Well, You Don’t Expect Me To Leave It For the Tow Truck Guy, Do You?

  • 1 min read
Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Fred McKinney for sending in today’s report from Bakersfield, Missouri. It seems bozo Jared Ferguson was pulled over on a routine traffic stop. When it was determined that our bozo did not have insurance on the vehicle the officer informed him the car would have to be towed. Another deputy told him that, since it was so hot, he would give him a ride back to his residence. Great, said our bozo, just let me grab something out of the back of the car. OK. That something turned out to be some canned vegetables and a bucket of marijuana. Lots of marijuana, over a pound, multiple baggies of methamphetamine weighing 43 grams, a scale, a broken glass pipe and a cell phone. Busted! Charged with felony drug trafficking and unlawful possessing of drug paraphernalia with intent to use.