July 8, 2009

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Concord, California, where bozo Terrol Casey had successfully robbed a number of banks by concealing his face with a ski mask and threatening the teller with a gun. Cops had little to go on, except for the unusual tattoo, which appeared to be a dark blotch, on his wrist. A former girlfriend recognized the blotch and came forward to identify him. She may have had an ulterior motive, though. That blotch on his wrist used to be her name…he had it tattooed over at the request of his new girlfriend. You know what they say about a woman scorned. He’s under arrest.

July 7, 2009

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Largo, Florida, where bozo Thomas Taylor was to appear in court for a pretrial hearing on charges of selling cocaine. As he was passing through the courthouse metal detector, he spotted an expensive watch that the man behind him had placed into basket of the machine. He snatched it and went on to his court appearance. When the man complained that his watch was missing, the security tape was played back and our bozo was identified. He was arrested in the courtroom and charged with grand theft.

July 6, 2009

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Barbara Goldstein for sending in today’s report. From Chesapeake, Virginia, comes the story of bozo Nathaniel Ferguson who pulled off a heist at a local Sears store, stealing nine iPods and two containers containing donations for needy military families. For reasons known only to the Bozo Mind, he recorded the whole thing on his cell phone. He then sent that video to an ex-girlfriend, offering to give her one of the iPods as a gift. Instead of calling him back, she called the cops. He’s under arrest.

July 3, 2009

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(Best of Bozo) Bozo criminal for today comes from the International File in Linz, Austria. An unidentified bozo was trying to break into a nursery when his foot got caught in a crack as he was entering through a window. There he was, stuck, half in and half out of the building. Not seeing any other way out of his predicament, he maneuvered around so that he could reach his cell phone and called…the cops! They were glad to come by and free him before arresting him.

July 2, 2009

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Randy Shereda for sending in today’s report. From Deltona, Florida, comes the story of two teenage bozos who were walking down the street at 4 AM when a patrol car approached. They told the officer they were looking for a friend’s house but were having trouble finding it. They then asked for a ride home, but not before telling him they were aspiring rappers and performing a little rap and dance routine for him. It was then the officer noticed an electronic device and power cord stuffed into one of our bozos pants. A quick search of their pants turned up several cell phones and GPS devices, and a package of Pop Tarts. All of which had been reported stolen in a number of vehicle break-ins in the neighborhood. They’re busted!

July 1, 2009

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Salt Lake City, Utah, where bozo Robert Baldwin was pulled over by the cops for driving erratically and not having his lights on. It was when the officer asked if he was having some sort of problem that he came up with the Bozo Excuse of the Month. He told the officer that he was from the planet Alpha Omega and he was just "getting his binge on." The officer didn’t see the humor in his answer. He’s been charged with driving under the influence.

June 30, 2009

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Tallahassee, Florida, where bozo Robert Wells pulled up to the drive-thru window of his bank and made a $200 deposit. Unfortunately, he also deposited something else…a small baggie containing marijuana and cocaine. The teller alerted the cops and he was busted.

June 29, 2009

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Bozo criminal for today basically did everything but arrest himself. From Kalamazoo, Michigan, comes the story of bozo Charles Hathaway who apparently broke into a business. It’s not exactly clear what he got away with but what is clear is that a short time after the break-in, for reasons known only to the Bozo Mind, he showed up at the Department of Public Safety bleeding from cuts on his arms and hands. He told the cops that he had seen someone breaking into the building, and, wanting to help, had climbed inside and scuffled with the intruder. Investigators discovered there was no intruder and our Bozo Witness was actually the Bozo Burglar. Oops. He’s under arrest.

June 26, 2009

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Bozo criminals for today come from West Hartford, Connecticut, where a homeowner returned home to find a strange bicycle on his porch and the front door standing open. As he approached, our three bozo burglars fled through a side window, leaving the bicycle behind. The homeowner called the cops and while they were investigating, who should come sneaking up onto the porch to try to retrieve the bicycle but our bozos. They’re under arrest.

June 25, 2009

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Torquay, England, where bozo James Flint broke into a residence and stole several items, including a cell phone. The next day he used that cell phone to call himself a cab. What he didn’t know was that the phone he stole belonged to a cabdriver for the very cab company he called. The phone operator recognized the cabbies name on caller ID, and, being aware of the break-in, dispatched the cops rather than a cab. He’s busted.

June 24, 2009

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The hot weather seems to be affecting everyone, even our bozos. From Irving, Texas comes the story of Bozo Thomas Phillips who was in the back seat of a car that was pulled over by the cops for a traffic violation. When he saw the cops approaching, he jumped out of the car and ran into a nearby Kroger store. The cops found him hiding inside one of the store’s walk in freezers. He’s now cooling his heels in jail after the officers found he had several outstanding warrants.

