo Karen held up a bank and got away with a substantial amount of cash. So she jumped into a getaway car and fled, right? Wrong. Maybe she just blended in with passersby and vanished? Nope. She walked into a hair salon next door and asked for the works, a hair cut and dye and new nails. Her day of beauty was interrupted when shop employees recognized her and called the cops.

October 3, 2003

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Donald Stephens for sending in today’s report. From Lincoln, Nebraska comes the story of bozo Dustin Raymond who is a junior studying biochemistry at the University of Nebraska. But, you can be well educated and still be a bozo as Dustin proved when he bragged about his success at stealing street signs to the Daily Nebraskan newspaper. He even went so far as to say one of the only ways to get caught is to hang the signs someplace stupid, like in a window. Yeah, or tell the story to the paper and let them take a picture of you with your stolen signs. He’s had another picture taken now. A mugshot. He’s been arrested for theft.

October 2, 2003

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Syracuse, New York where bozo Jeremy Lang had been posing as a police officer for quite some time. He would pull over motorists and lecture themon traffic violations, before sending them on their way. Real officers had heard of him but had never actually caught him in the act until last week. That’s when our bozo pulled over someone that wasn’t too pleased to hear his lecture. When his "collar" started to get a little hot under the collar, our bozo got nervous. And instead of letting him go, he called police headquarters to ask for backup. Real officers arrived and charged our Barney Fife wannabe with impersonating an officer.

October 1, 2003

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada where bozo Robert Tarver was only trying to help. Police were investigating a series of car break-ins in his apartment complex when our bozo invited the officers into his apartment. He explained that he had an outside video surveillance system that monitored the parking lot and he thought it might contain valuable information. When the officers entered, they were immediately overwhelmed by the smell of marijuana, which our bozo was apparently so used to that he didn’t even notice. The videotape turned out to be useless but the officers returned with a search warrant and busted him for possession of over $100,000 worth of pot, hashish and mushrooms.

September 30, 2003

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Monroe, Ohio where bozo Pamela Ralston was in possession of a stolen check. She used that check to buy groceries at the local supermarket and she might have gotten away with it all except for one thing. She decided to double dip. In addition to using the stolen check to buy groceries, she also used her supermarket discount card to save a few extra bucks. When authorities realized the check was stolen, it was easy to track it back to our bozo using the information she gave when she applied for the discount card. Oops. She’s under arrest.

September 29, 2003

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Dan Barcus for sending in today’s report. From Pasadena, Texas comes the story of bozo Rene Carta who made a number of mistakes last week. First, he took a car for a test drive from a dealership and never returned. Second, he used that car when he held up a bank. And third, he left his drivers license behind at the dealership when he took the car. He’s under arrest.

September 26, 2003

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Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Vienna, Austria where an unidentified bozo walked into a bank dressed as a woman, complete with high heels. He flashed a gun and demanded cash. After he got his money he walked gingerly out of the bank, teetering on those high heels. And that’s when he troubles began. A town employee, passing by on a lawn mower, had seen the whole thing and quickly gave chase. And in case you’re wondering, a man in a dress and high heels loses to a guy on a John Deere every time. He’s under arrest.

September 25, 2003

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Pete Unger for sending in today’s report. From Vernon, British Columbia, Canada comes the story of bozo Charles Hanson who held up a flower shop, getting away with a small amount of cash. Our bozo immediately took the money and went next door to the 7-11 to pick up some much needed supplies (probably a beer). As he was walking out he remembered he had left something important behind in the flower shop so he returned to pick it up. Bad idea. The police were already there investigating. And just what was it that was so important that he had left behind? His gun.

September 24, 2003

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Bozo criminal for today violated Bozo Rule Number 3311: When planning an escape, it’s usually a good idea to make the big guys go last. From the International File in Buenos Aires, Argentina comes the story of a group of prisoners who where attempting a mass jail break through a 12 inch diameter hole they had punched in the ceiling. Five of them had made it through when bozo Roque Vivas made his attempt. Now, Roque weighs about 225 and that 12 inch diameter hole was way too small for him but he gave it a try anyway. And of course you know what happened. He got stuck. The two dozen other prisoners that were hoping to escape had to put their plans on hold and call for prison guards to help free our bozo.