First, Stop, Drop and Roll

  • 1 min read

Thanks to Bozo News Hawk Anthony Lucero for sending in today’s report from Albuquerque, New Mexico, where a citizen called to report the residence next door was on fire. And she knew exactly what had happened. She told the cops that our bozo showed up on her security camera approaching the property’s fence with a five-gallon gas can in hand. He jumped the fence and poured the gas around three vehicles that were parked in the driveway. So far so good. Then, he struck a match. The gas ignited the cars and quickly spread to the house, but unfortunately it also ignited our bozo. Video shows him hopping around trying to extinguish the flames before jumping the fence again and speeding away in a truck parked just down the street. To fill in the details, it was another case of love gone bad. The cars and residence belonged to his ex-girlfriend, who was not injured. Based on the video evidence, an arrest is pending.