June 23, 2009

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Bozo criminals for today come from the International File in Guildford, England, where a team of bozos held up a jewelry store, getting away with $99,000 in jewelry. Two bozos actually pulled off the heist, while our third bozo waited in the getaway car, a high powered Alfa Romeo. The theft went according to plan, but a witness was able to get a description of the getaway car and the license plate number and soon the cops were in hot pursuit. They probably wouldn’t have been able to keep up with the souped up Alfa except for the fact that the getaway driver seemed to be going for some sort of safe driving award. He abided by all the posted speed limits and never so much as ran a stoplight. It didn’t take long for the cops to catch up and place our bozos under arrest.

June 22, 2009

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Perhaps it was a desire to truly look like a bozo that led to our criminal’s demise today. From Peekskill, New York, comes the story of bozo Eduardo Lopez who burglarized a home, getting away with a digital camera and computer equipment. The homeowner woke up just in time to get a glimpse of our bozo as he fled. The one thing that really stood out was the hair…a big mop of it dyed a very bright, almost glow-in-the-dark red. A description was sent to local police departments and a short time later an officer noticed our bozo and his hair getting off a city bus. He’s busted!

June 19, 2009

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Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Sam Whitaker for sending in today’s report. From Etna Green, Indiana, comes the story of two bozos who were attempting to break into a residence when the homeowner returned and surprised them. They ran off when he approached but they left one of their "tools" behind…a credit card they were using to try to jimmy the door open. A credit card that belonged to one of our bozos. Busted!

June 18, 2009

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Bozo criminals for today violated Bozo Rule Number 37494: Before robbing a place, make certain they actually have what you’re looking for. From Salt Lake City, Utah, comes the story of an unidentified bozo who burst into the Black Diamond Equipment Company, threatened the manager with an ice pick and demanded precious jewels, metals and money. His plan would have worked a lot better if the Black Diamond Equipment Company had actually sold diamonds, like he thought. In reality, they sell rock- climbing equipment. Oops…

June 17, 2009

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Bozo criminal for today comes from East Brookfield, Massachusetts, where bozo Noreen Miller was pulled over after an officer noticed her driving erratically. She smelled of alcohol and he saw an open pint of vodka in her purse. It was when he requested that she get out of the car that she came up with the Bozo Question of the Week. She asked the officer if this was going to take long, as she was already late for her Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. She’ll have to re-schedule. She’s under arrest.

June 16, 2009

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We have today our first ever Bozo Incompetence Award. From the International File in Buenos Aires, Argentina, comes the story of bozo counterfeiter Marcos Ribles who was on trial for printing up some fake 100 Peso Argentinian notes as well as a fake U.S. $50 bill. The judge looked at the bills and said they had such shoddy printing and poor quality paper that no one would ever think they were real. In fact, they were so bad, he dismissed all charges against our hapless bozo.

June 15, 2009

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Bozo criminals for today come from Boca Raton, Florida, where police were called to an apartment complex after residents reported a possible break-in. One of our bozos had been seen entering an apartment through a window while his accomplice used a cell phone to shine light inside. The cops quickly nabbed our "inside" bozo and as they were questioning him, he received a text message from our "outside" bozo, advising him that he was hiding from the cops near the swimming pool. They’ve both been charged with burglary and possession of marijuana.

June 12, 2009

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***Check out Dave Moreland’s Bozo Criminal of the Day on Facebook***Bozo criminal for today comes from Santa Rosa, California, where 28 year-old Kayte Thompson and three of her girlfriends stopped at a convenience store to buy beer. As Kayte reached into the cooler Bozo Paul Ellis came up behind her and snatched her wallet from her other hand. He made a quick exit through the front door with Kayte in hot pursuit. As he jumped on his bicycle to attempt his getaway, Kayte tossed the 12-pack of Miller Lite bottles shot-put style in his direction. She scored a direct hit, knocking our bozo off his bicycle. He’s busted!

June 11, 2009

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Bozo criminal for today comes from Athens, Georgia, where bozo Zachary Jones pulled up to a police cruiser at 9 o’clock the other morning and asked the officer inside if he could check and see if there were any warrants for his arrest. The officer said he would, but first he’d need to see his drivers license. Our bozo dug around in his pockets and all he could come up with was an ID card. The officer ran his name and discovered that his license had been suspended. That’s when our bozo offered the most intelligent observation we’ve heard in a while. He said to the officer, "It would probably be best if I went to jail." He got his wish.