Well, They Don’t Take Checks, So…
Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Mike Sheffield for sending in today’s report from Ashland, Louisiana. It seems bozo Stormy Parker showed up at the jail to pay the bond fee for a friend that was being held on drug charges. A nice thing to do, right? Well, maybe not. As the cops were counting out the $5000 in cash they noticed a familiar aroma. The money smelled strongly of marijuana which led the cops to search her car where they found $40,000 more in cash inside, along with about 100 Klonopin pills and a food stamp card that wasn’t registered to her. A search of her residence turned up hundreds of additional pills and cash as well as marijuana, cocaine and paraphernalia. She’s busted! Charged with multiple counts of possession with intent to distribute drugs, four counts of illegal use of a controlled drug in the presence of persons under 17, taking contraband to or into a correctional institution and other related charges. No word on the fate of her friend.